Maps and Legends by Rachel Anton & Laura Blaurosen [recced by Severina]

Feb 02, 2008 21:59

Title: Maps and Legends
Written by: Rachel Anton & Laura Blaurosen
Timeframe: Post Season Three
Word Count: 10 Chapters
Rating: NC-17 [rated by reccer]
Warnings: AU
Why I Recommend This Fic:
I'm sure that everyone and their dogs have already read this absolutely fabulous story, but I simply can't compile a list of my favourite QaF fanfic (which is, after all, what qaf_faves is for ayesakara and I) without including it. This story was written during the S3 hiatus (I believe), so it's canon up till then and then veers into AU territory, as Brian and Justin head out on a road trip. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that this is the ultimate Brian-and-Justin-go-on-a-road-trip fic. It's wonderfully in character, it's creative, it's got a smattering of angst and oodles of love, and it also contains one of the FUNNIEST scenes in QaF fic history. So if you haven't read it, do so now. And if you have already read it, read it again and remind yourself of how exhilarating and exciting and thrilling really great fanfic can be.

Read the story here:
Maps and Legends by Rachel Anton & Laura Blaurosen

fic, recs: severina, post season three, laura blaurosen, rachel anton

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