I saw The Martian last night.
I liked it!
It's... pretty much exactly what I was expecting, and I mean that in the best way. It's the story of an astronaut stuck on Mars, trying to survive, and having to problem-solve extensively to try and figure out how to do so.
The Earth-side actors pleasantly surprised me. Obviously Damon is good, but it's not a 'one person on his own' film. I mean, it *is*, but the movie covers not just the person left on Mars but also the reactions and plans made on how to handle it- and it's handled very well.
It's tense without being overbearing or claustrophobic. There's a sense of danger, but it knows when to breath.
The science and problem solving is very good, it's one of the best portrayals of science- not just in accuracy, but in having characters stop to figure stuff out and try things- I've seen in films.
Rating: A
P.S. Very few things seem to mention that the writer also made two webcomics,
Casey and Andy and
Cheshire Crossing. They're both good,