
What's Goin' On

Jun 08, 2009 08:14

Just a quick update...
- GP still doesn't know what's wrong with me, wants to send me to an ENT. Local once can't see me till October, though ENT in Barrie can see me the end of July. Have doctor's note to be off work at least till end of July. (Keep in mind my EI runs out Aug 11th.)
- Saw a homeopath, who suggested I am glutten-intolerant/sensitive. Have gone for coeliac test, and been cutting down on glutten intake. (That means no wheat, rye, barley, oats, or anything made from them, like bread, pasta, beer, whiskey, etc., also food that use these thigns as fillers, such as soy sauce, chocolate bars, shampoo!) If I do turn out to essentially be allergic to glutten, some things are gonna be harder to give up than others. There's often expensive alternatives, though it might be easier to just eat rice the rest of my life. (Le sigh)
- The Bat Mitzvah is coming up. I didn't have a very long guest list (for myself, as opposed to my sister's or mom's lists), and I'm surprised how many people are NOT coming. Maybe they don't realize what kind of once-in-a-lifetime event this is for me. It'd be like telling someone you can't go to their wedding because you forgot to save an extra $30 to make sure you had a way to get there. One of the most upsetting no-shows is a particular friend who is very spiritual, who actually contributed to my return to Judaism (though he's not Jewish himself). I know a fair number of people (who are mutual friends) feel that he's lost part of himself since he started dating his current girlfriend (who he's been with for a few years, and will probably marry eventually). The fact that she wants to go to a Solstice party (the kind of thing that happens every year, and is not the only one she has scheduled for this Summer Solstice), meaning he can't come (even without her), really, really bothers me. Like, I was hoping he'd actually say one of the prayers, but he's not even coming at all. Thinking about this has made me cry more than once so far, so let's move on... Right, the Bat Mitzvah. Holy hell, is my mom stressed; she's high-strung to begin with, so this is just tense for all of us. There's also a TONNE of food (put it like the measurement, rather than "ton" because it might just way that much). We're figuring about 100+ guests (though there aren't nearly that many seats)! *lol* I think it'll be a good time, though. (I'm hoping that'll be one of my "good" days.) There are some people I might have invited (who might even read this), but if I didn't, it's because I figured you wouldn't be able to make it (for instance, because you work most weekends, or have child care to arrange)..
- I was accepted to go to Israel for Birthright (thank God, 'cause this summer's the last time I'm eligible), but if I'm not better soon, I won't be able to go. Travelling internationally isn't normally a good idea when you're already suffering from a mysterious illness (or two). So I'm almost kinda hoping it is glutten-intolerance, because at least then it's something I can deal with (even though it's difficult and somewhat expensive).

I'm spending a fair bit of time thinking about my friends, and my life, etc. but I don't often feel well enough to really socialize (I find myself avoiding the phone and using the computer only sporadically). So if you're reading this, just know I'm thinking about you.

P.S. I'm in the computer room, where we have a desk with a pull-out keyboard shelf. We now have a flat-screen monitor, though, so there's a fair bit of space on the actual desk top. Jetsia (our black cat, you can see pics on Facebook) has stretched herself along that space, on top of pens, papers, and I think even earphones, though her back legs are of course hanging off the edge, and is sleeping/purring away this whole time. She's such a cutie!

health, work, travel, update, life, sick, israel, family

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