Apr 06, 2009 17:50
I haven't posted in a while, so I probably won't provide much details on each thing that's happened, since it's been quite a bit... Let's see...
- The Feb long weekend, my mom and sister came down, and we went wedding dress shopping over the border (for my sister). Found her an awesome dress, etc. etc.
- Since we were all going up to OS for some time, I left my car parked outside my sister's place in Guelph. While I was gone, the car was side-swiped, and I need to replace the side mirror. New, they are up to $300, so I have spent some time tracking down a used one, and am now struggling to find the time to actually take it in to get fixed.
- Don't remember if I wrote about how Dana & I decided we make better friends than roommates, so I'm moving out. Need to be out by end of April; she's already found someone to take my place.
- Thought I'd found a place to sublet for the summer; the girl agreed, I was coming by Wed to drop off the money and sign stuff when she said she was going to go with someone else, who was going to take over her full lease (rather than just part of the monthly total). While I can understand her reasoning, so she doesn't have to pay the extra $175-ish difference, she had told me in no uncertain terms that I could have it, and I'd already told other places that I'd found something. So I worked through my bitterness, and started the process all over again.
- Have found a place. Besides the one school year I lived in Thorold, this will be the furthest I've lived from downtown, but it's near lots of amenities and the golf course, so it's nice and quiet. Once bedroom, decent size; it's a basement apartment, but well sound-proofed, and the couple upstairs seem nice, not much older than me. It's empty right no, so I've arranged to get access for the 15th, and move most of my stuff the weekend of the 18th (anyone wanna help?! Will pay in food, drink, and undying gratitude!)...
- The idea was supposed to be that I would have the extra time to move the last little bit of my stuff throughout the last two weeks of April, but now Dana has asked if the new roommate can move in before May 1st. She doesn't seem to think I should get money for doing that, since I'm technically paying for both places until the end of April 30th, and if I'm going to be rushed, I'd like my money back, then, to make up for that.
- Went up to OS a few weeks ago; woke up covered in hives! Went to the doctor my parents see; he told me to take some meds, sent me some blood work, and gave me a requisition for a nuc med scan and ultrasound. (According to the requisition, my liver is "palpable"... not to be confused with "palatable"!) I've also had wicked heartburn the past few weeks, something I rarely get. My mom's deciphering of the requisition has revealed that I may have a hernia and/or other issues that are usually resolved thru surgery. Aren't I lucky?!
- I was originally thinking of looking for another job, and that's why subletting for the summer would have worked for me, since I wasn't sure if I'd stay in the area. I've decided I'll stay in this job for now, and definitely in the area for now. I've got a car, so that gives me a fair bit of mobility, anyway.
- Went to Colorado for a week, for work. "Trainer Certification." Got back very late Saturday. Flying there was no fun; I've been sick, and vomitted multiple times on the way there (starting with the car ride to the Buffalo airport). Overall, had a pretty good time while there, despite being sick, and tentatively getting along with the three other girls from my office who went. Learned A LOT. Got a massive migraine the last day, couldn't do my final presentation, so am not "certified" -- the entire point of the week. Don't know yet what that means for work. Tried e-mailing my manager a few times while in CO -- got a whole two sentences back. One of the biggest realizations from this week: that pretty much everything I hate about my job is a result of my training manager (not to be confused with my production manager). I would love to sit down with her to discuss some of these issues; unfortunately, one of those frustrating things is her unwillingness/inability to commit to a meeting. Since I'm going up to OS this coming weekend for Passover (and medical tests), I'm going to see if I can meet with her manager to discuss these issues. I'd rather not come across as a "rat", but if she won't talk to me about it, how am I supposed to get anywhere?
- Except for my cold/flu, which I had before I left, and the migraine on Friday, my health wasn't too bad in CO. Heartburn Saturday night was so bad that it woke me up, and kept me from falling back to sleep for more than 20-30 minute intervals. Needed to call in sick today to catch up on resting; considered going to a walk-in clinic, but I think I'll be okay for tomorrow.
- Also, developed mother of all cold sores just as we were leaving Colorado, and didn't have proper medication on me, so had to wait until I got home. Look like my face is trying to melt off the one side of my mouth, or something. Ugh.
- Dana used my car while I was gone, which I'm really upset about, but haven't figured out how to tell her about without just screaming at her. I got a text message from her while I was in CO asking to use my car, but I couldn't tell when she sent it. She wanted to drive to Hamilton to meet her grandparents for their anniversary. Here's the thing: if they're already driving all the way to Hamilton, couldn't someone from her family have come to get her? Also, she's said some things since I got back to indicate she used my car for more than that, which also pisses me off, because she didn't even ASK about anything else. Before I left, I wrote down the kilometres and gas, but can't find that paper. I do know the tripometre was in the 300's though, and now it's in the 500's, which means she drove an awful lot while I was gone. Also, it was just above a quarter tank when I left, and it's only a smidgeon above that now; she says she put in like $25 dollars -- so she then drove about $24 worth?! Yep, that about adds up to 150+ km, knowing my car. At this point, I really just want my spare car key back, because clearly I can't trust her with it.
- She was swearing and screaming at me earlier today about using her computer or wiping out her passwords or something, but I have no idea what she's talking about. I have my own computer (which I'm using right now, funnily enough), and would have no need to use hers, or to do anything on it with her passwords or somesuch. She was saying how she doesn't "even know why I'm fucking lying" but there's only so many ways to say "I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't use your computer", and apparently all the ways I tried sounded false. Maybe she's getting paranoid about trusting me, since she knows she did things she shouldn't have with my stuff? I don't know. I understand she's got a lot going on her life right now (things that aren't my place to share with the world), but she's gotten extra self-centred lately, and it's really, REALLY frustrating. Especially since I'd LIKE to leave as friends, not bitter enemies.
- Before I left for Colorado, I was in touch with Scotia Bank, who apparently think I owe them thousands of dollars for a student loan I never got from them. I asked them to send me copies of the original load documents an consolidation form; they sent it to the wrong addres, but luckily I got them as I came back to town. The original form is a signature that's not mine, and the consolidation form DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A SIGNATURE! I am so ready to call them and rip them to shreds, I swear! This is negatively affecting my credit, and it's money I never got, and never agreed to pay back (nor did anyone else, pretending to be me, either)!
- The only other thing I can think of that's been going on with me, really, is that I read the "His Dark Materials" trilogy by Philip Pullman (the first book is "The Golden Compass"). It was really good, but definitely not what I was expecting. I haven't seen the movie, but I think I will; I'm curious to see how they've translated a lot of those things to film. It was a lot more religious than I thought it would be; I wouldn't be surprised if this anthology is banned by the Catholic church, and southern US states.
- Also, all day, Edgbert (Dana's cat) was been coming up to cuddle with me, then inevitably gets cranky, tries to bite me, and runs away. Twenty minutes later or so, repeat. Very strange. I think she's about to enter the "biting" stage of this pattern, again.
- Oh yeah, and the parking thing... Long story short, not too long ago the landlord finally gave each apartment a designated parking spot. (Who I will refer to as) "Red car bitch" had obviously wanted my spot, and got the one beside it instead. She frequently parked so close to me that I couldn't get out if I parked in the centre of my spot. More than once, I had to climb in the passenger side when I went to leave. I started taking pictures (not every time, but if my hands were free, or she was especially over the line, etc.)... the ONE time I was over the line into her spot, she complained, and the landlord contacted me... I wrote him a nice long email back, photos included. Guess who now has to park beside the dumpster? Hint: it's not me. That's why some of you may have noticed my FB status not too long ago: "The best part of being RIGHTEOUS is being RIGHT."
Anyway, I should probably do more packing, though I'm definitely not in the mood. I really wish I had a significant other right now, (though of course our activities would be limited by my mini-face-explosion, *le sigh*). I could really use a good cuddle session, the kind that reminds you there are good things and good people in this world, and there is hope you'll be part of that goodness again.