Wow, so I rushed to the bus terminal, but missed the 3:45 bus up to Brock. Caught the next one, rushed to a computer lab, only to discover my attachment hadn't properly saved, so I could not print my letter for OSAP here, either. Then went to the OCH office to post my listing (Wanted: Roommate), but it's already closed. Fan-fucking-tastic! I filled
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Shawna is a good person and a FANTASTIC friend who would do anything for the people she cares about, including Erin. And Erin FUCKED her over, and she knows it deep down inside. There is NO WAY in HELL that Shawna would have EVER agreed to have Jamie sign that lease and move into her home NO MATTER WHAT. Last ditch option or not. I know this for a fact. This was not a matter that was up for discussion.
Also, as for Shawna "villifying" Erin in her LJ... she has EVERY right to say whatever she wants in here, public forum or not, this is still her journal. Her thoughts; her feelings, and you if you were any kind of human being you would know that you have no opinion that matters on people's thoughts and/or feelings. They are for that person and that person only. It's a lovely thing though, the internet.... because if it wasn't for the world wide web, I would not have the privilege/oppurtunity to tell what a COMPLETE AND UTTER FUCKING INSENSITIVE FUCK YOU ARE.
I'm not sure how you can skew the events into some twisted view to make Shawna the victim here. Ok, some things bad happened. Yes, it happens. It will happen. That doesn't mean that Shawna is in ANY light innocent of wrong doing, nor does has Erin made an attempt to "fuck her over"
I tried to stay out of this all. I like to stay as a neutral party, especially since I have to work alongside Shawna in the coming year at Brock, but you know what? I've had enough. I thought all this bull shit drama was supposed to end when we left high school. Oh how wrong I have been. It's much, much worse.
When a good friend of mine calls me up, quite obviously distressed (which doesn't happen alot to a guy with more energy than a hyena on pop rocks) because he has 2 weeks to find a new place to live, since he was just told that he was being taken to COURT over his housing, there's something wrong.
Your comment was evidence enough of the 2 sides that are forming here. Erin is being civil, she didn't go ranting on about her side of the story (because even if you can't admit it, there ARE 2 sides here.) because Shawna had asked her not to. Shawna, on the other hand has done the opposite and posted every other day about how much Erin is the incarnate of evil and deserves to burn for her sins against humanity.Jon (arien) made a civil (albeit a bit snide, but nothing to the level Shawna has been) comment trying to give the story from the other side, and YOU explode swearing and calling him names.
Everyone needs to grow up and have a little bit of common sense.
We're all adults, and things can be sorted out if everyone sits down, shuts up, and has a little bit of decency.
I know that this post of yours has little to do with me, but I just needed to say one thing.
I thought you were a decent person. You may actually be one, but I just can't see it any more.
sorry... a few things, (this deserves an explanation)
After we first met, I thought you were someone who was just a little 'in your face'. People are free to do what they want, I don't condemn you for that. I condemn you for the simple fact that I, having never done anything to Shawna, got cold glares and 'not so friendly comments' from you. At the time I was willing to let it go, because you only heard Shawna's side and are obviously very protective of her. I happen to be protective of my friends as well.
The last thing I have to say (which I, as most can attest to, never say) is... da da da DAAAA!!!
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