Aug 21, 2009 15:11
so two friends recently took over the lease of a local bar. they brought me into the fold and i was looking forward to it. we're calling it Fubar. every time they're working on it, i'm always at work, and when i'm available they're at work. that bums me out. i was looking forward to promoting something and creating new events and putting on good shows. recently, it seems like i need to find out what direction they're planning to take the bar in and what my exact role is. they had me getting the word out and stuff with a myspace page, but now one of 'em changed the password and is the only one to have access to it. bummer.
some thoughts:
You always hear about bank robbers, but what about banker robbers? like hand the teller a note that says "this is a hold up. not the bank, just you. gimme yer money." it'd be a less serious crime, but more personal.
i think mormons, LDS, and jehovah's witnesses should only go door to door on Halloween. really go for maximum interaction. everyone's bound to open their door and if they're not interested, you could always say, "just kidding! trick or treat!!"