Apr 08, 2008 22:24
We played our second and final game in our club championship tonight. A lot was riding on this game; we were in the "A" division finals for the main club competition, the one everyone strives to win.
Unfortunately, we went down with two straight losses. One consolation I can take from tonight's game was that we showed up at least. Unlike Sunday's disastrous game, we played very well, with the lead see-sawing back and forth the whole game. It was a game in which I was proud to play.
I can also take consolation in the fact that just being in any of the three finals (A, B, C) is an accomplishment. Being in the A final means that you are one of 8 top players in the club, your team plus the other four that comprise the opposition.
Finally, I can take consolation in the fact that I've won it once already and that I'm bound to get a few more kicks at that particular can in the years to come.
We will get the runners-up prize while our opponents get the glory, the win and their names on the shield. Congrats to them, they deserved it.
Now all I have to do is to finish all the other competitions in which I'm entered, play a couple of "fun" days and go to the closing party. No problem. As long as I get some sleep afterwards. :-)
Thank goodness I've got some time off coming to me in May. I'm going to need it.