(no subject)

May 26, 2007 14:06

As described earlier, I'm an optometrist's worst (financial) nightmare, having gotten hard contact lenses over three decades ago and then just sticking with them, getting (extremely) occasional mail-order replacements and so on. Unfortunately, the way these things are handled seems to have changed, because the last time I tried ordering a pair online they just did not come out right, and now today I've managed to lose a lens, with no more spares to be found.

So now I have an eye-doctor appointment set for 6pm, though considering the above history I fear that no matter what I do or say it's going to come across as sort of an involuntary case of "freaking the mundanes". As it is I'm going to copy and paste and edit and print this message so that I can just show it to people in the office instead of repeatedly having to explain myself.

Oh well. And I have so much work to do this weekend that would have gone a bit more smoothly if one eye wasn't limited to the "have to hold a book inches in front of my face to read it" state, not to mention the time lost searching for the lens, searching for spares, having to go out for the appointment.

Followup: Well *that* was certainly a pleasant surprise. Some years back when I had a burst blood vessel in one eye and stopped in at an optometrist's office to check on it, after I said that I hadn't been to an eye doctor in a very long time, the whole time I was there he treated me in a pretty rude and lecturing way. But tonight, well, to sound really shallow about it, when I walked into the office and saw the people working there it was like hello gaydar, hello cleavage, hello lip piercing, hello cute and friendly doctor, OK, I guess I can relax. What I can't do so well is see what I'm typing -- with my pupils so dilated, my right eye in particular seems to be seeing everything through a jar of vaseline. Anyway, among other things the doctor said my eyes looked *really* good and healthy, and soon I'll have new contact lenses.


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