holy shit yesterday was the most amazing day
i love my friends
i love my girlfriend
(i have a girlfriend)
i love everyone
ok first, international day. was supposed to meet up with ms. earle earlier in the day but i woke up late so i ended up getting there about ten minutes before it actually started. had to use the huge bulky camera since my dad took the good one, but it was kind of cool because i had to wear it around my neck and it made me feel totally professional even though it actually sucks. THEY HAD A YO-YO BALLOON FISHING THING THIS YEAR and that made me ridiculously happy since i haven't seen one of those in i don't know how long. rebecca and ruri worked at the gyotaku booth for a bit, though i didn't really hang around there much since it was kind of boring. there was some booth selling like foreign soda which looked like REALLY RETRO and really nasty and rusty but also really cool, so i payed $1 for just the bottle and then dumped out the actual soda since it didn't look sanitary. met with ms. earle briefly to go over senior options stuff, then went to see kyara getting dunked in the senior dunk tank. i had wanted to sign up for it but i forgot, but after hearing kyara shrieking about how cold it was i felt a bit better hahaha.
ben's mom gave us all these idk OGRE MASK THINGS that were really cool looking so we ran around with those for a bit and then rebecca dragged me off, resulting in me officially having a girlfriend kind of. seems like a bit of a regression from having a fiancée, except it's real this time and i actually have a real girlfriend like for real and i don't really know what to think because i don't actually get it? but hey. it's a good thing, right? i guess it doesn't really matter what it entails, but i feel pretty cool so i guess that's good. she's sleeping over sunday night and then we're going to the city with kyara and
nanaryuu, so i'm looking forward to that. we are both total noobs at this so uh it'll probably be kind of extremely awkward but that's ok hahaha idk i'm sure i'll have a lot to say eventually
went home to a computer that no longer runs windows, so i ended up playing around with linux for a bit. using linux makes me feel really cool even though i have no idea what i'm doing. rebecca says i'm now allowed to be a prick about os which i feel like being except i'm still so used to windows and will probably keep using it once it's fixed (though maybe i'll see about slowly moving over)
laramie project at 7:00. it was good. amazing, really. kind of makes me wish i'd done it too, but being able to watch everyone was also a great experience. andre was fantastic. kyara was fantastic. isaac was fantastic. adrian was fantastic. everyone except maybe a few were amazing, and even the subpar actors didn't really ruin anything. there were a lot of people i had either not known could act or had seen in previous roles and thought they couldn't really act but i was really, really impressed with the whole thing and it was fucking ridiculous. also random but i coincidentally found out right before going to see the show that jeremy davies played jedadiah schultz in the movie (which i went and watched today and saw amy madigan as reggie and i was like JAAAAAANE)
grace had called earlier to see if i wanted to watch iron man 2 after the show, so in the end we got ross and kyara and andre and rebecca and grace and we all went to watch it. it was actually not that bad considering the bad reviews i'd heard. it wasn't AMAZING but it was FUN and that's all that i really wanted. we got a shitton of popcorn and it made me feel american. after we finished andre runs up to us and is all THERE'S A SHOWING OF ROBIN HOOD STARTING LIKE RIGHT NOW. LIKE... RIGHT NOW. except grace and i ran in and realized that it had just finished, not just started. we figured we'd stick around and sneak into the next show, but rebecca had to go home so kyandre left to drive her and we were supposed to help them sneak back into the theater when they were back. but then i checked and realized there was no showing of robin hood after this one, so i called them and they said they'd go home. so that left me, ross, and grace, and we decided we didn't want to fucking go home.
so. three high school seniors at 1:00 am in may. fuck you, we're not going to any fucking bars or anything, we're going to fucking PATHMARK. except it closed like two minutes after we got there so in the end we spent about an hour running around in an empty parking lot blasting music and talking about i don't even know what awesome stuff, and WE PROBABLY LOOKED TOTALLY HIGH which is why at one point a police car actually drove over to check on us, except we were only high on life which is legal, i think.