(no subject)

Mar 24, 2011 20:23

JUNE06.13.10 ❖ post zuko bumps into katara and things turn ugly; jet gets involved and the three get sent to the headmaster's office after being caught
06.14.10 ❖ thread zuko, katara, jet are forced to spend the night in the infirmary; things almost get out of hand again
06.14.10 ❖ thread zuko bumps into azula in the courtyard; they discuss time line crossovers and zuko has unfinished business with katara
06.22.10 ❖ post an awkward encounter between jet and zuko in the boys shower; it leads to zuko shouting out insecurities and the past coming back
06.27.10 ❖ thread sokka and zuko bump into each other in the cafeteria and sokka thinks it's wise to HUG ZUKO; katara gets involved because that's how water tribe rolls
06.29.10 ❖ post azula, zuko, katara and sokka ... all in a swimming class together; it doesn't go so well and zuko has to stop his crazy sister a number of time from somehow hurting the siblings

JULY07.08.10 ❖ thread gakupo seems to have an allergy to dirt, or thinks his hands are unclean
07.22.10 ❖ thread looks like aang's arrived in garden! and he's a walking bundle of information from the future; zuko finds out he becomes the fire lord and had defeated azula
07.26.10 ❖ thread tension over the BBS with grell of all people
07.28.10 ❖ post zuko receives an anonymous note to meet in the training center; it's from sokka who wants to try to make zuko a good guy again; more future revelations and ... katara talk

AUGUST08.05.10 ❖ thread selphie's birthday; zuko hates parties but goes; bumps into azula there, they discuss katara which leads to a talk about their mother and azula promptly exits stage right
08.13.10 ❖ thread gets caught spying on katara; confusing discussion turns heated, they fight; katara falls into the creek, takes zuko down with her; toph SANDbends, they end up locking lips unexpectedly
08.16.10 ❖ thread zuko thinks a fight club is pointless and says so
08.16.10 ❖ thread dance class; zuko and katara are paired up; there's arguing, awkwardness, blushing, stammering; then zuko storms out, katara follows; training center, zuko challenges a t-rexaur, lands up with a broken collarbone
08.22.10 ❖ post BACKDATED TO 08/16 - atla gang all gather in the infirmary, zuko's unconscious; he wakes, katara tends to him
08.31.0 ❖ post zuko talks with aang, forced to sit out and watch; zuko learns that he took katara on a life-changing field trip
08.31.10 ❖ thread zuko's paired up with katara in home ec, they're growing plants; zuko picks calla lilies, she helps him out, he ends up getting sick, she ends up knocking him out unconscious for something he says

SEPTEMBER12.08.10 ❖

OCTOBER01.01.11 ❖

NOVEMBER02.27.11 ❖

DECEMBER03.01.11 ❖


!ac, !witches reign

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