
Feb 21, 2008 19:52

"Uh, yeah, you're contageous .."
-damn doctor

OK, this might get a little long, depending on when I get lazy typing. Just to warn you.

So, on Saturday I am going to Orangeville for my cousin Chelsea's second birthday party, should be interesting, especially since my dad's side of the family will be there. Expect pictures of crazy people running around and food fights. Oh! Speaking of pictures, I actually caught the eclipse last night, just as I was leaving work, and managed to get a few pictures. I have no idea how they're going to turn out as I'm pretty sure my camera lense was beginning to freeze (yes, I took the eight hundred dollar camera outside in the middle of winter).

And I might be going back to England around April if I don't get into college because I would love to see the English countryside and possibly head up towards Scotland. I was going to do it from April 5th to the 20th, but I have a doctor's appointment on the 15th that I can't change the date of since it was booked back in Dec and it's with a new doctor. Speaking of doctors, I finally went back today (I was suppose to make an appointment for mid-Jan) and got yelled at for not going in sooner.

Apparently, I have some superficial fungal disease that isn't really a fungus, looks like ringworm (although he told me it wasn't) and is contageous. Fanfuckingtastic. Just what I wanted to hear. He wasn't even going to tell me it was contageous either, but I asked him because my manager and one of my co-workers also have developed a rash that looks strangely similar to my own and my co-worker's doctor said she has ringworm. This started a rather interesting "epidemic" on staff and if I tell them what my doctor told me I'm going to be in shite .. however, he didn't give me any precautions or ways to avoid giving it to other people, he didn't tell me how I could give it to anyone else; I should just stay home until it's cured (or go to England and infect everyone).

Anyways, so the past few nights at work have been very odd. On Saturday night, I closed with Cassandra and at like 7, after James had left, these creepy looking guys came into the store. Cass was syphoning the fish tanks, no one else was in the store, I was recovering stock and waiting to go on break (but refused to leave Cass alone in the store with these two sketchy characters). So they start bothering Cass about wanting to see our chinchilla and she told them it was up to me to decide if they could see it because I'm the livestock manager.

I have very strict rules about seeing any of the animals in the store, be it in my department or in adoption, and my first rule is: you can only hold the animal if you intend to buy (or adopt) it. It saves so much hassle from little kids who just want to spread germs around and it lessens the stress on the animals considerably. So creepy guy #1 (CG1 - wow I watch transformers far too often) asks how much it is and I pointed to the label that clearly states $200. CG2 makes a random crack about how stupid both of them are for not seeing the sign, and then they both go into this weird dialect about how they work at a chinchilla farm and ask how much we pay for the chinchillas.

Now, let me see what I already hate about CG1 and 2:

1) They work on a chinchilla farm - chinchilla farms, or any type of farm that isn't the Old Mcdonald type, are terrible. Usually the animals are raised in disgusting, dirty, disease infested small areas and inbred with each other so they can be sold for dirt cheap.

2) They asked how much we paid - how the fuck should I know? I just receive the animals, make sure they are healthy, put them in a clean cage and try and keep them happy. Head Office deals with ordering the animals from a BREEDER and they deal with all the costs.

So then they hand me their chinchilla farm card and tell me about how they would like to sell their chinchillas to our store. I took the card and tossed it. Take that CGs! Then I let them see the chinchilla, but it was hiding in its dust bath and clearly hated these guys as much as I did because it refused to come out. So what did they do? First, they stuck their hand into the little dust bath hut and tried to push the chinchilla out. it wasn't working so I tried, but then they started pulling the poor thing out by its ear! OMG I was ready to beat them.

They finally got the chinchilla out and its squealing, trying to run away, so they asked the gender. I never know the gender of our animals. We usually get them when they're too young to tell, unless they're canaries, then we know they have to be male. So they hold the chinchilla BY ITS TAIL! in the air, just dangling it there with nothing to catch it if they drop it, and look at the gender. I told them to hold it properly because the chinchilla obviously hated it, and they told me that's the way they handle their chinchilla farmed ones all the time. I told them to fuck off and grabbed the poor thing so it could get locked back in its cage.

By this point, I was so pissed off with them I had to walk away, but then they started to harrass Cass about mice and what kind of cage they should get. So I showed them our cages and the cheapest one was like $24 but it was made for a hamster. We don't have any cages designed for mice, but these guys wanted to breed their mice and our huge cages have way too much space between the bars to put mice in, they'd just squeeze themselves out. So then they started to look at aquariums, but we only have starter kits so fail.

They took off in search around the store and came back 5 minutes later with a dog treat called rollover (it's like a patte) and asked how much it was so I asked if they had a dog and they told me that they wanted to eat it. I gave them my most severe look and said, "it's for dogs." But because it doesn't say not for human consumption, they really wanted the price. It was $9 for a tube, which they refused to pay, and left off back around the store causing mass chaos. All you hear are things crashing to the ground and them laughing, I was very tempted to stalk them and then kick them out.

So I ended up back at cash and they started tossing around a roll of proffessor connors (which is the exact same thing as rollover, it's just a different company) like a football. I told them to stop loittering and get out of the store so what does CG1 say? "I didn't throw anything on the ground." Not littering you moron! So CG2 asks how much a bucket of dog biscuits are and I told him the price was right on it, but that they weren't eatable (to which CG1 gave me a what does that mean look) so CG2 laughs and tells me he wants to put his mice in it so he wanted to know if I had a garbage can to toss the cookies in.

I refused to sell the cookies to them so they were pissing me off asking if there was anything we had that was free and I had an epiphane! We have these Eukanuba tins we were giving away with the purchase of food and we still had one left so I ran over, gave it to them and told them to leave. But then they needed to buy their mice. This entire time, I thought they already had their mice at home in like a box or something, but no. So I gave them 3 mice (all different colors cause I knew they would ask) and tehy stuck them in the tin. I walked them up to cash so that they couldn't just take off and while CG1 disappears, CG2 paid and then asked for my pen.

I gave it to him, and the next thing I know, he stabs it into the lid if the tin! I snatched back my pen (which, thankfully, wasn't broken) and CG1 appears out of no where, whips out a switchblade and starts stabbing the lid to create airholes! Holy shit, I was like WTF are you two morons doing? Get the fuck out! So CG1 starts showing off his knife to me and randomly asks if I'll buy back the mice when they breed. I told him for the hundredth time that we have our own private breeder and we don't buy from anywhere else (I even wrote no refund on the reciept because fuck knows what might happen to the poor creatures). Then, as he finally leaves, he says, "So you'll buy the babies, right?" I throw a caniption, scream no, and CG2 laughs his ass off.

As I'm relaying this story to Cass, CG2 comes back in and disappears into the washroom. They wouldn't leave! I't's like 8:30 by now and for some reason we haven't had any other customers, but CG2 leaves and I stood at the door to make sure they left this time before running to the washroom to make sure he hadn't graffitied it. Then I went on my break.

Oh, and by the way, since when do I look like the kind of person you should ask relationship advice from? Especially if you are a somewhat popular guy who wants to out with one of those skanky bitch girls. It was the weirdest thing! James has been acting very strange since Saturday, where he dragged me to the back stock room, blocked the door and started making very odd noises. After which, he went to the front where Michelle was, said, "damn, that was so much fun," looked at Michelle with a smirk and called out, "sorry we can't have sex tonight, Tammy." In front of the entire store. In the middle of the afternoon. I was going to murder him.

Then suddenly he started hinting that he was going on a date with Shelby, who I also work with and now whenever she comes in, he acts all weird. So Shelby came in when James and I were working alone Tuesday night (and he acted normal for once) with her friends and James followed her around like a puppy. I told him to get back to work and when Shelby left her friends with him and came up to ask me a question about feeding her betta, I asked her if she was dating James. She gave me a dirty look and said no so I casually said that James acted weird whenever he saw her so that's where I got the idea.

So I asked her if she could come into work for a few hours since I really wanted to go on break and I didn't trust James alone in the store, and she was thinking about it, but then James and Shelby's friends came up to cash and James was pestering her to come in. She finally made up an excuse that she couldn't and afterwards James was angry with me for talking to Shelby because apparently it was all my fault that she wouldn't work. Um, buddy, I was the one who asked her to come in, why would I suddenly change my mind?

So THEN two really skanky girls came in, gave me a dirty look and walked out. A few minutes later, they came back in the store with James and followed him around, being whorish (OK, you know exactly the type of girls I'm talking about, right? Like I say skank and the image of the girls that come into your head is exactly what they look like). They refused to talk to me, kept giving me dirty looks and had to have James as their cashier. So after they left, I said something slightly inappropriate and .. unmanagerial. James said, "those were my friends, eh?" and I muttered, "Yeah, your skanky friends."

And James got pissed. Apparently, they were two of his best friends. I apologized, but for the rest of the night, he kept bothering me about the issue, asking how I could possibly say that about them. Apparently, when you're a 16-year-old player who does drugs, you don't know a whore when you see one. But he must've forgiven me because half an hour later, this discussion topic came up:

J: So, this is kind of weird, but, um, have you ever had a boyfriend?
Wow, do I honestly look that ugly or something?
M: Yeees ..
J: OK, well, no. See, I know a lot of girls my age who haven't had one and -
Do I look like I'm 16 to you? I'm actually insulted
M: I'm 19, Jamie.
J: Yeah, but still, you could still have not .. you know .. had one.
M: Yes, I have. I've had 3, thank you.
J: Ok. That's good. OK, so here's my question - when you like a guy and he likes you, do you play hard to get or do you, like, do you act normal or what?
WTF are you talking about and why, of all people, are you asking me?
M: Um, well I guess it depends on how much I like the guy? Like ..
[I shall now omit some random convo for your eyes to take a rest]
J: OK, well with Shelby and me ..

Dude goes on about how much these two like each other for another 20 minutes but I was really starting to wonder if Shelby actually does like him back or if she does and he's really insecure because the jist of it was that Shelby and him hang out but they aren't dating or something like that and he really really likes her. SERIOUSLY. He wouldn't shut up for the rest of the night. And then he told me the entire conversation was confidential between the two of us .. so that's why I omitted some shit?

Honestly, I don't know why he trusts me so much. Anyways, I think you are caught up on my life, besides the big glass breaking incident, but since it's near midnight, I'll save it for later. But why is SN trying to traumatize me? Last Thursday, they had a cruel Groundhog day like episode, except instead of the guy waking up after killing himself or something, Sam would wake up after Dean died. 103 times. I love Dean, stop killing him! And then, tonight, Dean got shot and nearly died again! Kill Sam off a few times for a change Kripke, before I shoot you ..

//I named a rabbit Hedwig

supernatural, england, birthday, knife, work, relationship issues, creepy guys, disease

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