Dec 02, 2004 13:56
Ok, so a few things have happened in the last week to make my life good/miserable. I have had a group of research papers due and I was no where near done with any of them. After, running myself into the ground for 4 straight days, I got everything done that I needed to get done. The nightmare was almost over! I made it to bed before 2 last night, giving me the opportunity to sleep for more than 3 hours for the first time in days. I was TOO TIRED TO SLEEP! How the hell does that happen? So after only getting a couple hours of sleep, I finished my paper. However, the largest and most brutal paper is still coming due and I have no ambition to do anything on it. Oh well, because the first 2 are done. Now I can rest and get my body back on line so I can finish the other paper in top form.
I have my second interview tomorrow morning. This means it's go time. If I make it through this level I may seriously have my job. The uncertainty of the last two months may be almost over!
Christa has been great. She has really supported me through this very tough week. She's really been my angel and I'm glad to have her around. Now that it's past 2 pm, I can finally eat breakfast!