more light

Feb 28, 2007 04:15

in case you couldn't tell, this is an effort to being more open. to being more expressive, less prone to avoiding personal topics and 'unsafe' thoughts.

i publicized yesterday's (still feels like today's) entry. why? because i can. because there's nothing in it i'm ashamed to say out loud, to anyone who wants to hear, and.. i've had enough of my own censorship lately. Christine Will Talk More About How Christine Feels, and all that jazz.

is there a way to predict how people will change you? or, at the very least, to identify who will affect your growth the most?

i pride myself in surrounding myself with people i look up to, people who make me better, people whose ideals and values i can strive towards. so what distinguishes those individuals who make me think differently about what i'm accustomed to? i wish there was a way for some celestial being to put a giant red marker above their head, so i could follow them around and make sure i absorb every bit of -- not enlightenment, not education, but rather... everything i can gain from who they are.

i don't know where i'm going with this. and i haven't slept in... a long time.

good night.
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