why i hate girls

Nov 12, 2004 15:54

why is it that guys can have a girlfriend and still find time and energy to hang out with their friends?? Girls, on the other hand, get a boyfriend, or even just a guy they're interested in - and their girlfriends might as well be invisible. I happen to think I'm a rather good friend -> and i manage to balance the time i spend with ryan and the time i make for my friends. i invite my friends to hang out with me and ryan and to go places with us when we go, but my friends - specifically my girlfriends (which are admittedly few) don't seem to get that concept. It irritates the piss outta me. This is why i hate girls. Cause they turn retarded when guys are involved. do guys get this retarded?? i don't think so - i mean i could be wrong, but i doubt it. girls turn into scheming manipulative catty bitches when guys are around - and sometimes even if there aren't any in the immediate vicinity. maybe it's fear, or maybe it's a "desire to be loved" or whatever else they want to call it i think it's retarded. r-e-t-a-r-d-e-d. This is why i hate girls. because really all most girls are living for is that "someone" -that one guy- they heard about in faerie tales when they were little. once they have - or even think they have - that one person, everyone else can just fuck off cause they don't matter. it's either a waste of time to hang out with your girlfriends at that point, or it might piss off that one guy who will marry you or something... i'm still not really sure on the reasoning there. guh. anyway - that's my rant-o-the-day. do with it as you will. :)
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