Nov 09, 2010 19:56
...that I wouldn't be totally grossed out about being puked on.
Lil' P had a moment tonight, a moment when I waited for his head to spin around and have him growl at me. He spewed like no projectile spit up before. This was full on cover himself, me and the sofa vomit. And then he just smiled and giggled when he was done as if to say, "Wow! That feels better!"
Thank God JP wasn't here, he would not have been able to deal if it was him.
Basically I just stripped us both down to our undies, threw the clothes in Lil' P's tub and then cleaned him up. Put him in his crib to scrub down the sofa and put some jammies on myself. By then he was fully over it and more than happy to drink the last bit of his bottle.
No fever or anything like that so it was just one of those things that babies do to freak you out.
I do expect him to wake up early tomorrow due to hunger.
But yeah he sorta looked like my user pic for a Farscape Facial...