Jan 20, 2008 04:28

I like how for this one I'm using the icon of him running up a wall.

[Who:] Evil!Zuko & Batshit!Ginny
[When:] Sometime Friday. After he beat up Sokka. D:
[Where:] His room.
[What:] Them beating each other up because Ginny is INSANE and thinks he stole Light. Which even while insane he wouldn't. XD
[Why:] Boredom and Disasters are fun.
[Rating:] PG-13 for MAJIKAL VIOLENCE and potty language

It seems like a common trend to beat the shit out of people when he's like this. :/

Ginny appeared with a loud bang in Zuko's room at the Western Air Temple, fury etched across her face. "Where is he?" she demanded, storming up to him and whipping her wand into his face.

"Where is who?" Zuko asked calmly, blinking at her.

"You know who! My husband!" she snarled, sparks flying out of her wand in response to her anger. "What have you done with him?"

"And why would I tell you?" He smirked, folding his hands behind his head, appearing completely relaxed.

"Because I'll give you another scar to match the one you've already got if you don't," she snapped, the wand moving closer to his face and sparking again.

"Look behind you." He grinned, looking as though he could care less she had a lethal weapon aimed at him.

"No." She sneered at him. How stupid did he think she was?

"Fine then, don't believe me." Zuko shrugged and went back to his scroll.

Ginny snarled and yanked the scroll out of his hands, throwing it across the room. "Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you," she said icily. "Where is my husband."

"In the oven," he responded promptly. "No, wait, that's dinner..."

Her eyes went wide and more sparks shot into his face. Unable to think of words to properly express her rage, instead she pulled her arm back and hit him as hard as she could.

"You hit like a girl," Zuko scoffed, despite the redness where she hit turning to a bruise. "If you want your husband why don't you use a 'tracking spell'?"

"Because I know you took him!" she shrieked, and swung her fist at him again.

Chuckling, he cought her hand by the wrist this time and held it for a few moments. "What would you do if I said I killed him?"

"I'd kill you," she snapped instantly, trying unsuccessfully to pull her arm out of his grip.

"And what if I didn't?" He cocked his head to one side, still holding onto her wrist.

"I'd still kill you. Where is he?!" She yanked at her arm again.

"What if I honestly had no idea where he was and had nothing to do with this?" Zuko flashed her a grin and tugged on her arm to pull her closer.

"Liar," she sneered, keeping her wand trained on his face even as she stumbled slightly.

"You're out of luck, babe." He shrugged, still smiling playfully. "I've no idea where he is. I was only joking to mess with you. Sure he didn't get lost in that abyss of an apartment you keep?"

"Liar," she said again, twitching her wand to deliberately throw sparks in his face this time.

"Have I ever lied to you?" He asked, glowering at the wand.

"Yes," she spat.

"Really?" He blinked. "About something like this?"

"You're fucking insane," she snarled. "You think you're the fucking Fire Lord, or something."

"It's because I am," he shrugged. "You're the one tearing ass like a madwoman with her hair on fire. You get knocked up?"

"Delusions of grandeur," she said, not bothering to respond to the second half of his comment.

"I don't have your bitch of a husband," he snapped. "It's not my fault he went somewhere and didn't leave you a note. I don't keep tabs on your godforsaken marriage. Maybe you're just a terrible wife!"

Ginny couldn't think of anything but how much she wanted to hurt Zuko at the moment. " Sectumsempra," she snapped, flicking her wand at his chest.

"Ow-Augh....Fuck," he cursed, covering his chest with his palm as blood seeped through. "Shit...Damn it, you fucking crazy bitch. I'm not lying!"

"I don't believe you," she said, trying to decide what curse she wanted to use on him next.

"Does it look like I have him?" he asked her in a serious tone. "Where the fuck would I keep him anyway? What use would he be?"

"Damned if I know," she snarled. "You're the one who was making threats."

"I ate him," he replied flatly. "And he was delicious."

"What did you do with him!" she screamed, slashing her wand at him again, though she didn't curse him this time. "Did you lock him up with your little boyfriend?"

"Shut up!" Zuko snapped grabbing her roughly by the arm and flinging her away from him. He got to his feet. "Get the fuck out of here!"

She sneered. "Oh, now I've got your attention, do I?" She stepped closer to him, smirking up into his face. "Bet he's just thrilled with you. Can't you keep him around without hurting him until he can't leave?"

"Shut up, you bitch!" He lunged at her, taking swings at her left and right, clawing at her face and shoulder. "You don't fucking know what the fuck you're talking about so stay the fuck out of it! You fucking slut!"

She yelped, startled, and skipped back out of the way quickly enough to avoid worse than minor scratches. "I don't? You're the one who came crying to me when you couldn't hold onto him."

"Because I thought you were my fucking friend." He grabbed her by the shoulder and shoved her back onto the floor. "Thought you fucking cared but obviously you really don't. You just like to see me in pain same as always, you filthy slut bitch. Well, who's hurting now?" He dove at her and smacked her across the face. "Who the fuck is hurting now?"

Ginny whimpered when he hit her, but she recovered quickly and brought her wand up to his collarbone. " Relashio," she snarled.

Zuko hissed and withdrew immediately, cradling where the sparks of her wand had hit for a moment. But he went back for her with even more forcity, pinning down her hands roughly to the ground. "Use that thing on me one more time and I'll fucking break it."

"As though I can't use wandless magic." She kicked out at his knee, hoping to unbalance him enough that she'd be able to get away.

"Maybe you're not as good as you think you are," he said coldly as he darted back, letting her go for a moment. There was more in store if she were to strike him again.

"Maybe you don't know me as well as you thought you did." She kneed him hard in the stomach.

He fell back on the ground and rolled onto his stomach. Quickly, using the hard floor like a matchbook, he shot a good strong flame in her direction. "I don't need fancy spells to get things done!"

"Aguamenti," Ginny said immediately, putting out the flame with a stream of water. She darted to her feet, dropping instantly into a fighting stance -- she wasn't any good at hand-to-hand combat, no, all she could do was hit hard, but she hadn't gotten through the war without picking up a couple of things.

Not even caring that little bit of flame was put out, Zuko leapt to his feet in his cat stance. "You won't be able to keep up for long," he said dryly, then began shooting out fireball after fireball from his fists, and then a good solid line of it with a kick. "I can make this faster than you can speak."

Ginny growled and dodged the fireballs, hearing more than feeling the ends of her hair singe as one of them shot past her head. "Immobilus!" she snapped, slinging the spell at him.

"You--" Frozen. In place. All body parts. At least he could still breathe. Wait... Yes! He could still breathe! Still breathe still breathe FWOOOOOOSH. He sent a flame from his mouth at her.

Her eyes went wide and she dropped, flattening herself to the floor. As soon as the flames had vanished from above her head she was back on her feet, backing away from him to get outside of his range. "This what you did to Sokka?" she taunted him.

That stung, but after all this Zuko was going to take that in stride. He smirked, knowing one thing he figured she'd have no magical defense against. He took a deep breath and suddenly everything around him was quiet, everything centered on his focus of energy. Blue sparks flicked from his fingertips and he opened his eyes, moving his arms to draw a long line of electricity. "Yeah, but I wish I could've done this too!" He shot a rather long bolt of lightning at her, enough to cause an explosion wherever it hit.

Ginny shrieked as the wall exploded inches from her head, spraying her with sharp rock fragments. She Disapparated instantly, popping back in directly behind Zuko. "Don't try that again," she hissed in his ear, snapping her wand up to sit against his jugular.

"Then don't provoke me!" He whipped around so he was face to face with her. "Still don't believe me?" Even though he was out of it, something was eating away inside, telling him not to hurt her.

"Why should I?" She scowled, keeping her wand pointed at his throat. She blinked blood from dozens of tiny cuts along the side of her face out of her eyes.

"Because!" He grabbed her by her arms and held them at her sides. "I'm telling the truth! I've got nothing to do with a useless wretch like him!"

"Let go of me!" she cried, struggling against his grip -- she kept forgetting how much stronger than her he actually was.

"Hm...You're feisty tonight..." He chuckled lowly. "Maybe I'll keep you as my prisoner too. As I've said, I don't know where the fuck your precious husband went, but obviously he found something better to do with his time." He tightened his grip. "So much I could do with you..."

"As though you even could," she sneered.

"Obviously I've been holding back on you," Zuko replied coldly, his voice a whiper in her ear, low and chilling. He twisted her hands, about ready to snap her wrists.

Ginny bit down on her lip to keep herself from whimpering at the pain he was causing her, instead focussing on what she could do to get away. He now had her arms bent at an angle where she couldn't get her wand around to point at him, so magic was useless. Fuck. Her mind was totally blank.

His grip tightened even more and he twisted her hands, feeling the little pops of muscles and nerves shifting, a final plea before the bones would snap. He distracted her from the pain with a slow lick from the base of her neck up to her ear. "It's your fault, babe," he whispered. "Just wouldn't listen."

Ginny shivered and tried to twist away from him, tears gathering in her eyes. It hurts it hurts it hurts, her mind kept chanting, but she forced herself to focus. "Let go of me," she said again. She knew that right now, she didn't have the kind of control over herself it would take to Apparate out of his arms without taking him with her.

"You going to listen?" Zuko whispered, kissing her cheek and then nipped at her ear. Her hands were not quite broken, but with one more twist... "You going to stop this?"

Idiot! she scolded herself mentally, simultaneously struggling to keep the fear seeping into her from showing on her face. Your feet are still free. "Yes," she said, and stomped down as hard as she could on the instep of his right foot.

"Fuck!" He hissed and hopping back, cradling his injured foot. "You bitch!"

Ginny smirked and bolted, trying to hide the fact that she was shaking. "You've already hit your quota of torturing people for the week," she said.

"He deserved it," Zuko spat. "He fucking DESERVED it!"

"Sure he did. You keep telling yourself that and maybe one day you'll be right." With that parting shot, she Disapparated.

Yay violence!

violence, zuko, log, who turned off the light?, fight, ginny

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