Jan 18, 2008 01:41

Disaster sprouts log? Holy hell in a Jesus house.

[Who:] Sokka and Disaster-spawned Evil bastard!Zuko
[Where:] Zuko thinks it's the Fire Nation but really it's probably where they've been all this time. Because it's funnier to think half of them turned into delusional crazy people. Like my mom.
[When:] During the night
[What:] Zuko "kidnaps" Sokka and beats the ever-living shit out of him. It's really violent and depressing. D:
[Why:] Bored and THIS IS FUN! 8D Even though now I feel like a rotten person...
[Rating:] Rated R for violence and pottymouths. (No rape. Fortunately.)

Damn. The world hated him. The world absolutely HATED him. Sokka was hardly aware of what was going on, only that his head hurt like a bitch. He wasn't sure how he had managed to get kidnapped AGAIN, and things were going downhill. Not just downhill, right off the edge of a cliff. He cursed under his breath and let his head rest against the wall, hoping that at least his headache would go away.

This wasn't the most successful of days, Zuko had to admit. Finding several he was certain has been killed by his own ruthless hands suddenly running amuck fit and fine had put him off slightly. No matter. One had been easily captured, and just as easily exterminated. "Still as weak as ever." His honey-laden whisper cut like diamonds as he stepped towards the boy.

Sokka breathed sharply at hearing Zuko's voice, wincing visibly. "Shut up." He muttered, lifting his head to glare at the firebender. He had no clue what was going on with him (or Toph, for that matter, but Toph wasn't the one who had kidnapped him), or anyone else. "Let me go, idiot." Sokka was too tired to move, but at least he could sound angry.

"Did I say you could speak?" Zuko spat, his tone still firm and showing no high range of emotion. He grabbed Sokka by the neckline of his shirt and brought him up so they were at eye level. "Now why would I let you go? I said I was going to kill you and I am."

Sokka squirmed in Zuko's grip, unable to get free. Damn it. "Fine," He hissed, though it probably wasn't a good idea to provoke Zuko, especially under such circumstances. "I'd rather die than sit here all day as your 'prisoner'," He muttered a few profanities after this statement, doing his best to keep a defiant look on his face.

Leering down at him with a piercing gaze, Zuko cuffed him hard across the face. More like how one would chastise a dog than any real harm. A knee found its way wedged between Sokka's legs, keeping him pinned up. "Perhaps I'll try you out a bit. Let you suffer some. Should be proper punishment for your disobedient mouth."

Shit. Damn it. Why'd he have to give Zuko ideas? After Zuko hit him Sokka spit, though not having enough gall to do it right in his face. Instead it was off to the side slightly, at his feet. "You don't scare me, bastard."

Another, harder slap across the face and then a fist to the gut for good measure. The entire time his face showed no emotion except the curl of his lip in a feral smirk. The high amount of self confidence and demonic demeanor was a drastic difference from what he was before. Zuko grabbed him and held him firmly by the jaw. "Fear doesn't matter, it is respect you will learn," he spat lightly on his cheek. "Even if I have to beat it out of you."

Sokka grunted at the punch, losing whatever composure he had managed to gather. He panted softly, staring at the ground. "Do your worst." Oh, that was really smart to say. Zuko was a firebender--Sokka grimaced after he said it, wishing that he hadn't. "...bastard."

"Should I take that as an invitation?" Zuko chuckled, it coming out a lot more sinister than he intended. A heated palm came into contact with Sokka's neck just next to his throat. Steam puffed between his fingers and around his hand. "Degenerate filth."

Sokka let out a strangled gasp, hands clawing at the wall behind him, finding nothing to support himself on, nothing to grip into. He bit down hard on his lower lip to keep from letting any other noises out. His teeth tore right through the skin, blood dribbling down his chin.

It took a great deal of will not to visually show the thrill Zuko got when he saw Sokka writhe and claw at nothing. A low laugh erupted as he leaned in close and lightly licked away all the blood from his chin and lips. The coppery taste gave him more ideas for torture. Quickly he kept Sokka pinned with his knee while he tore his shirt open and placed both hot iron hands firmly against his bare chest.

This was all kinds of fucked up. It wasn't bad enough that Zuko had to be physically torturing him, but now this? Holy hell. Sokka thrashed where he was, biting the inside of his cheek accidentally. His mouth filled with blood, and instead of trying to spit it out and risk making noise, he ended up choking on it, which was probably worse. He had broken out in a cold sweat, still trying to get some leverage against the wall.

Silent, aside from the steady breaths he made to keep level, Zuko continued the torture every several seconds removing his hands for the shortest moment, allowing a shred of hope, only to return with even more ferocity and heat. His lips close enough to Sokka's ear that every breath could be felt, he whispered coldly, "Do you want me to stop?"

Sokka could not hold in a scream despite all his efforts, head lurching backward and connecting with the wall behind him with a dull thud. His hands still grasped desperately at the wall, as if finding some hold would somehow help. Damn it, was he going to have scars all over him because of this? Zuko. Fucking Zuko. Sokka was breathing heavily when Zuko spoke, and it took him several moments to respond. "Fuck you."

"I'll pass," Zuko replied in that silky tone he used to show that he was enjoying this. He finally stopped singing the flesh and instead raked his nails down his chest and pectorals, leaving white-to-pink streaks over the fresh reddening welts and bruises. Without warning, he stood a quick step back, letting Sokka fall.

Sokka's body fell limp to the ground, the watertribe boy breathing heavily, trying to ignore the searing pain in his chest, all over. Everything hurt. He groaned, glad that at least he didn't have to try and support himself if he was on the ground. His heart pounded in his chest, and he could feel that morning's breakfast threatening to show itself again.

Hands clasped behind his back, Zuko surveyed the room and looked down upon the fallen boy. The skin now having time to meet the air the bruises has formed, some of the overheated welts blackening. It was a delicious sight, seeing him painfully limp and helpless. But flat on the floor just wouldn't do. He nudged Sokka harshly with his boot. "On your knees, filth."

No. Hell no. Zuko could beat him all he wanted, but there was no way in HELL that Sokka was about to comply with that. He wanted to keep at least a small shred of dignity, if nothing else. "Go to hell," Sokka hissed from where he lay, finding talking to be painful.

Letting out a sharp, mildly annoyed breath through his teeth, Zuko bent down to pick Sokka up by his hair. "You are practically a pile of soot and you still have the will for backtalk?"

Sokka did his best to look tough, to look anything other than broken as he met Zuko's gaze. "You're not taking my dignity, bastard." He managed to get out, having trouble keeping his voice level and smooth.

"We'll just have to fix that," Zuko replied with a smirk, using his free hand to tear Sokka's shirt completely off him. He felt up and down along his sides, chest, and stomach, making sure to apply pressure whenever he felt a welt or a bruise. "Hm...From what I can recall you were a fairly decent lay. Perhaps I should let some of my best comrades give you a go."

Sokka winced and squirmed as Zuko's hands roamed over his bruises, doing his best to stay silent the other time. He wasn't sure what the hell could have pushed Zuko this far off the deep end. "You don't have any fucking comrades."

"Do you even know where you are?" Zuko couldn't help but laugh. "I brought you back to my home. Where I rule. Has the terrifying twist of faint tainted your memories?" He cupped his cheek lightly and brought his lips to Sokka's ear, letting out a low sultry purr. "Perhaps this will bring something back.”I love you...'" He used that silky, velvety tone that he used to use when they would lay together late at night. It sounded so frighteningly innocent and pure.

Still in intense pain, Sokka only half heard what Zuko said. They were in the firenation? No way, no god damn way. Zuko must have just been delusional. His body was still sweating and had gone pale, Sokka unaware of its own shaking. Things were beginning to go black around the edges, faded and blurry. Shit. Of all the times to pass out, this was not one of them. "I hate you." Sokka muttered, before his mind slipped into darkness.

“Tch...Pathetic," Zuko scoffed as he felt Sokka go limp. He examined his face for a moment, making sure he really was no longer conscious, and not just faking to get his guard down. Smirking in amusement, he placed a soft affectionate kiss on his cheek before dropping him to the floor in a heap. Without a second glance he stalked out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

*weeps for them* D:

rated r, violence, zuko, sozu, chaos, omg, disaster, log, sokka, wtf

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