
Aug 09, 2007 01:23

[Private: To Self]


Again .

It's like she's a fucking ghost .

After all the promises we made years ago.... And yeah, I admit that I was a jerk for pretending to forget about her for my own selfish reasons. But damn.... Didn't think I upset her that much. She always seemed to be...I don't know....stable?

Now I feel like a loser and an asshole.

If I was the type to quit, I'd stop trying. But I can't. I will find her.....I'll break her away from Azula and we'll hide away in the fucking North Pole if we have to....Eventually.

Thank God Katara snuck some of those "antidepressants" into my bag. Could really fucking use them. I don't think I'll be leaving my room for a while. At least I haven't spotted Azula yet.

Guess every dark cloud has a silver lining.

((ooc: I'm very pleased to say that I also returned to these glorious screenshots . SNOGGING OCCURS FIRST EP, GUYZ. Who saw that coming? Not me. *ecstatic and bouncing off walls* Also, for the next week (maybe less, depends how goofy I feel) crack will be spewed and it will be fabulous and I hope some of you will partake in it for it will be my last 'bout of such business for a while. :D ))

where's mai?, private, emo, girlfriend's a ghost, life sucks, sadness, locked in a room, angst

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