almost a vacation

Apr 11, 2007 09:45

Save Monday, Friday through Tuesday night were so relaxing. No work, lazy lolling around the house, and general relaxation were the sum of Easter weekend. Yesterday I called in sick, for the hell of it, beat Final Fantasy III (so cute! Now to play KH: Chain of Memories, or Fire Emblem?), and played some FFXII. I really need to game more. Miss it.

I haven't been to the gym since Thursday, oops, but Saturday I did some exercises from a kickboxing DVD I own. I think I overdid it, because my legs were so sore and painful that I really couldn't go to the gym. Monday night I soaked in a bath, which helped a lot, and now I have no excuse. Particularly with only a week and a half til my first 5K. Eek.

Got lots to do ahead of me, need to catch up on ApolloCon doings, type up job duties and train the boss's monkey son on how not to be incompetent. Methinks my booze stash is going to undergo a drastic reduction in the next couple of months based on that last one.

But! I've put my resume online at, and I'm getting legitimate responses from there. Soon I'll need to hit people up for massive interview advice and for shopping help. Most of my suit-like apparel is now a little too baggy on me, and I need to look snazzy for mid-June, when I am leaving this place for good.

In the next couple of weeks I also need to do some massive spring cleaning and purging of all the crap I own. If anyone's interested in sorting through my clothing before I give it away, you'll welcome to it.

One-word answers only.

1. Where is your cell phone? - purse
2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/lover? indescribable
3. Your hair? - businesslike
4. Your mother? - 04/11/1951 (Happy birthday, Mom.)
5. Your father? - who?
6. Your favourite item? - books
7. Your dream last night? - terrifying
8. Your favorite drink? - coffee
9. Your dream car? - motorcycle
10. The room you are in? - office
11. Your ex? - n/a
12. Your fear? -mediocrity
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? - impactful
14. Who did you hang out with last night? - bowlers
15. What you're not? - confrontational
19. The last thing you did? - assist
20. What are you wearing? - clothes
21. Your favorite book? - Contact
22. The last thing you ate? - cereal
24. Your mood? - tired
25. Your friends? - nifty
26. What are you thinking about right now? - frustration
27. Your car? - dirty
28. What are you doing at the moment? - procrastinating
29. Your summer? - new-ness
30. Your relationship status? - awesome
31. What is on your tv? - FFXII
32. When is the last time you laughed? - yesterday
33. Last time you cried? - mom
34. School? - soon

work, rl

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