this is what I get for obsessing over home-schooled Christians

Jun 03, 2009 20:04

Okay, I know you've probably all seen the pictures from this article on callusfreaks, but I want to talk about this:

Meanwhile, Joe recently saw his mother, Denise Jonas, open up about he and his brothers’ fame and future sex life ( Read more... )


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broken y key is broken pyrexic June 4 2009, 08:51:22 UTC

It's like every time I manage to convince myself that they are this (mythical?) breed of fundamentalist Christians that really DO just love everyone and think we're all equal, I hear quotes like these, reality comes crashing back down, and I remember: "Oh right, that's not Christians, that's HIPPIES."

It's Baptist youth group all over again.

I have no problems with the Jesus stuff, even if it's not my thing, but I will never understand why it so often comes paired with such outdated beliefs in other areas. Okay, maybe I understand the historical reason, but I don't LIKE it.

And you're totally right about them talking about girls like that- and they've done it MULTIPLE TIMES, too. And yet their Denise talks on and on about teaching them to treat girls right and stuff, but it's like she got her worldview entirely from educational shorts in the '50s. I used to be a nanny for some Christian homeschooled kids and all their reading textbooks were Dick and Jane style, and I bet you anything they had similar ones.

Treating girls right: yOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.

I think also the problem is that I want to love these boys so much, and I don't like awkward cringey things like this bursting the bubble of perfection I envision around them :P


I shouldn't try write at 5 in the morning pyrexic June 4 2009, 09:01:12 UTC
Re-reading that, it occurs to me that I sound like I'm coming down harsh on religion.

TO CLARIFy: I have no problems at all with religion or belief, only intolerance and inequality. It only saddens me how they are frequently linked in more fundamentalist groups. Man, I don't even care if you want to go and believe the world was made in seven days some six thousand years ago, so long as it doesn't prevent two guys from getting married. you know?

I am a big fan of red-letter Christians, for example!


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