Monday - Last week of term

Dec 12, 2005 21:01

Oh lordylordylordylordy.

Today was like reliving a day I had two years ago. They announced the auditions for Church Service solos.

This time, I went.

It's not something I often do, but I'll give an explanation - every year on the last day of term before Christmas, our whole school troops along to the local church for a special service. Usually I'm up in the choir seats with the rest of the official singers, except for just last year. And two years ago, I chickened out of going to the audition, even though I really wanted to. I just got scared. Then we had to sit through a bunch of dip-wads doing something you could barely classify as 'singing', and I felt like it was my fault.

Now, I've gone and done it. I was seriously scared out of my wits, shaking like... some stupid shaky thing. I don't really even know why. I don't think it helped though.

I don't think I even needed to worry at all because I knew the music teacher had decided I would be in it as soon as I'd started. She got me to do whole verses, not just the extracts everyone else did, and in short I did the most singing out of everyone. She asked me to come back for the lunchtime audition too, and told me which one I'd be doing.

Just my luck. I have to sing the 'Highly Flavoured Gravy' song.

The next few days are going to have to be spent training myself NOT to sing those words. I can't imagine how embarrassing that would be.

Also Dad left me his 'Angels and Demons' book to read, so that's what I'm doing. It's a carbon copy of the Da Vinci Code so far. With extra added crapnosity. Well, at least it's a bit of a laugh.

school, reading

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