I am working on the portfolio thing. I took the names out of one of my one-shots so that might work if I pad it out... and there's this short story assignment from GCSE that I might edit a bit and use. I'm doing a new one which is very similar in tone to Yes Man, since that's what I just finished reading, I can't help picking up the style right now.
However, still scared that I'm already late for sending it off, and so, I and not going to turn on my mobile phone. :|
Page 31 was fairly straightforward. :/ Easy and quick because not much brainpower involved. Which also made it slightly boring, but eh. I'll get there eventually.
I beat the League last night. :) This feat has taken me 7 months to complete. Here are the 'final' stats, although I suspect that this won't be the final time I post these by any means.
Pokemon with a * are the ones I used to take on the E4 and Champion.
Badges: 8
Pokedex: 154 seen, 152 caught
Time: 500 hours
Pachirisu L36
Ambipom L36
Infernape L36
Cherrim L36
Tentacruel L36
Kricketune L36
Bibarel L36
Crobat L36
Staraptor L36
Milotic L36
Azumarill L36
Gyarados L36
Quagsire L36
Skuntank L36
Raichu L38
Pelipper L38
Mismagius L38
Vespiquen L38
Blissey L38
Mr. Mime L40
Alakazam L40
Mantine L40
Abomasnow L40
Machamp L40
Hippowdon L40
Dustox L42
Beautifly L42
Toxicroak L42
Gengar L42
Wormadam L44
Golduck L44
Clefable L44
Drifblim L44
Snorlax L44
Purugly L46
Roserade L46
Girafarig L46
Chimecho L46
Chatot L46
Lopunny L46
Whiscash L46
Honchkrow L46
Mothim L48
Octillery L48
Carnivine L48
Lucario L48
Spiritomb L50
Bronzong L50
Weavile L50
Sudowoodo L50
Golem L50
Steelix L50
Floatzel L50
Bastiodon L52
Uxie L52
Azelf L52
Mesprit L52
Empoleon L52
Torterra L52
Noctowl L52
Rampardos L52
Rapidash L52
Lumineon L52
Seaking L52 *
Drapion L53 *
Luxray L52
Heracross L53 *
Medicham L52 *
Palkia L54 *
Dialga L52 *
Gastrodon L52