Friday - Last day of school. Ever.

May 25, 2007 21:08

It really doesn't SEEM like school's finished. I still have to take the most important exams of my life and hopefully score some A-levels. But the regular days of taking actual lessons are gone for good.

It's making me really sad now. There won't be any more trooping back and forth between lessons, or running to the lunch hall, or forgetting my pound for chocolate, or just sitting around in our classroom full of computers getting really really hot. And quite soon when all our exams have finished we'll say goodbye to our teachers who have been good friends to us, and then finally we'll stop going to the same place we've commuted to for the last 7 years. I won't see my classmates every day, or possibly ever. But in the school stuff will carry on as per usual, and we won't be there. Every friend I have will disappear to another part of the country to take a new course and start a life and a career... while I stay put at home doing absolutely sod all and just remain upset about the whole damn thing.
Page 7 is a load of tl;dr barely-disguised exposition.

school, divine image

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