May 17, 2007 18:11
Haha! I'm going to do a quiz/questionnaire thingy now. Please note that I did not make this, but the answers are totally my own. Also, I changed the charries to make it so that it's only HP. I don't know much from any other fandom...
1. Harry Potter
2. Luna Lovegood
3. Voldemort/Tom Riddle
4. Fred and George Weasley
5. Draco Malfoy
6. Hermione Granger
7. Ron Weasley
8. Ginny Weasley
9. Severus Snape
10. Dumbledore
11. Sirius Black
12. Dobby the House Elf
1. Who would make a better college professor, 6 or 11?
This question is asking me who would make a better professor between Hermione and Sirius. Sirius Black. The Marauder. The prankster. Hermione, the nerd, the smartest witch of her age, against Sirius Black, the man who lived in captivity all his life. Hmm. Let's think about that.
Hermione. Duh. Unless it wasn't a normal academic class. If it was a class on how to make fun of people, or how to plan the perfect prank or... *gasp* if it was a class on how to strip! Sirius would definitely be the better professor. Mm... Imagine? Him teaching Harry and Draco how to strip? *giggles* Mmkay, moving on.
2. Do you think 4 is hot? How hot?
Oh God, yes. They are steaming hot. So hot that if I had an icecube, it would melt within a meter of them. If I cracked an egg on their wondrous heads, it would properly cook. They're so hot, they put normal twins to shame with their sexiness. Their hair colour doesn't even represent how hot they are. If they were pranking me, I really wouldn't mind, that's how hot they are. ...Okay, no. I'd mind. They have some pretty awesome prank items, and I'd hate to be caught on the wrong end of one...
3. 12 sends 8 on a mission. What is it, and does it succeed?
Er... that wouldn't happen. Dobby wouldn't send anyone on a mission. But if he did... hmmm... Oh! I know! He'd send Ginny on a mission to protect Harry Potter. He's a tad obsessed with Harry Potter... As is Ginny. So I'm pretty sure it'll succeed. She'll probably snog him and claim it's for his protection. *cough*Whore*cough*
4. What is or would be 9's favorite book?
Probably a potion book. Or a book on the Dark Arts. You know, Snape never wanted to be a Potion's Master. I mean, he did, but he wanted to teach DADA more. So, assuming his favourite book is a potion book would make me a stereotyper. I'M SORRY SEVY! Okay, so, err, his favourite book might be the seventh book of the HP series, especially if Harry dies. That is, if Snape is evil. If he's not, then... a book on the Dark Arts. Yes.
5. Would it make more sense for 2 to swear fealty to 6, or the other way around?
Err... it wouldn't make sense either way. Luna wouldn't do that to Hermione, nor would Hermione do that to Luna. Unless... hmm, okay! I've found a plausible situation! If Luna thought that Hermione would be able to save them from the horrible invasion of the Snicklers - you know, those strange little creatures that feast off drool? They're mainly found in Iceland, but they could still find their way to Scotland. They're quite smart creatures - then yes, she'd swear fealty to Hermione in hopes that she could save them all.
I was just trying to put myself in Luna's shoes. It would make sense from her perspective, no?
6. For some reason, 5 is looking for a roommate. Should he share a studio apartment with 9 or with 10?
Draco should be Harry's room mate, not Snape's or Dumbledore's! Pssh... Anyway, I'm sure he'd pick Snape. I'm not too sure he and Dumbledore would get along, what with Draco's mission to kill him and all. Make no mistake, Draco wouldn't be able to kill him, but there'd still be a lot of tension in the air, don't you think? Plus I don't think Draco can handle someone so unnaturally happy as the Hogwarts HeadMaster. Snape is already his head of House, probably close to the Malfoys, so it'd be more natural for him to pick Snape.
7. 2, 7, and 12 have dinner together. Where do they go, and what do they discuss?
So we have Luna, Ron, and Dobby. If that's not strange, I don't know what is. Okay, so they'd probably go to some weird, funky place that Luna chose, because Dobby is submissive and Ron would be dreadfully uncomfortable. Maybe they'd go for a pic-nic! Yeah! A pic-nic! I can see it now. And what would they talk about? Hmm...
Luna: Isn't this a wonderful spot?
Dobby: Oh yes, lovely lovely! You have such fine taste, ma'am, such fine taste!
Luna: Why thank you, Dobby! What do you think, Ron?
Ron: ...why am I here?
Luna: Oh, are you grumpy? That's probably the work of the Grumpolius Mold. It's growing in Hogwarts, you know. In the dungeons. Have you been in the dungeons, lately? We should see Madame Pomfrey soon, though I'm not too sure she'd know what to do... it's a fairly recent discovery.
Dobby: In... the dungeons? But Dobby goes there all the time! Oh ma'am, what is I to do? What is I to do?! *panicks*
Ron: Shut up, Dobby.
Luna: Here. *Shoves grass from the floor into his mouth* That should heal you temporarily.
Ron: ... *glares hard at her*
Dobby: Grass! *begins chewing away at the grass*
Yep. That's how it would go...
8. 3 challenges 10 to a duel. What happens?
...Wow. I really didn't plan that out. Voldemort versus Dumbledore. How much of a coincidence is that? xD Anyway, if it was a one on one, one of them would die. And I think it would be Voldemort. Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard out there! I have much love for him and faith in him. *Nod nod*
Of course, I'm not sure he'd be able to actually KILL someone. Maybe he'll just defeat the Dark Lord with the power of love. Yes, that sounds about right. He'll give him a hug and a puppy and Voldemort will be a happy half-dead creature. ^^
9. If 1 stole 8's most precious possession, how would she get it back?
Harry would steal Ginny's most prized possession? Hmm... I'd say her heart or virginity, and that she'd let him keep it, but, you know what? NO! Ginny's a whore. *pouts* *doesn't like Ginny at all* Okay, anyway, back to seriousness. Ginny's most prized possession would probably be ... you know what? I don't know! Damn. Guess I'll have to go with 'heart'. And she'd tell Harry he could keep it. ((And then Harry would hopefully stomp on it. Psshh, trying to go out with Dean just to get Harry to notice her? What kind of tactic is that?! ))
10. Suggest a title for a story in which 7 and 12 both attain what they most desire.
Okay, so, Ron and Dobby. The story would be called 'Of Fame and Socks'. It would include Ron becoming a famous quidditch player while Dobby, who gets adopted by the Weasley family, goes in the Wizard Guiness World Records as the creature with largest collection of socks. And they'd be connected. In some way, shape, or form. Yes.
11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted 4 and 1 to work together?
I'd get Fred and George to get Harry to ingest some new item they have. OH! One that includes him being in lust after twenty four hours with whoever the twins pick. And they tell Harry they'll give him the antidote if he helps them throw a wild party in the Gryffindor dorms, seeing as they aren't allowed in there. So Harry will help, not wanting to be insatiably horny after twenty four hours, and helps sneak in the twins and all their fun party booze and streamers and all that. And then, at the end, when Harry's done, he'll be too smashed to remember to ask for the antidote and immediately begin groping his one true teenage love. Draco, obviously.
12. If 7 visited you for the weekend, how would you get along?
If Ron visited me, and I wasn't a squealing bag of giggling fangirl, I think we'd get along okay. There wouldn't be much to do. I'd be like "Err..." and he be like "Uhm..." and all in all, it'll be an uncomfortable thing. Now, if I was my fangirly self, I'd be wide eyed and giggly and poke him and ask him a lot of intimate and personal questions, including some about his sexuality. Even if he said he was straight, I'd ask him what he thought of Harry and Seamus and Neville and Dean and if he ever dreamt of them. And then he'd eventually get red in the face and snap, probably storm out, and I'd still be happy and giggly.
13. If you could command 8 to perform any one task or service for you, what would it be?
I'd ask her to stop snogging every guy she sees. You know, I think I'm being quite unfair to poor Ginny.
No, nevermind. I'd ask her to leave Harry alone, to stop being obsessed, and to let his natural love come to him. She needs to stop hogging him, that's what she needs to do. Doesn't she know Draco's glaring at her from across the room? So inconsiderate...
14. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw 11?
Er... I do. Does that count? I don't think they do...
This answer is short. I must make it longer. SIRIUS IS TEH HAWTNESS. Okay, I've spammed enough...
15. If 2 had to choose sides between 4 and 5, which would it be?
Luna would definitely pick Fred and George. I mean, Draco is totally sexy and whatnot, but Fred and George could just be like "WE HAVE SNUMPLEDUMPS" and she'd be like "Ohmigawd? Rly?" And then they'd live happily ever after. *nodnod* Yes, even Draco. He doesn't need Luna on his side. He can recruit hoards of screaming fangirls, and we all know how scary they can be...
16. What might 10 shout while charging into battle?
"LEMME HUG YOU! PLEEEEEEEEASE! I'll give you a lemon drop!" *tackles with love*
17. If you chose a song to represent 8, which song would you choose?
What's with all these questions about Ginny? *pout*
Well, I guess "Unfaithful" by Rihanna. Ha, see what I did there? No, seriously, it would be more like 'Volvo Driving Soccer Mom' by Everclear. I can picture her being a really good mom once she settles down, but I also picture her childhood kinda wild.
Lyrics: "You know I used to be a bad girl. I got gangbanged in the bathroom at my highschool prom. Yeah, I used to be a real wild child, but now I am a Volvo driving soccer mom." xD I love that song.
18. 1, 6, and 10 are having dim sum at a Chinese restaurant. There is only one scallion pancake left, and they all reach for it at the same time. Who gets to eat it?
Dumbledore. Respect for the elders and all that. Harry might glower at him for a bit, but Hermione would give it up readily. And then Dumbledore would poor sugar and candy and other sweet things on it and eat it like that, while the Harry stares at it wistfully, wishing it didn't have to be eaten so strangely. Honestly though, Wizards must have good spells for their teeth or else Dumbledore's pearlywhites would be totally destroyed and rotten.
19. What might be a good pick-up line for 2 to use on 10?
._. ...uhm... apart from the fact that Luna flirting with Dumbledore is wrong on so many levels... wait, no, not apart from that fact. That's what I'm sticking with. I can list at least seventeen things that are wrong with that. *ahem* Anyway, a good pickup line?
"Did a fairy drop dust in your eye, because they're twinkling like the squid's eye shines."
20. What would 5 most likely be arrested for?
Being too sexy for the public. And possibly murder.
He's sexy.
21. What is 6's secret?
She failed divination. xD
22. If 11 and 9 were racing to a destination, who would get there first?
Heh, that's a funny image. Snape and Sirius racing. xD Sirius would definitely win. With all the hexes, jinxes, snide remarks... Yes, he'd definitely get there first. And if he didn't, it wouldn't matter, because whatever it was they were racing for, Sirius would find a way to win it. He's awesome that way.
24. "1 and 9 reluctantly team up to save the world from the threat posed by 4's sinister secret organization. 11 volunteers to help them, but it is later discovered that 11 is actually a spy for 4. Meanwhile, 4 has kidnapped 12 in an attempt to force their surrender. Following the wise advice of 5, they seek out 3, who gives them what they need to complete their quest." What title would you give this fic?
"Harry Potter on Crack." It's as simple as that.
25. If you had to walk home through a bad neighbourhood late at night, would you feel safer in the company of 7 or 8?
Seven. Definitely seven. I'd hold onto Ron's arm, giggle a little, tell him how big his muscles are, ask him if Harry's muscles are as big as his, and make the whole trip awkward for him. It's my dream to talk about awkward things with Ronald Weasley. I mean, he'd go so red! And if he was walking me through a bad neighbourhood, he'd stay by my side even if he was totally embarassed because he's a Gryffindor and he's loyal that way.
...And that's all. Boy, that really was fun! I'm gonna do another one soon with other characters, and other questions. ^^ YAY!