May 17, 2007 14:23
Yeah, my mood has drastically changed from last night. Do you know how many Wizard bands there are?! MILLIONS! Well, no, that's an exaggeration. There's only a handful. And I thought Harry and the Potters were good...
They actually aren't as great as Draco and the Malfoys. Draco and the Malfoys, along with the Parselmouths are my favourite at the moment! ^^ They kick ass! The Parselmouths sing the greatest songs evar... xD It just sucks that I can't download them. I think it's too obscure for me to illegally download. Ah well. I can only listen to them on their sites or their MySpaces. This discovery occured after finding out that Potter Puppet Pals had songs out. And so, after clicking and clicking, I ended up on Harry and the Potters' site. From there, I read where they're touring, and saw they toured with other bands. Heheh... SO MANY COOL BANDS!
Harry and the Potters (The first WRock band I heard! ^^ )
Draco and the Malfoys (These songs kick ASS!)
Remus Lupins (Looking for Trouble is a good song by them. ^^ And the singer looks like Remus! <.< xD Marauder!Remus anyway... Hawt.)
The Moaning Myrtles (Great as well. I like the music lots. xD 'And then I Died'... Funneh! Love 'em!)
The Parselmouths (they're teh awesomeness! Totally! Female Slytherins kick ass. )
The Whomping Willows (xD) (Harry and Draco, such an awesome song... xD )
DJ Luna Lovegood (It's rapping. About Hogwarts. How is that NOT awesome? If I liked rap, this would definitely be better, but it's awesome anyway.)
The Hungarian Horntails (Cutest...thing...ever. The guy who sings is like... five years old! *squee* So cute. Songs are short though... And... not too great... BUT CUTE!)
The Marauders (Not that great, but still awesome just for the fact that it's a Wizard group. xD Actually... they kinda suck. Er... )
Order of Merlin (Haven't heard.)
Justin Finch-Fletchey & the Sugar Quills (Er... kinda weird. But I guess even Hufflepuffs need bands. xD Wompy stole my Pillow is a funny song. xD Actually, all the songs from each band on this list is rather funny...)
Ginny and the HeartBreakers (Harry You're a Hottie is a funny song. xD)
Ministry of Magic (Haven't heard.)
Romilda Vane and the Chocolate Cauldrons (They sing nice songs, but they aren't that HP related. I like the style of music though.)
Sybill and the Centaur (Horrible band. Bad voice, only two songs... xD I LOVE IT! )
Sue and the Hufflepuffs (... The definition of this is 'lol'. xD )
Dobby and the House Elves (It's HP techno! *gasp* )
Gryff and the Dors (...god... it's really bad. Kudos for trying?)
The Hermione Crookshanks Experience (Luff)
Roonil Wazlib (They're okay. xD I like 'Ode to Lav Lav' )
We-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (I like 'em. ^^ )
The Mudbloods (Meh...)
Number 12 Grimmauld Place (Double meh...)
Huffle my Puffle (They ish love. ^^ Except they don't have their own music. They use songs and put new lyrics to 'em.)
Snidget (Really nice music. Original, yes, even for a fanbased band. Not funny, but nice to listen to.)
The Fleur Delacours (Not that good, 'specially since I can't hear her voice too well. But 'Fleur Weasley' is a funny song. xD )
Weasley King (Definitely awesome. ^^ Wonderful voice and music. LOVE LOVE! You wouldn't know it was HP related unless you listened to the lyrics. I could picture this on the radio, that's how great it is. )
Gred and Forge (...Definite love.)
And there are so many more that I can't even begin to start listing them all. AND I CAN'T DOWNLOAD AN EIGHTH OF THOSE SONGS! Blarg. I don't have a MySpace, but I'm surfing it, trying to find more and more and more and more... Wow. See what I spent my day doing? I feel... sad.
So, top five? In order?
1. Weasley King
2. Gred and Forge
3. The Parselmouths
4. Draco and the Malfoys
5. The Moaning Myrtles
So it's a top five. Yes, okay then. I've wasted enough space, methinks. This is why days off are not good for me. Goombye.