I was playing around with the colours on Paint.Net system I have. I've decided that tracing everything with my mouse is useless and that I won't ever do it again. (Too pixelated, too ugly, too ew.) But that meant I didn't know how to colour, since I used the 'filler' tool. Well, I've discovered... LAYERS! Woo! What a wonderful thing they are, these layers. *nodnod* So, by playing around with it, making my outlines darker and whatnot, and by fiddling with my 'transparency' option, I've come up with a new way to colour. (That isn't as gross as my previous attempt at colouring.) I'm sure I'll get the knack of this in no time at all.
Right, so if you know me, I'll probably have shown you this drawing already. I've decided to draw something for every line of the song 'All I want for Christmas' by Draco and the Malfoys. I've given myself Christmas as the deadline. Here's the first drawing (though not the first line). I'm not posting it on my DevArt or on any communities because I'm still fiddling with it on my computer. n___n Tell me what you think. Does it really look like he wet himself? I don't think so, but I'm trying to fix it. I have four different versions of this scan on my computer. Blarg. I'm sure once I'm used to scanning/editing on the computer that I won't be so cautious.
Oh great. Last time it was too big, now here it's too small. Greeeeeeeeeeat... *sighs and wonders why everything's so complicated*