
Oct 21, 2007 10:19

 I stand corrected for my post, yesterday.

The world is, in fact, bonkers.

Did you hear? Did you know? The books are over, over, and yet J.K. Rowling... she... It's... wow. Of all the things to say... why would that even be important? Why? But... oh wow... To say that I didn't grin like an idiot would be a lie. I was like "HA! THERE YOU GO! FINALLY SOME CANON SLASH! OMGFTWWOO!"

Not that I ever liked that pairing too much. It was nice, but just, y'know.

I bet you're all wondering what I'm blubbering on about.

Dumbledore is gay.

No, I'm not saying that because he wears colourful robes. I'm not saying that because I think he and Grindelwald were great together, and that the whole zapping each other thing was their 'Drama-Queen' way of breaking up. No, last Friday, JK announced it. Announced it to people. And, although it's great, I just... don't see the point. There was no point in announcing that, except to make the fangirls squee.

You should see the art that's being posted up. xDDDD

Anywho, that's my two cents of the day. It's really cool that Dumbledore cheers for his own team, but it really doesn't matter. Oh. Could you imagine if it did matter? o________o No, no, I'm not even going to go there, or else my happy little mind will implode with what that would mean.

thoughts/debates, hp

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