Jun 01, 2009 05:32
What a weekend! Well, week really as well - the end of the school year has thrown us into crazy-drive.
Last week I taught for a "working interview" of sorts for Jaden's school -- a 6th grade position. Fingers have been crossed repeatedly and we'll see what happens. 8th grade graduation was also last week, and it was so neat to hear the capstone presentations and hear this important benchmark in their lives. 6 souls moving from our halls after 8 years (for most of them) and into the wider world!
Saturday I was up early (for me) at 7:30 to plant our garden out at the UU church community grounds. I planted four rows of sunflowers, two batches of wildflowers, carrots, radishes, bush peas, lemon basil, and onions. I didn't make it out to water the grounds yesterday though so I'm needing to be up this early today to get that done before school dropoff. This is my first real attempt at gardening in the ground so we shall see how the various experiments I've set up work. After gardening was yoga, and then the real fun of the day -- moving Eric. Whee.
Don't get me wrong; I love that Eric is moving in finally so we can take advantage of the last two months of summer before the wedding to save our pennies, but I have moved 13 times since I was 18. (Eric totally beat me out by having moved 17 times -- and yes, we're dorky enough to have counted in a mini-competition). I'm tired of carrying boxes and heavy things!!
Thankfully, he just has a bedroom of stuff and a few boxes (not the 40 plus that I moved last time). Jaden got to go have a playdate with one of his school friends and had a blast while we moved. Picked him up around 7pm, had burrito yumminess at La Bonita on NE Alberta, finished emptying the waterbed tubes at his apartment and then headed back home. My apartment has exploded into utter messiness - but that should all get sorted out within the week.
Yesterday we took a lazy morning to recover. I walked to the grocery and came back with various sundry items and then watched a DVD of My Boys (yay netflix!). Then it was time to suit up for kickball. Yep - you heard it first, after two years of watching Eric play and referee, I have decided to play this summer with Recess Time. Eric had to ref a playoff game for Underdog, so he wasn't able to make it out to practice, but I spent 3 hours in the sun at Overlook yesterday getting my kickball on. It'll be awesome to be on a team and have weekly games.
Apparently all this activity caught up with me last night - and after dinner I puttered around a bit and then fell asleep. At 8pm. I didn't wake up until 4:15 this morning when Eric was up to take his parents to the airport. I might snooze a bit more, but I had last minute calls yesterday to sub for Jaden's class and for the 6/7th grade class. So I'll be either teaching till 10:30 or 1pm today. Subbing for Hillsboro teachers Tuesday and Thursday, and may pick up the 6/7th grade class on Wednesday. Friday is Jaden's last day of school -- and my friend Cheri is coming up to go wedding dress shopping with me!
With the dress bought; this means that we should have invites going out by the weekend, and all our planning is done (except for decorations but that will happen in August). This has got to be the easiest wedding planning ever! (or I've just watched too many bridezilla shows and heard about too many friends that have gone nutters while planning theirs)
Have a great week!!