Apr 10, 2005 22:43
i will begin at the crack of dawn on saturday, april 9th, 2005. guaranteed, this will be a rather lengthy entry as it will encompass every single detail of this rather cheerful day.
president and i ventured to sherway gardens in the early morning in hopes of returning home for noon. with prior afternoon plans, we were both attempting to manage our time well enough to include the shopping necessary for our upcoming anaheim trip. it was during this two hour adventure that i found my seemingly ideal prom dress. i will be returning to the mall tomorrow to receive a second opinion and make my final decision. it may be discounted, therefore i may be further encouraged to pick it up as soon as possible.
i returned home prior to noon for the cleaning process necessary for my grandparents' arrival. unfortunately, i have now been stripped of a proper mattress and the wooden board currently gracing my back during my slumber period is quite painful. i received phone call after phone call regarding my upcoming private paintball party in honour of my eighteenth year of life. i required a minimum of 20 guests in order to pay off the $500 deposit i had provided sgt. splatters earlier. twenty-four guests confirmed by 3pm. at the time, my primary concern was a means of transportation for the twenty-four guests as i had only made contact with three confirmed drivers.
due to my state of fatigue, the remainder of the entry will be continued in brief points summarizing the details of my day and all that has left me completely content. the times are approximated due to my failed memory.
05:24PM - leave the house to pick up konstantine - she is wearing a "no thank you" shirt
05:35PM - pick up lennon - he is wearing a rastafarian hat
05:50PM - stop at the mall for nintendo who is at work [ microplay ]
06:04PM - arrive at the pita nutsy to meet and greet the guests
06:15PM - hero arrives with a humourous greeting card and hardcorefraggle's note!
06:25PM - maritime and x arrive
06:40PM - fiend, religions, imagine, che, messenger arrive
06:47PM - an skinny man flirts with konstantine, but fails in his courting attempts
06:50PM - kermit arrives
07:10PM - president and cherry arrive
07:14PM - manager and unit arrive from work [ zeroedge ]
07:17PM - dice arrives with a beautiful card that is now gracing my bedroom wall
07:45PM - marijuana shocks me with a personalized swiss chocolate cake - my favourite
08:00PM - we leave the nutsy for sgt. splatters
08:34PM - i am lost due to kermit's poor orientation skills
08:42PM - sgt splatters adventure begins.
09:45PM - i am bruised from the shots and everything is going great despite the pain
the night progresses on without problems and everything is great.
my grandparents arrive in the evening and i return home to see them.
i now own the motorola v180 and a lot of ferrero rocher.
i love you all.
i am exhausted.
good night.