Jan 28, 2009 11:00
Hopetoun, a misnomer if ever there was one, is a place that I will happily put down on the list of "Experiences that Dave's glad he's had but doesn't want to repeat. Ever."
The time down here so far has been marked by a complete failure for State and Commonwealth Government to communicate. We are the first on the gound, however we can't do anything besides give very general information as we're simply one small part of the travelling carnival show that is the State Government's response. Having commandeered the local primary school, because clearly the teachers there don't need time to prepare for the first term starting in 4 days, we're now twiddling our thumbs as we wait for the powers-that-be to arrive. I shouldn't really complain, I'm being paid very well for doing this trip, but I honestly feel that I could be better employed elsewhere. Like *in* Ravensthorpe for example.
I'm pretty much uncontactable down here, my accommodation has exactly zero internets (wireless or otherwise), my mobile is reduced to an overpriced paperweight/alarm clock because Optus doesn't provide any coverage here, and it's too windy and gross for any carrier pigeons to make it down safely.
Still due back in Perth on Friday evening with enough time to get changed, jump in the car and go to Alice and Malcolm's for roast venison and a couple of top end 2005 Glaetzer wines.
Mad props to Hippy for agreeing to look after Zorro for me while I'm away, I owe you a bunch hon :)