
Feb 17, 2016 20:41

presenting to y'all, the joint community for the angst circle's finest, puniest, funiest and craziest duo that is... kimri (yuri x kimmy)!!! our punchline is; we write funny but also angsty, we are funny but also (very) angsty.

ok so basically, yuri and i were trying to come up with names for this community and most of the good ones were already taken {there was one indonesian word "jayus" that means a joke that is so unfunny that it makes you laugh (bc of how UNfunny it is) and we were instantly attracted because that word is basically us??? but unfortunately that un belongs to a purged account--damn it--so yeah, we had to resort to another.} i found our current community un by chance, and honestly our aim is to find a un that reflects us as a punny funny duo but is also classy and aesthetic enough!

anddddd we FOUND IT!

but no, we won't tell you what it means. though, here's a hint; it relates to ass.

anyway, please anticipate, we won't disappoint you (but even if we do, you could just read our sidebar and laugh it off). au revoir!

♥, douc , sooriforever

introduction, author: sooriforever

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