Your Ladyship

Feb 24, 2016 12:46

Your Ladyship
- yunho/boa; law!au, ~3622w
This is the 2nd individual sidefic to the law!au universe project that mekimigure and cleonsyk and I are working together. If it isn't clear already, the main character for this project is none other than Krystal, so before we actually start on that for real, we're writing all these sidefics for the side characters first, heh.

Jung Yunho remembers for all his life, that when he grows up, he will become a lawyer. In fact, no one was surprised when he decided to go to law school.

He has had this thought planted firmly in his mind when he was merely a child, and everybody knew it. It wasn’t something he had discussed out loud with his family, but rather, it was something he knew he was destined to do right from the very beginning. Yunho has never once objected to this future, mainly because he had accepted it as part of his fate since the day his father allowed him into his office and told him this was all going to be his one day.

Yunho was, and still is, grateful for the fact that at the very least, he never found reading to be a chore.


In all four years of law school, Yunho has never remembered mooting being this exciting.

It probably has something to do with the fact that this would be his last moot session in law school. It might also have something to do with how the topic of the moot problem revolves around one of his favorite subjects, but Yunho is completely sure that most of his excitement comes from the fact that his assigned opposing counsel this time is none other than his number one rival since his second year, Kwon Boa.

This personal rivalry of his started at the end of his first year, when Yunho had placed 12th in his batch. He was completely chilled when results were put up on the notice board, proclaiming to his circle of friends that people sleep through their first years because it was the year to relax. Yunho remembered adding how he wasn’t going to spend his first year solely in his library doing nothing exciting but reading piles and piles of cases, because how no life can you get, right?

Clearly, he hadn’t meant to insult anyone, especially not Kwon Boa, since the latter had, rather literally, lived in the law library throughout the entire year. But the young woman, who had placed first out of a hundred and fifty students, had unintentionally overheard his conversation, and needless to say, she was offended.

Oh please, Boa had said, hands on her hips, you only said that because you wouldn’t ever dream of getting number one in class.

Yunho had been surprised at the sudden remark snapped at his direction. He had turned around, saw her standing behind him, and remembered by memory that this is the female student who had sat in the same front seat in every lecture. Of course I can, if I want to, he replied back with a charming smile that had no effect whatsoever on Boa who then responded haughtily with a prove it, then, if you think you’re that smart.

And the rest was history.

The following semester in his second year, Yunho had placed 3rd in class, and Boa remained number one. When he saw the triumphant smirk on her face, it was enough to fuel his determination so that the next time he had to sit for an exam, he would be the one smirking.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t be so excited, yet.” He had approached her, mirroring the same smirk. “Because you see, I leapt from twelve to the third placing, if that isn’t smart, then I don’t know what it is.”

“I’ll tell you what it isn’t,” Boa replied, unfazed by him. “the first placing.”

Yunho had laughed, though he was burning with determination in the inside. “Kwon Boa, being number one is boring. You can only ever maintain, or go down. But see, I’m number three, which means I have the chance to go up. Isn’t that more exciting?”

He remembered that after saying that, Boa had rolled her eyes and simply walked away. That was when he had felt the burn in his heart-the feeling that he had won. And boy did it feel great.

“Looks like this rivalry between us will never end.”

Yunho shakes himself out from his reverie as he slowly registers the voice coming from the table beside him. He puts on his signature smirk and shrugs nonchalantly. “Well, I’m not surprised. It’s the last moot session for our batch, what’s more exciting than pitting the school’s top two students against each other?”

Boa is gathering her notes from her desk as she stands. She faces Yunho after she hastily shoves them into her bag before placing a hand over her chest. “Please allow me to apologize in advance,” She smiles sweetly, and Yunho scoffs. “because I’m going to destroy you in moot court and…you know, it’s sad, since it’s our last moot being a law student. I’d hate to leave such a bitter experience in your mind.” She pauses just to annoy Yunho further. “But I know you’ll be just fine, given that attitude of yours.”

“Thank you so much for your concern, I am deeply grateful that you care for my wellbeing.” Yunho says, his voice thick with sarcasm. He secretly loves seeing Boa being extremely annoyed when her words didn’t get into him. “But allow me to beg for your indulgence, Your Ladyship; what attitude are you talking about?”

The mooting reference doesn’t go unnoticed, though Boa continues to smile. “Funny how you’re asking a question you already know the answer to.”

“All I want is to hear it come from you.” Yunho grins, standing so that he is now towering over her. Boa has to crane her neck to be able to maintain eye contact with him. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“That attitude.” Boa replies flatly as she begins to walk away. “Exactly that attitude. I’ll see you in two weeks.”

“Hey, wait.” Yunho calls out, stopping her in her tracks as she turns around to face him. “I have an idea, just to spice things up a little.”

Boa sighs, “If this is some sort of trick before we moot I’m-“

“No, it isn’t. But let’s make a deal. If you win, I’ll stop giving you that attitude, or whatever it is that you find it annoying.”

“And if you win?” Boa asks, slightly amused at this sudden peculiar request from her all-time rival.

Yunho grins. “Then I get to request anything from you.”

“So if I win, you’ll stop being annoying, but if you win, you can request anything from me?” Boa repeats, an eyebrow rose. “That doesn’t seem fair to me.”

“Why? Are you afraid you’ll lose?” Yunho’s reply is enough for Boa to stick her nose up in the air as she huffs; “All right. But if I win, you’ll stop acting like a know it all. Deal?”

“Deal.” Yunho simply shrugs. “And don’t pull an all-nighter in the library, I’d hate to have to moot alone if you fall sick.” He sings after her as he watches her flaunt away, her ponytail swinging from left to right. He subconsciously smiles, picking up his book and making his way out as well.

His best friend, Shim Changmin, is waiting for him by the door when he finally emerges from the room. Changmin is giving him that look, which Yunho conveniently ignores as he begins walking in the direction of the library.

“Man, you’re starting now?” Changmin asks in surprise. It amuses him that Yunho has opt to start early, as it usually takes him at least two days after receiving the moot problem to begin his research. “You’re really aiming to win, huh?”

“Yes,” He replies in the flattest tone possible before throwing a smile in his friend’s direction. “And as you’re the world’s greatest friend, I would like to offer you the position to be my co-counsel.”

Changmin is already smiling when he casually slings an arm around Yunho’s neck. “Now, why would I be waiting for you if I wasn’t going to be your co-counsel?”

Yunho grins. “Let’s win this.”


Two weeks later, more than half of their batch-mates have gathered in the school’s moot court to witness their last moot session in law school. When Yunho and Changmin reached together, Boa and her co-counsel are already in their court attires, both clad in black robes as they scan through their paperwork one last time.

“Don’t overstress yourself, my learned friend.” Yunho says from his table in the friendliest manner possible. “No one’s life is at stake here.”

Boa simply smiles. “Oh no, I’m perfectly relaxed. You should worry about yourself, Jung.”

Yunho says nothing at that as Changmin hands him his own robe. “When this is all over, are you two ever going to stop coming at each other like that?”

“We’ll see about that.” Yunho whispers back and settles himself on the seat of the lead counsel for the appellant.

“It’s a shame you two are like this, imagine if you team up and represent our school in moot competitions. Man, you two would have kicked ass.” Changmin isn’t the least bothered to go through the papers on the desk, so he continues talking. Yunho laughs at that suggestion, shaking his head as he replies fervently; “Changmin, if we team up, we’ll kill each other before we kill our opponents. We’re destined to go against each other, not alongside."

“You’re only saying that because you want to believe in that. Sad,” Changmin pretends to sigh as he sees that the judges are making their way in. Knowing that Yunho would have no time to reply, he quickly adds, simply out of mischief; “I honestly think you two would make beautiful babies together.”

Yunho shoots him a glare from the corner of his eyes while Changmin merely snickers as they push themselves out from their chairs.

“All rise, the High Court of Seoul National is now in session. The honorable Judge Kim is presiding.” The bailiff announces, and after a pause, continues; “Please be seated.”

As the lead counsel for the appellant would begin presenting the case, Yunho remains standing as he gathers his papers calmly. He makes his way towards the rostrum in the middle, while at the same time, pushes the idea Changmin has planted in his head away. Yunho is very much determined to walk out of the moot court with a win and nothing less, and so, it will not do to dwell on that thought. He takes a deep breath before he begins;

“May it please the court.”


A few months after, Yunho meets Boa again on their graduation day. They haven’t been in touch after their last day in law school, and seeing Boa in her graduation robes amidst the sea of graduates reminds Yunho that this may very well be the last chance he has to ever speak to her again.

He gingerly makes his way towards her, praying that by the time he reaches, her friends would have dispersed and she would be left alone. Of course, it didn’t happen, and Yunho is forced to clear his throat politely to catch her attention. It doesn’t go unnoticed that Boa’s friends are quick to begin whispering, some even smiling at him as they politely edge away.

“Yunho,” Boa greets him, and he is surprised by how warm her tone is.

“Boa,” He nods in return and smiles. “How are you? Great speech, by the way.”

As Boa has graduated top of the class (with Yunho closely behind, as per usual), she had been given the privilege to make a speech during the graduation ceremony earlier. It was short and precise, but Yunho had secretly glowed in pride knowing that ultimately, she was the most deserving of that title and position -though he will probably never tell her that.

“Thank you.” She replies, offering him a smile as well. “You did really well too in general, so congratulations.”

Yunho chuckles. “To be honest, I probably wouldn’t have bothered if it wasn’t because you challenged me to.”

“Nah,” Boa shakes her head slowly. “You would have caught up, eventually.”

“Are you finally admitting that I’m smart?” Yunho teases, knowing that in all his years of law school, Boa has never once acknowledged that particular detail. She once called his achievement ‘by pure luck’ and Yunho had burnt the midnight oil in the library during study week (and made sure she’d seen it) to prove her wrong.

Boa rolls her eyes playfully. “Oh please, like you ever need an admittance from your rival to show you’re smart.”

Yunho simply grins, not knowing what to say-which is rather ironic given how he had plenty of things to say each time they’ve met for the past three years. Eventually, it is Boa who speaks again after the long pause. “So, when will I have the honor of meeting your very prestigious family of lawyers?”

His smile falters as Yunho rubs the back of his neck nervously. “You knew?”

He’s never told anyone about his family background. Yunho has made it a life’s mission not to reveal who his grandfather, father and uncle are. He hated the thought of people looking at him differently just because he’s a Jung, particularly the Jung whose uncle is a high court judge, and grandfather and father, the founder and current managing partner to one of the biggest and most successful firm in Seoul.

“Everyone knew.” Boa is somewhat surprised he doesn’t know of this fact, “you were all they could talk about since the first day you stepped into law school.”

It takes him only a matter of seconds before Yunho is looking at her again. “Is that why you…”

An apologetic look crosses Boa’s face briefly as she offers him the best smile she could muster. “I’m sorry. I hated how arrogant you were, hated that you had a future secured even if you don’t work hard for it. Because unlike you, I don’t come from a family of lawyers.”

“No, it’s all right, really. I shouldn’t have said what I said back then, anyway. I totally understand why you hated my guts. I would hate me too, honestly.”

Boa laughs, shielding her face with the flowers in her hands. “You wouldn’t, and you know that.”

Yunho’s eyes crinkle into a smile as well as he chuckles. “Yeah, you’re right. I wouldn’t.”

They laugh, and in lieu to that moment came a period of unbreachable silence. It is as though they’ve nothing left to say to each other, but their feet remain rooted on the ground, not wanting to leave just yet. Boa’s looking around, trying to find a familiar face in the crowd while Yunho is gazing at nothing in particular at the other side.

“Well, I think that’s my parents.” Boa squints her eyes, finally spotting the two people she has been trying to since she stepped out of the hall. She glances at Yunho again, a warm smile on her face. She may have hated him before this, but after getting to know him better, Boa realizes that, as annoying as he could ever be, she’s going to actually miss him. “So…best of luck, Jung. It is really nice to see you again.”

As she begins to leave, Yunho doesn’t think, merely reacts as he reaches forward to grab her arm. “Wait!”

Slightly alarmed, Boa halts and turns around hastily. “Yeah?”

“I vaguely remember,” He’s slightly pink now as he clears his throat in slight embarrassment. Yunho’s surprised he even has the courage to do this, after the many months of chickening away. “you agreeing that if I win that moot session, I get to request something from you.”

Boa blinks, once, twice, before realization sinks in. Ah, that last moot as a law student and she had lost to Jung Yunho-this is something she would always remember, not because she had lost, but because she had been so amused and impressed at Yunho’s preparation back then that she wholeheartedly admitted her defeat (though this is something she will never in her life reveal to the man standing in front of her.) At that sudden remembrance, Boa wanted very much to grin, but she’s controlling herself by putting on a straight face. “You vaguely remember? Is there proof? A written agreement, perhaps?”

“I never said that was a contract,” Yunho simply says as he crosses his arms together. His smile remains. “It had been a mutual deal, and we all know that a good lawyer would honor such deal.” He pauses before adding for the fun of it, "your ladyship."

Boa laughs, shaking her head. “What do you want to request from me?”

Yunho is already thinking of various witty comebacks relating to Contract Law, that he’s completely taken aback when she agreed so easily. She’s looking at him expectantly, urging him to continue and so  he leans forward, towering over the petite female. She holds her ground though, her gaze on his as he whispers seven words into her ears.

Boa’s eyes widen slightly, only for one second, before a smirk begins to form itself on her lips. “Hmm. Really? Are you sure you want that?”

“Scout’s honor.” Yunho straightens himself, still grinning. “Given the chance that I may never see you again…”

“You’re making it sound like I’m moving to the other end of South Korea.” Boa says in amusement, “There’s still the bar exam to take, and the training in JRCI…plus my internship is in Seoul, if you’ve forgotten. At-“

“Lee, Yang and Park.” He finishes her sentence nonchalantly. “I know, I know. Everyone knows.”

Yunho could tell that she’s secretly beaming with pride at herself. If he is to be honest with himself though, he had expected no less from Kwon Boa for securing an internship position in Seoul’s most successful law firm. “So, is that a no, then?”

Boa says nothing, only smiles as she takes a step back. “I’ll see you around, Jung.” She finally replies, though not with the answer he had wanted to hear from her.

“Is that a yes or a no?” Yunho is terribly confused, but before he could reach out for her again, she has squeezed into the crowd, making it impossible for him to catch up with her. He chuckles to himself, a hand against his forehead-it is so typical of Boa to do something like this, he should have known better that getting a simple answer from her would actually be the hardest task in the world.

There is a sudden tap on his back as Yunho whirls around and comes face to face with his cousin sister. His face splits into an immediate grin as he ruffles the younger female’s hair, much to her dismay. “Soojung! You made it!”

The girl named Soojung huffs, quickly slapping her cousin brother’s hand away before running a hand through her hair. “God, don’t do that, I’m not five anymore!”

Yunho doesn’t care as he pulls her into a bear hug. “Look at you all grown up! What are you, twelve? Thirteen?”

“I’m seventeen for goodness sake,” Soojung says exasperatedly when Yunho releases her from his grip. He hands her the flower bouquet he had awkwardly been holding throughout the ceremony, his grin only seem to grow wider at each passing second. “Where are your parents? How about Sooyeon?”

“They’re with your parents, obviously. We couldn’t find you in this crazy crowd so they sent me to bring you to them instead.” Soojung is smiling too, clearly happy for her cousin brother as he is one step closer to his inherited dream. “Congratulations, oppa. Everyone’s really proud of you.”

Soojung turns and begins retracing her steps with Yunho tailing behind her. “How’s school?” He asks, trying to make a conversation with the cousin he has not seen in years. “Gosh, you’re graduating from high school soon. What are your plans after that?”

Yunho hears her groaning, and he wonders to himself if he had asked the wrong question. “School’s fine, oppa. And…hey, can I ask you something?” Soojung changes the topic so quickly that Yunho doesn’t even remember that he has asked something else that his younger cousin had not given an answer to. “Who were you talking to earlier before I got to you? She left before I could really see her though but I sort of heard you asking if she said yes or no. Were you asking her out on a date?”

“Oh,” Yunho feels his ears turning pink at the thought of Soojung possibly hearing all that. “that’s…a friend of mine.”

“Friend.” Soojung repeats with an all-knowing look. She throws a mischievous smirk at her cousin brother and says no more. Yunho too, keeps quiet, though the second he spots his family, his grin returns to his face. He waves and quickens his steps, leaving Soojung behind to see the looks of pride appearing on her father and uncle’s faces when they see him.

In contrast, Soojung slows down her steps. She is looking from one family member to another, all very proud of her cousin’s achievement. Her father, who is a High Court judge, is patting Yunho on the shoulders and repeating ‘you’ve worked hard, congratulations and well done’ over and over again like a broken record. Her uncle, Yunho’s father, hands his son a piece of paper, and Soojung bets that the piece of paper is an official recruitment letter to join the firm he owns, which is rather ridiculous given how Yunho has yet to pass the bar exam. Even her own sister, Sooyeon, is proud and absolutely delighted with the addition of another lawyer in the family, if the way she is beaming at him is any indication.

Is this path destined for me to take, too? Soojung begins to wonder.

soloist: boa, fandom: dbsk/jyj, pairing: yunho/boa, law!au

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