I'm sorry, Doctor!

Jun 04, 2010 19:49

momentrabbit has been periodically supplying me with ENTIRELY LEGITIMATE copies of the new Doctor Who serial. I kept intending to watch these, but never did. However, velvetpage and I have decided we shall start watching the show together again, and work our way through them. We watched it as a family for a good length of time, along with Elizabeth who really like Rose and "the Doctor's blue house."

"We only have a couple of seasons to catch up on," I said to myself, going online to check.

Hmm. Last episode I watched when it was broadcast was Love and Monsters, in June, 2006. I've seen a couple of episodes after that, Blink for one. That was a good one, though I kept wondering why the characters didn't just alternately wink each eye in turn. And I also say the really stupid Gridlock and the painful Daleks in Manhattan and sort of... gave up. I think I may have also seen the one with a zepellin and not-quite-cyberman, or at least extensive sections of it.

I can watch wobbly sets and wooden acting and enjoy it, but bad pacing really bugs me, and the pacing on a lot of new Who bugged me. I can get over that. I am a big fan of Doctor Who. I used to be on rec.arts.doctorwho constantly. I submitted a novel manuscript to BBC Books in 1997. I ran the RPG from the age of 13. I was a sad anorak. I was certainly looking forward to the new show.

I think the big reason I stopped watching was that Claire had just been born, so I guess I was a little distracted and disengaged from geek media. Moreso than usual.

Right, so... lots of ground to cover. Lots of episodes to watch. I don't even really know what the current Doctor looks like. 13 year old me would be so disappointed in me.


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