another dream

Feb 05, 2004 23:37

*note* the you mentioned in this entry is Staci Revers- i sent this email to her when this happened and i just copy pasted it.... btw this is a really old occurance and didnt happen recently i'm just logging it on my lj to remember it

....erm..... hi... ello- yeah.. trembling- shaking/crying again... Stupid aliens!! leaaaavee meeee alooooooooooooonne!!!!

Remember how i said i wanted another one just so i could control it more... well i got my chance!! yay joy! ANYwho- so hmm where to begin.... Well i guess i could control it more... but with it, this nightmare/abduction whatever the hell it is.. was a hell of a lot scarier than the last.. the others would have one instance.. one setting and a constant scream/frequency

This had mannnny settings- Okies I started off in my bed as always- i started to hear the frequency and i tried not to listen... i turned away from it, apparently "they" didnt like that very much and turned up the volume. Okies so now i'm trying to move, to get away from it. So i can barely move my hands and my legs dont do much. but its more than i've been able to do- This time i can actually get sound out of my mouth after MANY trials... its very scratchy and hurts my throat. feels like theres something there blocking my sound from being projected. So first i utter some grunts just testing to see if my voice worked at all.. then i tried to call for mother... didnt work to well.. No one came ... i couldnt think of anything else to do so i concentrated on my arm movement/lack there of.... and was finally able to lift myself from my bed and onto the that moment my room became all distorted.. i had to grope around for awhile.. but finally i made it to the door. Once i got there my 'dream' gave me a choice... it showed a path leading away from my room and one leading right back to it... So i chose my room, knowing my dream was trying to trick me into running away- i knew my room led to safty and the path away led back to my room. Okies so now i'm least i think so.. i cant hear the frequency but my voice still doesnt work.. I see my mum/dad discussing things like always, nothing new here... i crawl into the room, ada picks me up and hugs me.. seeing my tears- then i stand and watch tv with them for awhile (Trust me i thought i was truely awake and out of the dream here.. it was freaky) ... okies so i'm watching tv and apparently something comes on the screen a very strange crawling creature that has been in my dream before (i dont remember it (maybe a visual of my captors if this is an abduction))

"Hey, that looks like something from one of those nightmares i've been having. Have you seen my nightmare log?" she casually replied yes... then got an angry look on her face- then her eyes went all denomic and green on me and she leaped foreward saying something about how "i was a worthless child" then she backed down and her eyes went normal. at that moment i fled back to my room knowing it wasnt over.. that i hadnt woken up yet.. so i tried to truly go to sleep and it didnt work- the frequency the paralyzation came back again... Okies so now i'm back to trying to escape. Many times i end up on the floor. Finally when i got outside of my room i could stand up .. i went downstairs to see my dad at the kitchen counter- he told me he wanted to take me i went with him.. it was on a car ride- only the car seemed to be going faster than what the speedometer read- Okies.. so were flying down this road and we come to this white winding road that spirals upward. we go up it.. i'm on a huge white reactor looking thing thats protruding about 100 stories from the ground... the scene disappears and I'm again in my bed. This time the frequency doesnt come back.. I open my eyes and i feel safe. ... (i'm still not out yet) ...okies so i get up easily and go into my parents room and my mum is pregnant w/ my brother yet to be named Stanely, after my uncle who died (he still living now but in my dream he died) ... okies so that made me stumble back out of the room and to my own where i proceeded to cry- and all the while trying to think of some other way to escape. The frequency comes again.. very loud and i'm sent to another place. I see you! i get happy and run to you and you hug me- i feel very safe.. but then of course everything in my nightmare is messed up and you push me away and shake my shoulder violently and your eyes do the same denomic green and you scream at me "what did you tell them!!!????" Oh god. at that moment the frequency was the loudest i've ever heard it and the most painful... in the dream i actually doubled over in pain... and i cried the most at this point.

Okay back to square one.. my bed.. yay frequency comes again- and i'm at a computer looking up a video that contains dancing hobbits matrix characters and other things... apparently very funny- and i was looking it up for Mike and a few other friends- I get overwhelmed by the frequency again... and i'm back in my bed.... again! But this time i'm completely paralyzed.. i cant move anything at all... the frequency gets louder, and i get lost in a whirl of sounds... then finally i was able to force my eyes open. I made it out.. i didnt believe it at first.. i crawled to floor just like in my dream but then i was able to stand up turn on the lights and shrink to the ground.. overwhelmed by the entire thing... cried a bit... just not believing it was over. Okies so i get up and my movement is free and i feel unburdened. And immediately i went downstairs to record it all before i forgot it. Probably one of the creepiest Frequency/paralyzation dreams yet.

Okies this is the info on the last one

Time: 12-1 am
Date: Feb. 5th 2004
Full moon date Feb. 6
Overall body temp. 95.7

This one

Time: 12-1 am
Date: March 7th 2004
Full moon date March 6th
Overall body tem. 95.8
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