Sometimes All You Need Is A Little Flirtation [14/15]

Sep 19, 2008 15:00

Title: Sometimes All You Need Is A Little Flirtation
Rating: PG-13
Author: Moi, blackeyedwicca
Pairing: Pierre/David, David/Frank/Gerard, David/Frank, David/Gerard and Frank/Gerard
Summary: It’s Warped tour and when Pierre’s girlfriend arrives to spend some time with him David starts to feel really left out. When Frank and Gerard take an interest in the bassist, well, Pierre might just have to reconsider what exactly David means to him. But is David still going to want Pierre when he’s got Frank and Gerard instead?
Chapter: 14/15
Beta: The lovely theghostofher
Disclaimer: Sadly, it isn’t true. But god, wouldn’t it be a perfect world if it was? The slash, the love… *sighs dreamily*
A/N: Can you believe this story only has one more part to go? I'm going to miss it :(

Part 1 -~- Part 8

Part 2 -~- Part 9

Part 3 -~- Part 10

Part 4 -~- Part 11

Part 5 -~- Part 12

Part 6 -~- Part 13

Part 7



Looking back up at me, he hesitated and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me but then he just looked away. “I… I’m going to go listen to… whoever’s playing.”

He didn’t wait for a reply - not that I think I could have given him one at the moment - as he quickly exited the room, leaving me alone to try and digest this new bit of information.

A small part of my mind was acknowledging that Mikey had been right, but the rest was swirling with one question: Who the hell was I going to choose?


Part 14

I barely remember Pat coming in and telling me it was time to go on.

I remember even less of performing… but what I do remember, with crystal clarity, is the pained look Pierre tried to hide when Gerard and Frank came up and hugged me after we finished playing.

Gerard and Frank quickly led me away before I could talk to him however, taking me to a secluded unused room where they quickly shut the door.

“What’s wrong? Did Pierre say something?” Frank asked.

I opened my mouth but I couldn't speak and instead, I just nodded, making his eyes narrow.

“I’m going to kill him. I’m going to fucking mutilate him!”

Frank turned and went to leave but Gerard just reached out and grabbed him, pulling Frank against his chest, his eyes not leaving mine. “What did he say, David?”

Stopping his struggles momentarily, Frank looked at me, waiting for a response.

“He… he said he… loved me,” I forced the words out, my shock still present, coating every word, “He said he wants me, that he was jealous of you both having me and… and that he shouldn’t be and that he only just realised how he felt about me…”

Frank went slack in Gerard’s grip, staring at me with wide eyes.

“He… he did?” Gerard asked in disbelief.

I nodded slowly as it finally started to sink in that Pierre was in love with me.

“David,” Frank said, waiting until he had my attention before accusing, “Then why the fuck haven’t you kissed him senseless and become his fucking boyfriend!?”

I almost jumped in shock. “W-What?!”

Frank rolled his eyes. “Jesus Christ. You said you liked him, right? Hell, I’m pretty sure you love him, but whatever, your emotions. My point however, is that when the guy you like admits his feelings for you. You. Kiss. Him. Senseless.”

“But… But… you guys?” I stuttered out.

Gerard smiled, placing his hand over Frank’s mouth before he could talk. “We like you David, a lot, but we’ve only known you a couple of days… and even though a threesome can start out good, someone is eventually going to become the third wheel.”

Frank nodded as Gerard removed his hand so Frank could add, “Exactly! And I mean, he likes you. It’s a lot like me and Gerard,” he smiled leaning against Gerard as he continued, Gerard’s arms wrapping around his waist, “It’s something we didn’t imagine was possible, but when it happens… it’s fantastic. So David, you have to find him and kiss him and then just… just grab on with both hands and hold tight.”

“I… thank you.”

They both nodded before beckoning me closer.

Walking forward, I was pulled into a soft kiss by Frank, his tongue caressing my bottom lip for access.

I quickly obliged, knowing this would be the last time I’d ever do this with him.

It was a slow, lazy exploration and when we finally pulled back, he placed a chaste kiss to my cheek before moving away from Gerard and myself.

I barely got a chance to level my breathing before Gerard had leaned down and copied Frank, kissing me just like he had, our tongues tenderly moving together.

And when he pulled back, it was with a soft smile that I matched.

We had dated for a barely a day and now we were breaking up… it had to be the shortest but best, most meaningful relationship I’d ever had.

“Thank you, for everything.”

They smiled as Gerard leaned down and kissed my forehead.

Pulling back, he said, "Go get your man."

I grinned before hurriedly moving past them, laughing slightly when I heard Frank call out, “And I expect details when you come to pick up your stuff!”

Followed by Gerard’s, “And safe sex is good sex!”

Shaking my head, I started jogging down the hallway as I tried to think over where Pierre would be… but with each step I took, I felt worries start to form.

What if Pierre wasn’t really in love with me?

He had a girlfriend… what if he was just reading his emotions wrong?

What if I told him I loved him… and he changed his mind?

I shook my head, trying to push the thoughts away as I exited the venue’s building and slowed to a fast walk while heading towards the bus.

I’d just have to see where things went… because when it came down to it, I liked Frank and Gerard, but I loved Pierre.

Reaching the bus, I didn’t allow myself to double think it as I pushed open the door and walked inside.

Part 15

rating: pg-13, author: blackeyedwicca, fiction: chaptered

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