Sometimes All You Need Is A Little Flirtation [13/15]

Sep 16, 2008 22:10

Title: Sometimes All You Need Is A Little Flirtation
Rating: PG-13
Author: Moi, blackeyedwicca
Pairing: Pierre/David, David/Frank/Gerard, David/Frank, David/Gerard and Frank/Gerard
Summary: It’s Warped tour and when Pierre’s girlfriend arrives to spend some time with him David starts to feel really left out. When Frank and Gerard take an interest in the bassist, well, Pierre might just have to reconsider what exactly David means to him. But is David still going to want Pierre when he’s got Frank and Gerard instead?
Chapter: 13/15
Beta: The lovely theghostofher
Disclaimer: Sadly, it isn’t true. But god, wouldn’t it be a perfect world if it was? The slash, the love… *sighs dreamily*
A/N: Could this be the chapter you've all been waiting for? Where Pierre explains it all? Hmm... I think it could be... *grins*

Part 1 -~- Part 8

Part 2 -~- Part 9

Part 3 -~- Part 10

Part 4 -~- Part 11

Part 5 -~- Part 12

Part 6

Part 7



“You guys are freaks.”

Gerard grinned. “Ah, but so are you. After all, you’re one of us.”

I snorted. “This truly is a Warped tour.”

“Well duh. What do you expect when you combine music, gayness and a healthy dose of sugar? You were meant to become our freak," Frank said in all seriousness, making me and the others quickly start laughing.

I never thought I’d say this… but my band was fucking normal… I should have ventured out of it a long time ago.


Part 13

After our laughing fit - that seemed to just get harder to stop every time we looked at each other - we made our way back to the bus where we sat playing video games for an hour before I had to go and get ready to perform.

It took a couple of minutes, but I finally managed to convince them to let me go alone and just for them to come when we were about to start - Frank was the hardest to convince and it ended up taking mine and Gerard’s puppy dog eyes to make him agree.

So this was why I was here, walking towards the dressing room - by myself - makeup bag clutched tightly as I tried to tell myself that this was the right thing to do and that everything would go fine.

Too bad my mind kept punching holes in that theory.

Running a hand through my hair, I stopped in front of the door, and after taking a deep breath, I pushed it open.

Sebastien and Jeff were the only two inside and as soon as they saw it was me, they had rushed over and hurriedly pulled me inside.

“Dude, what the fuck happened?!” Sebastien hissed.

I blinked. “What exactly are you referring too?”

“The fact that Pierre looks like he’s just had his fucking heart ripped out.”

I frowned, looking at Jeff in confusion. “What? I mean, sure the guys from My Chem threatened him a bit bu-”

“No,” Seb interrupted impatiently, “We fucking get why he got pale and nervous after that. We were there after all and shit, I was almost ready to run and it wasn’t even directed at me.

“But, anyway, what we don’t get is why the fuck that even happened! Not to mention why he’s been way too quiet ever since we got back from the café. Basically, what did you do to him?”

“I didn’t do shit!” I ran my hand through my hair, “He’s the one who has a fucking problem with me dating Gerard and Frank an-” I cut myself off when Seb and Jeff exchanged looks of realization.

“What? What did you just figure out?”

Jeff averted his eyes from mine so I turned to Sebastien who was staring at his feet. “What? What is it? Fuck, come on, tell me!? He’s my best friend; I just want to know what’s wrong!”

There was a few moments silence before Jeff finally muttered, “Then ask him.”

I groaned in aggravation. “I fucking tried that. He wouldn’t tell me.”

“I think he will now,” Seb disagreed, “He was so worried you wouldn’t even show up to perform ‘cause you were mad at him. So if you’re here, he probably will.’

“Why can’t you just tell me?”

Jeff shook his head. “Because it’s not our place.”

I sighed in frustration. “Fine. So where is he?”

Seb shrugged. “Not sure. But we can go find him while you get ready for the show… if we find him in time, we’ll send him in here.”

I nodded, frowning slightly when Jeff shot Seb a nervous look as they headed out of the dressing room.

Deciding not to worry about it, I did as Seb suggested and started putting on my eyeliner - having gotten changed on the My Chemical Romance tour bus.

I had just finished and was judging how even my makeup was when I heard the door to the room open slowly.

Turning, I watched Pierre nervously enter, his eyes flicking to look anywhere but at me as he shut the door.

“Pierre,” I said neutrally while dropping my eyeliner back in my bag and zipping it up.

“David…” he paused, glancing at me before back at the ground, “I’m really sorry.”

Turning to fully face him, I crossed my arms. “Pierre, I don’t even know what the fuck is going on. So you either better start explaining or you can just turn around and walk right back out.”

He looked up at me and visibly swallowed, his eyes focusing somewhere near my shoulder. “I… I really didn’t want to talk about this before the show and fill it with tension… but fuck; I guess I just made it worse.”

My anger faded slightly at the shear nervousness practically radiating off him.

Relaxing my posture slightly, I gestured at the small couch. “Come on, let’s sit down, yeah?”

His eyes finally lifted to lock with mine and after a few moments of simply staring, he broke the gaze and moved over to the couch, siting down at one end.

Walking over, I hesitated for a second before sitting beside him, not close enough to touch, but enough to - hopefully - show him I wasn’t too mad at him.

He seemed to pick up on the gesture as he gave me a small smile that I quickly returned before letting it fade to ask softly, “Now what’s wrong, Pierre?”

He gave a shaky sigh. “Fuck, it’s so selfish.”

I frowned in confusion. “It… is? How?”

“I’m… I’m fucking jealous of them,” he blurted out, a hand running through his hair as my eyes widened, “I don’t want them to have you. I want you. I… I wanted what they have and fuck, I didn’t even realise until you were with them…” he paused to slowly bring his eyes to mine, “I didn’t realise… didn’t accept that… I’m in love with you… that I always have been.”

I felt stomach flip as my heart started to speed up, my eyes widening further of their own accord as I sat staring at him in shock.

He loved me?

Pierre Bouvier, the guy I had given up all hope on having him even think of me sexually… loved me?

“I’m sorry,” he muttered, snapping me from my thoughts as he stared at his hands, “I’m sorry that I acted like such an asshole when I found out you had and were happy with them. I didn’t and still don’t deserve to be mad and I… I really, really hope you can forgive me… and be okay with my… feelings.”

Looking back up at me, he hesitated and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me but then he just looked away. “I… I’m going to go listen to… whoever’s playing.”

He didn’t wait for a reply - not that I think I could have given him one at the moment - as he quickly exited the room, leaving me alone to try and digest this new bit of information.

A small part of my mind was acknowledging that Mikey had been right, but the rest was swirling with one question: Who the hell was I going to choose?

Part 14

rating: pg-13, author: blackeyedwicca, fiction: chaptered

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