All Or Nothing [7/7]

Jun 27, 2009 15:02

Title: All Or Nothing
Author: foryouforever
Pairing: David / Pierre
Rating: PG-13
POV: Third
Summary: David's been there, and he's done that, but what happens when he realizes the unreachable is actually reachable -- and that the now-reachable wants him, too?
Disclaimer: I'm in full-time education: I don't have the time to run around after five messy, messy French-Canadians.
Author Notes: Kablam. Last chapter. A lot happens, I guess, and the ending is pretty quick - it's not the originally-planned ending, but I ended this in quite a hurry, and in the best way I could. Tell me what you think. I wanna thank you guys from the bottom of my bloody heart for being so nice about this story - I don't have much faith in my own skill, but you guys make me smile. So, thanks.
Also! Comic should be out today, but don't hold me to it. I'll explain everything in the post.
Previous: one, two, three, four, five, six.

Pierre downed another glass, smacking it back down onto the bar and swaying on his stool. His thoughts were swirling around David. Anger rose up in his chest like a riled snake and he ordered another drink - his seventh, or tenth (maybe it was his fifteenth...) drink of the night.

"Pierre! God, I've been looking everywhere for you!" Bek appeared seemingly out of nowhere, denim jacket thrown hastily over the tank top and combat pants that fit her form so well.

"Why?" Pierre managed to choke out, the whiskey burning his throat on the way down. Bek grasped his arm and began pulling him out of the bar. Pierre protested loudly.

"Pierre - it's almost closing time - come on, I'll take you home." She sighed. Pierre let her lead him, meanwhile taking a good look at his friend, wondering when she'd gone from a gangly, awkward teenage girl to a woman. A very desirable woman, at that.

"Where's home?" Pierre asked softly, "I don't want to go back home - all I have there is a slut with priority issues."

"David's hurt, Pierre, and the only way he knows how to get over someone is to get under someone else." Bek responded quietly, guiding him carefully into the passenger seat of her car.

"That only reaffirms that he's a slut," Pierre pointed out as Bek clambered behind the wheel. She looked over at him and opened her mouth to respond; Pierre leaned over and kissed her softly.

She pulled back, pressing a few shaking fingers to his lips, "This doesn't make you any better than him." She whispered,

"Maybe I don't have to be." Pierre responded, pulling her head closer again.

"You're gay--" She protested weakly as he cupped her face in his hands.

"I've never been with a girl before," Pierre said, and then shut her up by introducing his tongue to her mouth. Bek gave in to him and kissed back.

One thing lead to more making out - they were in the parking lot of the apartment block, Bek pressed against her car. They'd barely let one another go since their first kiss outside the bar.

"Pierre, we can't--" Bek said regretfully, pushing him away gently, their lips kiss-swollen. Pierre's hands fell from being on her waist, under her shirt; he peered down at her questioningly, "David's up there, and he's my friend, despite what you think of him. I can't do this to him - I won't."

"Fine." He pushed off the car and walked away.

"Pierre!" She called and he looked around, "I'm sorry."

Pierre gave a wry little smile and a shrug, "Don't be. Now I can't be mad at David." He headed up to the apartment to find David curled in an armchair in the darkened living room, phone clenched in one hand, keys in the other; he looked up when he heard the door close.

"Pierre!" David shot out of his seat, keys and phone clattering to the floor as he flung himself at the older boy, "I was worried - it's 4am, and you hadn't called - closing time was an hour ago for most bars..." At first, Pierre was bewildered at the proximity of David, but he soon melted into the embrace, hugging his flat mate back.

"Don't worry about me." He said gruffly, "I'm sorry about what I wrote...I didn't mean it."

"You did, and I understand why. It's okay." David said, squeezing Pierre, if possible, even tighter, "I'm dating Sebastien, now - I've decided to respect what you said: we're over. I can't live with you and not be with you if I don't have anything to distract me with. This way, I can live and interact with you and not worry about what's going to happen next."

"I..." Words died on his tongue, "I didn't even know Seb was gay." He said finally,

David inhaled and abruptly jumped back, "I didn't know you were straight!"

"I'm not." Pierre answered quickly,

"Unless you're a crossdresser, you've been very close to a girl in the last fifteen minutes."


"Her perfume's all over you, and the scent's still warm and I can smell raspberry lipgloss." David squinted up into Pierre's face, "and your lips are kiss swollen."


"Rebekkah! That's how she smells! That's her perfume, and her lipgloss." David suddenly exclaimed; Pierre said nothing, only bit his lip lightly, "I can't believe it--"

"You kissed Sebastien before I even thought about kissing Bekkah - and you can't even deny it: I saw."

Suspecting Pierre had saw and hearing it straight from the horses mouth were two completely different feelings. David made his face impassive to every emotion he knew.

"The differences being that she's a girl, and my best friend, too," David said and Pierre flinched at the frank, matter-of-fact tone, "You, on the other hand, barely know Sebastien and, oh yeah, he's male. God, I didn't want to fight with you anymore, but you make it so hard. Out of all the guys I've ever dated, you were the only one who came close to my heart - you were the only one whose opinion mattered, the only one I gave a fuck about. Even though you broke both me and our relationship, and you wrote 'slut' on the bathroom mirror, I'd have walked through hell for you - I wanted back with you so bad that I didn't care how long it took for you to see we'd be perfect if we could just work through our problems. I didn't want to break up, Pierre, you did: I begged for us to stay together, but you wouldn't listen. I could have loved you, Pierre." By the end of his little speech, David's eyes were shining with hurt, and Pierre's, besides being glazed with the effects of alcohol, were wide in shock: he had no idea how to respond to such a heartfelt admission - from David, no less. No one had ever gotten through to the acclaimed heartbreaker, and now, Pierre realized, he'd blown all chances of it ever actually happening. David had shut himself off, just like that: his emotions were locked up completely, airtight.

Noticing Pierre wasn't going to respond, David's shining eyes flicked away, "I'll see you in the morning."

For the first time in months, the first thing David did when he got to his room was open his laptop and set up a new account on LiveJournal. He needed to vent, and he didn't want Pierre reading it: it was his life, not Pierre's.

I opened myself up to him - I gave him everything there is to me - he had the keys to my fucking heart. The one time I let myself begin to fall, and I hit a branch on my way down.

He's perfect: he's everything I'd ever wanted - patient, caring, energetic, loyal and commanding. The thing that pisses me off is that it's not him I'm pissed at - it's me. It's all my fault he broke up with me.

In fact, no - scratch that: it's only partly my fault. The rest of the fault belongs with Theo. I could, providing I wasn't such a weed, rip that guy's throat out and not feel an inch of remorse. I hate him. He fucked up my life. What was I thinking, anyway, when I forgave him for slashing my gut open? I'm such a fucking idiot.

Pierre - my now-ex-boyfriend - was everything to me.. He's now just my flat mate; someone I know. Nobody special. I just found out that he kissed Bek - my best friend as well as his - and I went crazy at him: I told him everything. I can't look him in the eyes after this.

I told him I could have loved him.

He didn't say anything in response to anything I said to him. It hurt. It still hurts.

I want to hate him so bad.

But I can't.

David sat back, sucking his lower lip into his mouth, before signing out of his new account and into his old one.

What's up, guys - I got a new account. I'm abandoning this one. I'll put the link on my profile - friend me, 'cause I'm still F/O. Sorry I haven't been around in so long - I miss you guys :(

Jsyk: Pierre, I changed my password - don't even bother trying to log into my new acc.

With that, he signed out and shut the laptop down, shoving it to the bottom of his bed and flopping backwards onto his pillows. School tomorrow. He groaned, cursing Mondays.

David made his way to school alone the next morning and sat in his car until the bell went. He dragged himself through all his classes throughout the day and finally returned home.

"Dave?" Sebastien asked timidly from his bedroom doorway; David looked up from burying his face into his pillow and smiled,

"Hi, Seb - how'd you get up here?" He asked, climbing to his feet and stepping towards his boyfriend; Sebastien closed the distance between them happily,

"I followed you - I've been right behind you all day. You've been sort of half-awake, and I was worried. Are you okay?" He asked as David's arms coiled around his waist.

"I'm fine now that I'm out of that hell-hole." David said tiredly, resting his head on Sebastien's shoulder; the younger boy chuckled.

"Sleepy?" David nodded slowly, "Come on, then - let's lie down." He let himself be guided towards his own bed, and they lay down together. David pulled Sebastien closer, and the blue eyed boy rested his head over his boyfriend's heart; they fell asleep together.

David awoke to Sebastien absently stroking his hair.

"What time is it?" He asked, yawning; Sebastien jumped slightly, looking down at him,

"Ten to eight," Sebastien told him, "Do you want something to eat?"

"Sure - I'll help. What's for eating?" He sat up slowly and they climbed out of bed,

"I don't know," Sebastien looked amused, "It's your apartment." Davd laughed and nodded, kissing the younger male languidly. They got caught up in the kiss until David's stomach emitted a loud growl and they broke apart, giggling; Sebastien took his hand and they wandered into the kitchen.

Sebastien went home at ten that night, leaving David lying half-dressed on his bed. He traced the spots on his chest where he could still feel Sebastien's mouth before pulling his laptop towards himself.

After signing in and adding those who had added him, he began to randomly browse online clothing stores, purchasing a few things here and there.

An email popped up on the side of his screen, telling him he had a comment on his journal. He clicked it, waiting. He grinned - it was from an old friend:

Wow, Dave - don't you think you're being a little harsh? Sure, he kissed your best friend, but you've dated scores of people and their best friends. Also, if I know you, I know you didn't even give him a chance to think before expecting a response. People need time, Davey.

You forgave a guy who cut you? Jesus fucking Christ, man - what the hell? That's so sweet and forgiving and totally un-David.

Miss you :( come back to LJ, mofo!

David laughed: he missed PB - he'd never actually known what her initials stood for, because he'd just accepted it when she told him it was her nickname. He immediately hit 'reply':

I guess I'm being harsh, but I'm so insane about him that I've got to try and sever every personal link between us. I can't love him - I won't let myself - it'll tear me apart, and I rather like being in one piece.

Pierre changed me. For the better: he made me more forgiving, more accepting...he made me more of everything. I forgave the guy because everybody deserves a second chance, right?

In any case - there's no chance of P and I ever getting back together: I'm dating Seb (I've told you about him before) now, and I guess things are going as well as they could be, all things considered.

Miss you too, bb.

David signed off after that and lay back down on his bed. He could hear Pierre bumbling around the apartment, tidying up.

Weeks passed, and David was back to being cold and ungiving - Sebastien received his warmth and positive attention, and everybody else was left to suffer; David still continued to avoid Pierre whenever possible: he crashed at Sebastien's from Friday night until Sunday night and confined himself to his room when it came to being at home.

Pierre was only just managing to get by: every time he saw David's face or heard his name, a dangerous cocktail of desire and hurt rose up in him. Everything fell into place and made sense around David, but it fell apart again as soon as he saw him with Sebastien, or he completely refused to acknowledge Pierre's existence. The only positive for Pierre, as far as he could see, is that he finally had a job, and was able to pay his share of the rent and groceries.

Theo had, unsurprisingly, been avoiding both of them. In fact, he was avoiding everyone even remotely connected to either of the pair.

Unfortunately for him, it was Pierre who found him first.

Theo's eyes widened dramatically as he realized who was walking towards him. Maybe he hadn't been spotted yet - maybe he could sneak away while--oh, shit. Pierre had looked up and immediately noticed Theo staring back at him, terrified. Pierre altered his course and headed for the relationship wrecker that was his ex-, ex-boyfriend. Theo swore under his breath - fuck sneaking, he thought, start running.

No sooner had the thought processed in his mind, though, that Pierre's balled-up fist was buried in his gut. He bent double, gasping.

"Worthless fucking son of a bitch," Pierre hissed, "Go back to hell - it's where you belong. You fucking ruined my life twice, you repulsive bastard - and now those fucking lies you spread about me in the first place? The violent rumours? They're about to come true - well done, fucker: you inspired this."

Pierre was pulled away from a semi-conscious Theo by none other than David.

"Pierre, stop." David murmured, hands on the older boy's arms, pulling him backwards, "God, Pie - he's not worth it."

Pierre flinched at the familiar nickname, "David...?" He asked softly, "David?" He asked again, after gleaning no response the first time.

"It's me," David said finally, hearing the subtle shake in Pierre's voice, "Come on - let's get you cleaned up."

"Why are you talking to me? We haven't talked in weeks. Am I dreaming?"

David laughed lightly, "No - you're wide awake. We both are, and we both know it's not true that we haven't spoken in weeks: we talk every night. On LiveJournal."

Pierre swallowed hard: he'd been figured out.

"I pieced it all together last night," David told him, guiding him into the rest room, "At first, I was sort of pissed that you'd still found a way to read my journal, but then it occurred to me that you were trying to fix a really longwinded way."

"I miss you." Pierre said softly, sitting up on the granite counter and watching David fill a sink with warm water to rinse his slightly bloodied knuckles.

"I miss you, too." David responded, massaging those familiar hands absently.

"I'm sorry."

"So am I."

"Where do we go from here?"

David looked up, eyes bright, and quickly stole a kiss from Pierre's lips.

"Home." David murmured, slipping his arms around the older boy's neck and bringing their mouths together again, for slightly longer this time.

"You're dating Sebastien--" Pierre protested weakly, moving back on the counter to allow David to hop up into his lap.

"I broke up with him when I heard Theo was being beaten half to death." David told him, "I love you, Pierre."

"I know," Pierre smiled, "I love you too."

David's emotions and heart soared at that smile and admission, "Seb and I were only temporary, and he's very aware of that: we both served as distractions for one another - Seb for me, from you, and me for Seb, for Chuck."

"Chuck? Really? No way..." Pierre smirked knowingly; David let out a loud squeal,

"Chuck has feelings for Sebby?" He yelped; Pierre beamed, unable to stop smiling with David's hands working their way down his torso and loosening his belt buckle.

"Yeah. He told me a while ago, when you were disappearing off to Sebastien's place every weekend, I needed company. He convinced me to join the gym with him, just to get me out of the apartment." Pierre's hips jerked forward involuntarily and a shudder ran through his body as David's hand dipped under his boxers.

"We should set them up," David mumured against his lover's neck. They were both past caring if someone walked in.

"We will," Pierre panted, "Later." He grasped David's thighs and slid off the counter, not breaking the soft, teasing contact David had with him as he slipped into a toilet stall, bumping the door closed with his hip and figuring David could keep it closed, so there was no need for the lock.

"God - you really have been working out." David murmured as he felt himself being slammed against the door; a sharp tug at the waist band of his jeans made him unhook his legs from Pierre's waist. Within moments, his jeans were on the floor, followed by his boxers. David let out an errant giggle and eagerly lapped at Pierre's fingers - they both knew he didn't need the preparation, but they did it every time anyway.

Pierre and David bunked off the rest of the day and went home, only able to keep their hands to themselves on the drive because they were in seperate cars.

"How did we managed six weeks apart?" Pierre asked, pressed between a predatory David and a wall in the apartment block's stairwell.

"I don't even want to think about it," David said against his skin, "I missed you so much."

"There's a Supernatural marathon tonight," Pierre mentioned, "I can go buy some ice cream and chai tea, if you'd like..."

"Start over?" David asked, his eyes glimmering hopefully,

"Yeah - and we'll do it the right way. We're going to go on dates, and sex isn't even in the equation until the third one." David pouted, but Pierre raised a challenging eyebrow, and no more on the matter was said, "I want this to work, David, and if we pace ourselves, I think we can make that happen."

David nodded and nuzzled his neck in response, "Alright," he murmured, "For you."

"Supernatural marathon starts at six - it's only one right now. Have you had lunch?" David shook his head, "Come on, then - let's go and eat."

David's smile had never been more sincere as Pierre's arm looped around his waist, "Hey, I have a song I want to play for you later."

comments, concrit, all more than welcome.

rating: pg-13, author: foryouforever, fiction: chaptered

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