All Or Nothing [6/7]

Jun 24, 2009 14:26

Title: All Or Nothing
Author: foryouforever
Pairing: David / Pierre
Rating: PG-13...currently?
POV: Third
Summary: David's been there, and he's done that, but what happens when he realizes the unreachable is actually reachable -- and that the now-reachable wants him, too?
Disclaimer: I'm in full-time education: I don't have the time to run around after five messy, messy French-Canadians.
Author Notes: MOAR! By demand of thefiretonight :D One part left after this ;D Well, plus epilogue-which-could-double-as-a-standalone, so really there are two more parts, but you get the idea, right? Right??
Previous: one, two, three, four, five,

It was only when Pierre reached a diner - he'd ended up walking - that he realized he didn't have any money. He was about to turn back when he was approached by someone wearing a hoody and a cap: the hood was pulled up and obscured his face except for his mouth, and Pierre felt a momentary bubble of elation rise up within himself - he'd know those lips, that lip ring, anywhere.

"You haven't got any money - I said I'd pay." David murmured, head down. Pierre held the door open for him, and the smaller boy ducked inside, unconsciously sashaying towards a table at the back of the diner. Pierre followed, eyes glued to David's behind the whole way. One thought lead to another, and Pierre let out an unintentional groan, having to tuck his hands into the pockets of his shorts and trying to force his thoughts away from David's ass and the sudden tightness of his boxers.

David noticed the flustered boy's expression and his eyes subconsciously travelled down his body. He caught himself and averted his eyes to the table. Pierre slowly sat down opposite David.

"Why have you got a hoody and cap on? It's really warm out..." Pierre attempted conversation,

"I'm not going to walk around with puffy eyes and a nose to rival Rudolph's, am I?" David responded quietly. Pierre shut his mouth and they studied their menus in silence.

David made it fairly clear he didn't want to talk: he was there to eat, not socialize. Pierre found himself confused as to why David was the one acting pissed - surely, he was supposed to be the one grovelling and apologising, right?

They got back to the apartment and David went straight to his room. Pierre hesitated between following him and possibly facing further heated glares, or sitting down in front of the tv with a beer and facing David thinking he didn't care.

He chose the latter of the two options, deciding he couldn't cope with David's hurt, wounded expressions.

It wasn't long before he could hear a gentle melody emanating from his flat mate's bedroom. He subtly turned the volume down on the TV and listened. He could hear David's soft singing voice, but couldn't make out the words. Pierre felt his mouth fall open - he'd never heard David sing before.

David emerged from his room at around ten o'clock. He flicked the lights on.

"Why were you sitting in the dark?" He asked quietly. Pierre shrugged wordlessly, staring at the practically silent television set. No further conversation was made: David walked into the kitchen and grabbed his favourite ice cream - Pierre, apparently, knew him too well - before padding back into the living room. The light was out again - evidently, Pierre liked the dark. He - David - hesitated for a moment before walking around and sitting down on the opposite end of the couch, immediately curling up and opening his ice cream eagerly, eyes on the TV screen.

Pierre looked (very) faintly amused when he next looked up. David stuck his spoon into the ice cream and reached for the remote, flicking on to a channel he wanted to watch and turning the volume up so that he could actually hear it.

It look about half an hour before anything happened between the pair: Pierre had reached over David to grab at the ice cream, and David resisted - it was his ice cream.

The next thing either of them knew, David was on his back on the couch, Pierre straddling his lips, their mouths connected passionately.

"Pierre - we can't." David panted in a feeble attempt at protest as his eyes were trained on Pierre's hands making quick work of his sweat pants. Pierre looked at him through half-lidded, lust-filled eyes. The television cast a gentle, almost eerie blue glow across their skin.

"We can," Pierre whispered, "We shouldn't, but we can." David crushed their mouths together - he needed Pierre, and they'd only been broken up for less than a day. The younger male clung to his lover's neck, not protesting as a warm hand travelled along the insides of his now bare thighs.

"We shouldn't," David whimpered, "You'll regret this, and it'll only hurt us both more."

Suddenly, Pierre's hand was gone and he was sitting up properly, "You're right..." He murmured.

David's eyes fluttered open, "Of course I am." Pierre stood up and walked into the bathroom. David groaned and picked up his pants from the floor, darting into his bedroom.

The next morning found Pierre and David entwined in David's bed. David was the first to awaken. He groaned and swore loudly, sliding out of Pierre's arms and searching for his boxers. He eyed the things that had been pushed over the previous evening. Pierre had come out of the bathroom and knocked on David's door to apologise. They'd stood on opposite sides of the doorway for a while, talking mindlessly, until Pierre stepped forward and fused their lips. Neither had time to think about what was happening until it was far too late. David studied the sleeping boy in his bed - there were angry scratches on his back and upper arms, but Pierre looked completely at peace. A sudden pang of worry and hurt shot through the younger boy and he hurriedly dressed himself, scrawling a note for Pierre - gone to Bek's. Don't wait up. - before practically running from the apartment.

"Dave--what are you doing here so easly?" Bek asked, still in her pyjamas, hair from sleep tousled.

"I slept with Pierre," David whimpered, "I stopped him the first time, but when he kissed me again, it all happened so fast..."

Bek stared at him sleepily and blinked for a few moments before she nodded and stepped back, allowing him inside. They slowly headed down to the basement, David spilling every tiny detail as they did.

"You have to talk to him about it - you can't break up and still sleep together." Bek said,

"I know that - but how do I go about saying something like that?" David ran his fingers through his hair once again, and Rebekkah sighed, holding her arms out. He fell into them wordlessly and squeezed her gratefully.

"Pierre doesn't know how to deal with desire - he doesn't know a thing about self-restraint - even less than you do, in fact." Bek told him. She sighed after a while, "So, what do you want to do today? I'm figuring that you don't want to go home right now." David nodded and drew back from her slowly.

"I just want to take my mind off of him for a while." He shrugged. Rebekkah nodded and excused herself to go and get showered and dressed - David also managed to get a quick shower, remembering he hadn't had one before he left the apartment.

By 7pm, there were eight missed calls on David's phone, all from the same number. Bek had answered when Pierre called her, but David would always run to a hiding place somewhere else in the mall, and Bek was forced to deny Pierre's requests to speak to the younger male.

At eight, David and Bek finally stumbled back to Bek's house, laden with shopping bags. They laughed as they collapsed onto the couch in the living room.

"You guys went shopping without me?" Sebastien's voice interrupted their laughter; David looked up sharply, seeing all of the guys standing in the doorway, including Pierre.

"Davey got you a present, Sebby! We got you all presents!" Rebekkah said happily, digging around in her bags while David rooted around his.

"Yay, presents!" Seb grinned, crystal eyes sparkling happily, "Well, we're going to the movies in an hour - do you want to come?"

"Yeah, I guess. Dibs on the aisle seat!" David said, shooting Bek a pointed look.

"Not if I beat you to it, gorgeous." Bek responded, meanwhile sending him an understanding glance.

They left the movie theatre after two hours of some random showing of a movie nobody was actually paying any attention to: Pierre and David were both fighting to keep from looking at one another, Bek was doing her very best to keep David distracted and Chuck was trying to do the same with Pierre. Sebastien, Patrick and Jeff had all started a popcorn fight with a few people in the row in front.

"Hey, Seb? Can you drive me home? I didn't bring my car." David said; Sebastien looked about to protest and was about to suggest he ride with Pierre, but Bek's subtle elbow to his gut made him accept.

"Do you want me to stay the night?" She murmured in David's ear.

"No, I'll be fine. There'll be no repeats of last night, I promise." David responded, knowing Pierre was nearby and could probably hear.

"Well, if you're sure..." She hugged David, Sebastien and Pierre before running to catch up with Patrick.

"Let's go." Sebastien led David to his car, and Pierre walked to his own, alone. "So, are you ever going to tell us what happened? You guys were nigh inseperable until tonight."

David looked at his friend, eyebrows high in surprise, "Pierre hasn't told you?"

"No - he just said you'd broke up, and told us not to ask questions. I think he's told Chuck, but that's all." Seb said, shrugging.

And so, David found himself spilling every detail.

"And then we slept together last night, and I've spent all day trying to keep him off my mind." David finished as they pulled up outside the apartment block. They both got out and Sebastien embraced his friend tightly.

"Everything will work out," Seb said warmly,

"I hope so," David said, "Thanks, Sebby - for a straight guy, you're alright."

Sebastien sent him a confused little smile, "Who said anything about straight?" He questioned; David's jaw dropped in shock.

"Since when were you even remotely gay?" He demanded, eyes huge as he saw his friend in a suddenly very different light.

"You're telling me you've not even been the slightest suspiscions about Patrick and I when we disappear together? Dude, we spend a ton of time together." Sebastien laughed,

"You guys are dating?" David yelped, "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"We're not dating - we've agreed that it's a no-strings thing - he dates girls and guys, and I'm pretty much constantly single." Sebastien shrugged and they drew apart slowly. Sebastien's hands trailed down David's arms. David tilted his chin slightly and leaned in, his own hand sliding up to cup Sebastien's cheek. They kissed softly, innocently.

"Oh, shit - sorry!" David squeaked, jumping back, "Seb - I, fuck--"

"It's all right," Seb laughed, blushing lightly, "I kind of kissed back, if you didn't realize..."

"I'm not sorry about kissing you, I guess," he said slowly, "But I'm sorry I can't ever kiss you again - I'm supposed to be trying to get back with Pierre, not piss him off further."

"I get it," Sebastien shrugged, "I'll uh, see you around, then." He looked kind of disappointed; David stared at him helplessly, beginning to wrestle with his conscience: Pierre was the one who let him go - he should have to deal with the concequences, but he also wanted Pierre so badly that it almost hurt. David bit his lip and made a split-second decision. He grasped Sebastien's arm just as he was about to turn away and climb into his car again, and kissed him, hands moving to either side of the younger boy's face.

"David..." Sebastien breathed, hands on David's waist, "What about Pierre?"

"Pierre let me go - he's the one who cut me loose, so he'll have to deal with that. God, he's practically everything to me, but if he doesn't want me, then I have to move on - or at least try."

"What if it ruins absolutely everything between you both? I don't want to be caught in the middle."

"Time heals," David shrugged, "We share an apartment - he can't be mad forever. There is no way Pierre can be mad at you - as far as he knows, you think we had a mutual break up."

"Promise you'll break it off with me if things get out of hand with you and Pierre?"

David nodded, taking Sebastien's hand, "Boyfriends?" Seb nodded, grinning widely all of a sudden - David found himself comparing the smile to Pierre's before mentally shaking himself, "Well, I'll see you around, then."

Sebastien drew the older boy closer, kissing him gently; David smiled slightly and leaned in a little harder, arms about his new boyfriend's neck all of a sudden. They broke apart finally, "Yeah - I'll see you around." He got back into his car, smiling and shooting glances at David, and left. David, feeling a little dazed and disorientated, headed up to his apartment.

Pierre was standing by the window - the one that overlooked the parking lot. David swallowed hard and walked past him into the bathroom.

"I'm going for a shower - do you need the bathroom at all before I hog it?" David asked placidly, peering around the door after switching on the shower. Pierre turned to look at him with a hardened, hollow stare. He nodded and walked into the bathroom. David skittered out of the way as the door slammed shut. He swallowed down his nausea and went to sit down and wait.

Pierre left the bathroom and grabbed his wallet, keys and phone before striding out of the apartment. David reacted a second later, seizing a twenty out of his own wallet before dashing after his ex-boyfriend.

"Pierre!" Pierre stopped and turned around, "you have no money - I don't know where you're going, why, or for how long, but I do still care. Just make sure you get home okay - and if you spend that, call me, no matter what time it is, and I'll come and get you." Something stirred behind Pierre's blank, expressionless eyes, and he slowly nodded - David pressed the money into his hand, "It's really none of my business what you do now, but stay safe..."

Again, Pierre nodded, eyes still glued to David's. He took the twenty then turned away, walking away, slightly slower and less determinedly this time. David darted back into the apartment to shower.

The bathroom had filled up with steam, coating all of the surfaces in a thin sheet of condensation. Stepping from the shower cubicle, David looked to the mirror after picking up his toothbrush. Said toothbrush promptly dropped from his hand and clattered to the floor - his jaw had unhinged and he stood staring at a word written with so much venom that he found difficulty in trying to keep from whimpering: 'SLUT'.

"Sebastien..." David whispered, hurrying into his bedroom and towelling himself off, pulling on a pair of boxers. Once his phone was in his hand, however, he reconsidered and decided on dialing a different number.

"Fuck, David - already?"

"No - he just left, actually, in a hell of a mood." David said, "Look - I've decided to move on from Pierre, or at least try to: he broke up with me, so I'll take it as him not wanting me anymore."

"Who have you kissed?" Bek said sharply, "Sebastien - you kissed Sebastien? He's not even--"

"He's gay," David interrupted, "I have to try and move on from Pierre - it hurts too much to live with him and not be able to have him - I want to be able to hold him and kiss him whenever I want, but if I can't do that, then I need someone who'll take my mind off him."


"Don't you dare say he was verging on taking me back - he wrote 'slut' on the bathroom mirror, for crying out loud!"

"You just kissed Sebastien! That's just a little bit slutty!"

"You know how I am, Bek - I need attention - I need to be touched, held, kissed. I thrive on attention, and I can't deal with being ignored. I hurt him, and I get that, but he hurt me, too, and I have no idea how to deal with hurt. I don't get hurt."

"I'm not happy with what you've done, but I can't ask you to change your mind. Stay away from Pierre from now on, David - I mean it this time." She hung up. David stared at the phone, mouth agape: she hadn't understood anything he'd been saying.

comments, concrit, all more than welcome.

rating: pg-13, author: foryouforever, fiction: chaptered

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