Fuel To My Fire [10/10]

May 18, 2009 19:32

Title: Fuel To My Fire
Chapter: Ten
Rating: R overall, for language and whatnot.
Summary: "It's your own fault, son." My Dad had adopted the same tone as his wife. They were trying to be calm to piss me off. Boarding school was meant to piss me off.
Disclaimer: If I owned them, I wouldn't have spent a month doing this.

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine

The podium was beckoning me forward, and as the queue of similarly dressed students in front of me grew shorter and shorter by the second, a lump of God-knows-what had begun a slow, painstaking journey up my throat, ready to burst out at any second. There were many questions. Would I trip? Would I extend my left hand to shake the principal’s instead of my right? One way or another I knew I was going to mess up.

Out of the three seniors in our friendship group, I’d be the first up -I was secretly cursing my family for having the name Bouvier, why oh why couldn’t I have Jeff’s name so I could stand further back in line and have a lot more preparation time? If I did something wrong I wouldn't hear the end of it from anyone.

In the past, Chuck had refrained from making fun of me because that was something Seb enjoyed to do. Now, the pair were thick as thieves and were all too happy to indulge in the same insensitive pass-times.

A sharp gust of summer wind blew and made my robe bellow out behind me, I reached back quickly to flatten it, looking like a male, oppositely dressed version of Marilyn Monroe. The final guy in front of me had made it across the stage, and now it was my turn.

Over the PA system, my name was called, "Pierre Bouvier."

Taking wary, careful steps up the stairs, I crossed the stage towards the principal to shake his hand, and Seb’s Father handed my diploma to him, which was then forced into my hand with a whispered, "Congratulations."

The lump sunk down to the pit of my stomach and a fresh, elated feeling took its place and morphed into a wide, overly-toothy grin. I’d done it! Twelve years of school was finally over, I’d graduated. The rest of the way to the other side of the stage didn’t seem as daunting and I almost skipped my way down the second set of steps.

From the front row of seats where I sat, I watched as the hem of Chuck’s robe twisted round his ankle, forcing him to fix things right in the middle of the podium. His cheeks flushed a pale pink as he took his own diploma, his head hung in shame.

Closing speeches were made, and the audience were asked to give a round of applause as the flawless, light blue sky was littered with little black squares, courtesy of the entire senior class. Some of the hats were taken off with the wind, and others floated back to the ground and landed with muffled, scratchy sounds.

With only a split second to register where his excited scream had come from, Jeff had hurled himself onto my back, almost making my knees buckle and my spine snap clean in two. "We're free!" He yelled, it sounded as though he didn't believe it himself. Though, repeating your senior year can have that effect.

"Jeff, get the fuck off!" I wheezed out, lifting my hands in an attempt to mar his iron grip around my neck.

He just laughed and jumped down, walking towards Chuck, probably to attack him as well.

I turned to face the other way, my Grandma was crying, my brothers were grinning, jeering at my clothing, and my parents were clapping with large, proud smiles on their faces, which was different. Maybe they were happy that I was eighteen and out of school now.

Or maybe they were happy about Jeff jumping me, people liked it when that happened.

No, I was certain it was the first one. I was pretty much an adult, no longer a child and no longer their responsibility, they couldn’t hate me anymore, they had no reason to, not that their original reason was any good.

To the left of my family, David stood, wearing the cutest little shirt and tie combo going. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and his eyes were wide and bright as he bit down on his lip coyly, as if embarrassed for me.

"What?" I mouthed, grinning back.

He lifted his hands and snapped a quick photo of me with an imaginary camera. "Picture time."

"Oh God!" I groaned, David laughed loudly.

"Here’s to your futures!" Seb grinned. He stuffed his hand into another one of his brown paper bags and pulled out a bottle of champagne, he tossed it to Jeff. "I had to save up for that, so you three better enjoy it."

"Thanks Seb. Pat," I said.

Patrick smiled shyly.

At the back of the school field, behind some trees, was a circular patch of grass, just big enough to hold six teenagers and three tents. There were huge post-graduation parties to go to, but we’d agreed to camp together as a way of celebration. That way, I got to hang out with the people I truly cared about without having to worry about making small-talk with those I hoped never to see again.

An arm tightened round my waist and I felt breathing in my ear, "Happy graduation."

I turned to my left, David was nestled tightly into my side, his face glowing in the orange-red light coming from the camp-fire -trust Seb to want a fire in a wooded area.

I whispered, "Thank you," and kissed his temple lightly.

"Guys, watch out, one of you could lose an eye!" Jeff yelled. He stood with the bottle between his legs, holding the neck with both hands. He pushed against the cork with his thumbs and, after a lot of force was applied, it flew from the bottle, almost pulling a stream of foamy alcohol with it, and landed somewhere in the trees. Jeff tipped it up and took a swig, before passing it to Chuck. "To our futures!"

"And to having the five best friends I’ve ever had," I added. "To friendship."

"Friendship," we chorused.

Chuck eyed the bottle frightfully, and passed it to me, "No thanks, I want to remember this night."

"Oh God!" Seb threw his hands in the air, "One bottle between the six of us is not going to get anyone drunk. Come on Chuck, you’ll only get to graduate once!"

"Wait, six of us?" David asked with raised eyebrows, gesturing to me, "You said it was for the three of them."

"I’m willing to share," I looked at Jeff.

He nodded, "Me too."

Taking a quick mouthful, I handed it to David who did the same, the bottle slowly made it’s way round and round the circle. Chuck took one tiny sip, screwed his face up and spat it out, refusing to try it again. The bottle was soon drained, and the six of us sat together in great comfort, Jeff, Chuck and I still in our robes.

Seb was the first to break the gentle silence, shrugging with his face, "This is like the end of an era."

"What?" David asked.

"Those three are gone, you and Pat will be gone next year. Oh my God!" His eyes widened in panic, "I’m going to graduate on my own. I‘m going to spend a year on my own here!"

"You have friends in your grade," I said reassuringly, "You won’t be alone, Seb."

Jeff grinned, "We’ll come down to see you all the time as well."

Seb didn’t look convinced, and instead decided to sit and sulk like a child for the next ten minutes, making the fire crackle as he poked it with a long, knobbly twig.

"So, what you guys gonna do?" Patrick asked, "Now schools up."

"Law school, fun hey?" Chuck said.

David laughed, putting on a surprisingly good English accent, "Charles Comeau, Attorney at Law!"

"What about you, Jeff?"

He was laid out on his side, propped up on his elbow and staring intently at the heart of the fire, "I’m gonna teach guitar to kids."

"Actually," Chuck cut in, "Pierre had this idea about starting a band, we could do that."

Seb frowned, "What?"

"We have a drummer," Chuck pointed to himself, "Two guitarists, Pierre can sing, so I’ve heard" -I glowered at David, who grinned innocently- "And David, you can play bass right?"


Chuck smiled wildly, "Let’s do it, Patrick can help out with all the stuff like venues, websites, merchandise, he’s good at stuff like that." Oh God, he was really getting into this. "We could do it."

Patrick held a hand out to Chuck, "You’re getting way ahead of yourself here, most of us aren’t even done with school yet."

"Plus," Jeff added, "What would be the likelihood of us getting anywhere?"

"You never know," Chuck said quietly, pouting.

"Well, I have no clue what I want to do yet anyway. Not college, that’s for sure, the only thing I want to be tied to is this one right here." I ruffled David hair and he giggled in patented musical way.

"Eurgh," Seb said with a disgusted face, "Your gooiness sickens me."

"We’ll take is somewhere else then," I stood up, taking David’s hand and lifting him up.

"Dude, where’re you going?" Patrick asked.

I threaded my fingers between David’s and pulled him behind me as we made our way through the trees. "Just for a drive, be back later," I called.

The sky was of a greyish blue, the stage between afternoon and night time. Letting go of David’s hand, I held a branch back and allowed him past before following behind him -no longer feeling ashamed at looking at his butt, or grabbing it, for that matter. Tight pants have mercy. The summer heat was still in full effect, and it was quiet and we walked across campus, David’s arm round my waist, and mine round his shoulders.

My Grandma had bought me a car for my eighteenth birthday, it was faded red and looked similar to the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazzard, minus the stickers and Dixie horn, the latter had disappointed me slightly. Either way, it must have cost her a fortune giving what it was, a 1969 Dodge Charger, but it was beat up and used, so maybe it wasn’t that much.

We drove ten miles in a comfortable silence with David sitting as close to me as he possibly could without obstructing the gear stick. The place I’d taken him to was at the side of a small back road. A calm, sapphire blue lake, framed by thin trees, in the middle of no where. I parked the car parallel to a small break in the greenery.

I shrugged out of my robes -revealing the jeans and t-shirt underneath- balled them up, and threw them onto the back seat through the open window. David waited for me at the other end of the car, dressed in black from head to toe, pale skin, bright eyes, and clean white tie almost glowing. I walked up to join him.

He lifted his hand for me to take, and again, almost an exact repeat of earlier on, I led him through the gap in the trees. At first, we walked together, but he wasn't close enough for my liking. I pulled him in front of myself and locked my arms round his waist, resting my head on his shoulder. We walked in tandem, like penguins, our legs synchronized.

"This place is so beautiful," he whispered.

"I think it’s just worthy of your viewing." Placing a couple of feather light kisses to his neck, I felt his shoulders tense as he cringed away from me, making us both wobble to the side a bit, closer to the edge of the lake.

"That tickles, Pierre!"


"You wanna know something?"

I nodded once, waiting for him to continue.

"I’m really glad you weren’t experimenting."

"If this was an experiment, you'd be an definite conclusion," I smiled to myself.

He laughed, "Why do we always use scientific analogies to talk about our relationship? You were stuck in a vacuum, I'm your oxygen, a conclusion now."

"We have chemistry."

"We sure do." He gently pulled my arms from around his waist a walked a little closer to the edge of the lake. Reaching down, his hand wide open, his fingers locked round a flat, dusty pebble. He placed his free hand on his hip and tossed the rock up and down, as if weighing up his options.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked.

"Skimming," he said simply. His arm extended backwards and he leaned to the side slightly, in one almost effortless movement, with a quick flick of his wrist, the pebble was sent flying towards the lake. It bounced off the surface of the water three times before succumbing to gravity and falling under.


"Wow, three? That's pretty good!"

And kind of embarrassing, because when I did it, I was never able to get the rock to bounce at all, it just fell straight in and made the water fly up around it.

He span around with a large, self-satisfied smile on his beautiful face. "Your turn?" Bending down, he found a rock very similar to his own and passed it to me.

"Do you wanna know something?" I asked, taking my time to throw because it would keep the embarrassment at bay for a little longer. The question was to distract him.

He sounded as though he didn't really care about what I had so say, "Yeah, sure."

"I love you!" The 'you' came out sounding more like a grunt from the effort of skimming my stone, well, my attempt anyway, it looked as though it was going to graze the water, but I think it gave up.

Spla- plop!

David laughed with a little patronising nod, "You suck at that, and I know you love me."

"I was kinda looking for 'I love you too', but that works as well, I guess," I shrugged.

"Pierre," he said sincerely, "I love you too, and you know it, I'm so obvious about it."

That was true, the thousands of little love notes stuck to my wall proved that -he was smart enough not to sign his name, so I could say they were from a girl, we wouldn't get in trouble then- and that stuffed bear he won at the Spring carnival, he got me flowers once as well. I suppose our gooiness was sickening, but I'd rather live with that than be perfectly healthy.

"You really are," I grinned.

He bounded over and wrapped his arms around me, I returned the gesture. I thought back to that Halloween night, if I had've realised what had been going on in my head at the time, maybe we could have got to stand like this then, we could have enjoyed it a whole lot earlier. It was worth the wait though.

Pushing himself up onto his toes, he kissed me, nothing too special, closed lips and almost no movement, but it was David, so it was always above average. After finally being with him, and experiencing a few more of those heart-stopping kisses, I had to re-think some things.

So, he was beautiful, he smelt incredible, his voice was angelic, his skin was the softest I'd ever felt, and his lips tasted gorgeous.

Five out of five every time.

A few seconds passed, and he pulled away, letting himself fall back down to his normal height. "How did you find this place anyway?" He asked.

"I was just driving around aimlessly one day, I thought it looked so pretty that I had to show you it." I paused, making my voice quiet and evil, as if the trees could hear us, "I bet it's jealous of you. You out-shine it."

David thumped his fist into my back, laughing, "You're such a cheese-ball!"

I hit him back, but no where near as hard, feigning disappointment, "And you're such a moment killer."

We giggled together, eventually ending it with a quiet, content sigh.

"Where are we going to go once all this is done?" David asked wistfully, tucking his head under my chin.

"Somewhere out there," I said softly, lifting my head to stare across the lake, "I don’t know where it is, but for you, I’ll make sure it’s somewhere beautiful."


A/N: I just want to apologise for not getting this up sooner, I had to finish an english essay, and I already had three extensions after the first deadline because I used up my time writing this. Not that I care, I mean, seriously? Dickens vs. P/D? Charles, you're good mate, but not that good.

But yeah, thanks a whole lot to everyone who read this and left me such great, encouraging comments, you're so wonderful. This was my first chaptered fic, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :D

author: blendy_buddy, rating: r, fiction: chaptered

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