Sep 04, 2006 09:22
Who: Bart and anyone in the Titans East tower
When: around 10:00 in the morning
Where: Titans East kitchen
Bart Allen bounced around the kitchen at Titans East, hopping from one foot to the next while he looked around. This place was sooooo cool!! Wally's apartment was so boring. Why didn't they have buttons on the walls at their house?? Buttons were cool! Especially when they made lights and noises all over the tower!
"IIIIIII been workin on the raaaaailroooooad, aaaaall the live-long daaaaaay!!!" He crooned as he bounced, opening cabinets and looking for snacks, "IIIIII been workin on the raaaailroad, just to pass the time awaaaaaay!"
He released the cabinet door and turned for the fridge. "Caaaaaan't you hear the whistle bloooowin, rise up so early in the moooorn! Caaaaan't you hear the captain shoooooutin, Dinah blow your hooooorn!!"
Oh, he loved this song! Bart began spinning around in circles, his song getting faster with each spin. "Dinah wontcha blow, Dinah wontcha blow! Dinah wontcha blow your hooooorn! Dinah wontcha blow, Dinah wontcha blow! Dinah wontcha blow your horn!"
macey y maria,