Flashback 8

Jul 12, 2007 17:43

Sean:::sitting on the sofa, glaring at the rugby match on TV::
David: ::comes into the room from the kitchen, looking over at him::
Sean:Bloody idiots... ::turns it off, shaking his head::
David: Then why do you watch it?
Sean:I'm not, am I?
David: You were.
Sean:And it's bloody well off now.
David: Alright, alright. No need to get upset.
Sean:Wasn't aware you were watching my every move.
David: ::sighs:: I'm not. In case you hadn't noticed, I've been sat in the kitchen all morning marking papers. You've barely said a word to me.
Sean:And what the hell am I supposed to say? You've been with me all week. I've done bugger all but sit here and go to bloody physical therapy. 'S nothing more to say to you.
David: Nothing more to say to me?
Sean:Aye. 'S what I said.
David: ::sighs, sitting on the couch next to him:: Sean.
Sean:::looks at him:: What?
David: ::shakes his head:: Nothing.
Sean:Then what the fuck is your problem? ::snorts and turns the TV back on, fingers digging into the sofa cushions in frustration::
David: What's your bloody problem?
Sean:I haven't one. Not a care in the world. ::laughs sharply, still staring at the game::
David: You're allowed to talk about it.
Sean:And maybe I don't want to.
David: I think you need to.
Sean:Can you just... David, not now.
David: Of course not now. Not when there's rugby on the telly. Why talk to me when you can watch this and be angry?
Sean:If both the fucking options include me being angry, why the hell not?
David: You're never anything but angry anymore.
Sean:::laughs:: And you're a saint just for putting up with me?
David: I never said that.
Sean:I've a fucking right to be angry.
David: I know you do.
Sean:Then why are we talking about this?
David: Sean, you're always talking about this. You never talk about anything else, even when you are talking about something else.
Sean:::frowns, staring at him:: The hell does that mean?
David: Just that... you never stop thinking about it. Or talking about it.
Sean:'f I'm always talking about it, why are you telling me I need to be talking about it with you? Apparently I already am. Without knowing, even.
David: That's exactly the point. You're never really talking about it.
Sean:You just said I talk about nothing else.
David: In a way, it's all you ever talk about. I know it's just because you're so angry and it sort of spills over into everything else, but... Sean, someday you're going to have to let it go.
Sean:Why the hell didn't I just come to you sooner? You've just solved all my bloody problems. I think my knee is even fixed now. Christ. The hell are you on about? I don't fucking want to talk about it. Maybe I've just nothing else to say. It was my fucking life. The hell else do I have?
David: You still have the rest of your life!
Sean:And what am I supposed to do now? Only ever been good at sports!
David: So you'll be good at something else!
Sean:Yeah? What? You seem to know everything. You tell me.
David: Sean, I don't know. But you'll find something.
Sean:Aye. Something.
David: You could do anything you want.
Sean:And I fucking want to play rugby!
David: But you can't play rugby anymore.
Sean:So I can't do anything I want! So will you just shut up?
David: Fine. I'll go back to the kitchen.
David: Wanker. ::stands up, starts toward the kitchen::
Sean:::glares after him, mutters:: Bastard.
David: And turn down the bloody volume, I can't concentrate in here. ::slams the kitchen door behind him::
Sean:::turns the volume up and leans back, seething - turns it off after a minute and gets up shakily, walking awkwardly into the kitchen::
David: ::scowls up at him:: I didn't say you had to turn it off.
Sean:Wouldn't fucking care if you had. ::hobbles over to the refrigerator, getting out a beer::
David: Probably shouldn't drink if you're still taking those pills.
Sean:::slams the refrigerator door closed again::
David: 'S your mum coming round this weekend again?
Sean:Wouldn't know, would I? I can't talk about anything except rugby.
David: Well, you certainly can't give me a straight answer.
Sean:::sits down in the chair farthest from him:: Aye. She is.
David: Shall I try and stay out of sight, then?
Sean:::looks at him, laughs:: You could never manage that.
David: ::grits his teeth:: I'm just bloody asking because I know how she feels about me being around.
Sean:::mutters under his breath:: She's not the only one.
David: ::throws his pen down, glares at Sean:: Are we really going to do this now?
Sean:Been asking me to talk for bloody days. Now you don't want to?
David: Depends.
Sean:Does it now?
David: Are we going to have it out?
Sean:Think we already fucking are.
David: I mean it, Sean. Seriously.
Sean:::laughs:: You're never anything but fucking serious.
David: And you're never anything but bitter and sulky lately.
Sean:Some fucking pair, yeah?
David: Are we, though? It doesn't seem like it anymore.
Sean:::looks at him, quiet for a moment:: No. We're not really.
David: ::nods::
Sean:::laughs:: Don't even know that we were before this happened.
David: We used to be pretty good.
Sean:Was a bloody long time ago.
David: Think it only worked out because you were gone so much?
Sean:Maybe. Getting so fucking sick of you always being around here, David. I'm getting sick of always being here.
David: ::laughs:: It's life, Sean. It's what people do. They work in the day time and come home to one another at night.
Sean:Trying to tell me I've no concept of life now? I've done more in my bloody lifetime than you. ::slams his fist down on the table:: At least until this fucking knee injury. Never go anywhere now. Christ, it hurts to even move. And I hate it here!
David: How the fuck do you know you've done more than me? You've never bothered to ask me much about my life before we met! And just because your fucking knee will keep you from playing rugby the rest of your life is no reason to just give up.
Sean:I've not fucking given up! I just don't know what the bloody hell I'm supposed to be doing! And I can barely sodding walk yet. The fuck am I supposed to do, David? So I just sit here. With you.
David: And you don't like me much, do you? Can't bloody stand the sight of me these days, can you? So you sit there and stare at me with this look on your face and...
Sean:'F things are so fucking bad for you, why are you still here?
David: I didn't say they were bad for me.
Sean:Certainly acting like they are.
David: I'm not. I'm just... I'm frustrated that you're so unhappy and I feel like I can't do anything about it.
Sean:You can't do anything about it? It's my fucking life, and I'm useless right now. How do you think I feel?
David: I don't know how you feel. You don't tell me.
Sean:Because nothing would change if I did!
David: Maybe you'd feel better if you just talked about it.
Sean:You mean you'd feel better if I'd talk to you.
David: And you don't think you would.
Sean:No. I fucking don't.
David: So what are we supposed to do?
Sean:::quietly:: I don't know anymore.
David: Do you want me to go?
Sean:Might be fucking easier than... than this.
David: I mean for good.
Sean:::looks at him:: I understood you.
David: Is that what you want?
Sean:I don't think this is fucking working, David.
David: You didn't answer my question, Sean.
Sean:::sighs, finally nods:: Aye. I want you gone.
David: ::nods:: Okay.
Sean:::laughs:: Guess you want that too.
David: Not really. But this is... things are...
Sean:Aye. They fucking are.
David: So I'll go, then. Probably be better for us.
Sean:Can't be much worse than this, yeah?
David: Will you be alright on your own? I mean with getting around and... and things.
Sean:I can... I've got... ::nods weakly:: I'll reschedule my physical therapy to weekends my mum comes down.
David: Are you sure?
Sean:Don't have much of a choice, do I?
David: Shall I go now? Would that be best?
Sean:Don't you have to... pack?
David: That's not something can be done in one afternoon. ::smiles:: I'll take some things and go now, come back for the rest.
Sean:You could... stay, I guess. If you wanted, until you finished packing.
David: You don't want me around for the next few days, Sean. You can barely look at me.
Sean:Christ. Even broken up you're telling me what I mean and want.
David: ::laughs:: That's not making me want to stay.
Sean:Not asking you to. ::glances at him, smiles weakly::
David: Alright. I'll go and get some of my things together, then.
Sean:::nods slightly:: Say goodbye on your way out, I guess. And... ring to say when you're getting the rest of it.
David: ::stands, gathering his books and papers:: Right.
Sean:::watches him, quiet::
David: I'll just get a few things.
Sean:::nods and looks down, clears his throat:: I'll just stay in here.
David: ::walks out of the kitchen, going into the bedroom and packing a bag quickly::
Sean:::curses quietly and stares at the empty kitchen before hobbling back into the living room to put the game on again::
David: ::finishes packing, goes into the living room::
Sean:::glances at him briefly before looking back at the game::
David: ::shakes his head, shouldering his bag and moving toward the front door::
Sean:::softly:: Bye.
David: ::looks back at him:: Bye, Sean.
Sean:::smiles weakly, not looking at him::
David: ::opens the door, leaves::
Sean:::sighs and closes his eyes::

This more or less happened before the main painted_whiskey thread. Something about it is slightly off (a time frame issue, we think, though we’re fucked if we can remember), so it’s not a true flashback, but it isn’t AU. Sean and David were dating and living together in Edinburgh (before Sean met Orlando), and eventually broke up, as you see here. This is the last flashback in the PW-verse.
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