AU 10

Jul 12, 2007 17:41

Cate: ::makes a pot of tea, pouring herself a cup, taking it into her studio, tidying up her desk a little::
Hannah: ::knocks on her door, hoping she's found the right place::
Cate: ::goes into the living room, opening the door, smiling:: Hannah. Hi. Come in.
Hannah: ::steps inside, glancing around but trying not to be obvious:: I'm not late, am I?
Cate: No, not at all. I've just been in my studio looking for a few things while I waited. Would you like a cup of tea or anything?
Hannah: ::smiles:: No, I'm really not a big fan of tea.
Cate: Well, I do have other things if you'd like.
Hannah: You wouldn't happen to have coffee, would you?
Cate: Of course. ::smiles:: Why don't I show you into the studio and I'll go and make some.
Hannah: ::nods, dropping her bag on the floor and following her:: Thank you, again, for doing this. Just couldn't decide what my brother would like, and... this seemed like a good idea.
Cate: Is it a present, then? Birthday maybe?
Hannah: ::smiles:: Yeah, it is. He doesn't like much, and he's hard to buy for.
Cate: The two of you must be close. ::gestures to the sofa:: Sit down. Maybe you can tell me a bit more about what you want.
Hannah: We were, before he moved to the UK. ::goes over and sits with her, hesitates:: I really didn't know. ::grins:: You're supposed to be the artist, right? Thought maybe you could... come up with a few suggestions.
Cate: I may be the artist, but this was your idea. If it's something special for your brother, we'll want it to be nice. Is there something in particular he'd like, do you think?
Hannah: I really couldn't say. ::reaches to take her shoes off, pulling her legs onto the couch after:: What do people usually ask for when they want something like this done?
Cate: Depends. Who it is, who it's for, what the occasion is. To start, though... ::thinks:: Would you be more comfortable sitting? Or standing? Lying down, maybe?
Hannah: Lying down, I think. ::pauses:: Do you get... strange requests from people? For their paintings?
Cate: What's strange to me may not be strange to you. And it's your painting, really. I don't think you could ask me for something I'd object to, Hannah.
Hannah: ::nods, quiet for a moment:: Do you do... nude paintings?
Cate: I have, yes. ::watches her:: Is that what you'd like for your brother?
Hannah: No, that would be for... someone else.
Cate: ::nods:: Of course.
Hannah: ::smiles quickly at her::
Cate: So. What will we do today, then?
Hannah: I can find my brother something else. Today, I'd sort of prefer something... nude, for someone else.
Cate: Alright. Shall I go and put the coffee on and let you get comfortable in here?
Hannah: ::nods and stands up, taking her shirt off:: Thank you. Been dying for coffee all morning. Didn't have time to get some before I came here.
Cate: ::stands, heading for the door:: Back in a minute. ::goes into the kitchen, setting up the coffee maker::
Hannah: ::finishes getting undressed and stretches out on the sofa, waiting for her::
Cate: ::fills her tea cup again, waiting for the coffee to finish; pours a mug for Hannah, carrying it back down the hallway to the studio:: Black alright?
Hannah: That's fine. ::sits up again and takes it from her, sipping it slowly:: Mmm. Much better. ::smiles at her:: Where do you want me? Is this sofa alright?
Cate: That's fine so long as you're comfortable. ::walks over to her desk, setting her cup down:: So - are you looking for a painting, then? As opposed to a drawing or a sketch?
Hannah: Could go for either. ::takes another sip before setting it down and lying down on her back again, watching Cate:: What would you recommend?
Cate: I think a painting might be a bit more vibrant. Sort of like you. ::smiles:: But I could get much better detail in a drawing. It's really whatever you'd prefer. ::looks over at her::
MikeyNovotny: C> Vibrant, hmm? ::grins:: Always sort of preferred... the details. A drawing, then.
Cate: ::nods, picking up a large sketchbook and her pencils, getting comfortable on the floor in front of the sofa:: What sort of detail were you looking for? ::watches her::
Hannah: I'm not an artist, not really. I'm sure you'll... pick out the important parts. ::shifts a little, getting comfortable::
Cate: All to do with having a good model, really.
Hannah: How am I doing?
Cate: ::smiles at her:: I get the feeling you've done this before.
Hannah: I haven't, though. ::smirks:: It's my first. Just... very comfortable with my body.
Cate: It's easy to be comfortable when you're a beautiful young girl.
Hannah: Imagine you'd know.
Cate: ::glances at her, starts sketching:: How do you mean?
Hannah: You seem quite comfortable, and you're... ::smiles:: You must know you're beautiful.
Cate: Ah, but it's been quite a while since I was young. ::laughs::
Hannah: You don't look so very old, Cate.
Cate: Old enough to know better, hopefully. ::sits up on her knees, moving one of Hannah's arms slightly::
Hannah: Is my position okay? I can move. ::watches her, letting her move her arm::
Cate: ::trails her fingers down her side:: However you're comfortable is fine.
Hannah: Very comfortable now.
Cate: ::nods, going back to drawing:: So is your brother still living in the UK, then?
Hannah: Mmm. He is, yes. ::shifts again, still watching Cate::
Cate: I bet you miss him.
Hannah: All the time. He's my best friend.
Cate: Mmm. Is he? ::bites her lip, looking at her sketchpad, then at Hannah:: Lots of secrets between you two, then?
Hannah: How do you mean? ::glances at her::
Cate: Best friends have secrets, don't they? As do siblings I imagine.
Hannah: I suppose we do, then. ::pauses, reaches to brush some of Cate's hair off her face, smiles at her:: Secrets we keep from other people, though. Not each other;
Cate: Of course. ::covers Hannah's hand with her own briefly::
Hannah: ::licks her lips, smiling::
Cate: So you and your brother - I'm sorry, you never told me what his name is.
Hannah: I don't really see that it matters.
Cate: ::smiles:: No, I guess not.
Hannah: ::pulls her hand back, resting it on her stomach again::
Cate: Could you just move your hand the slightest bit lower for me?
Hannah: ::grins, but does so:: Is that better?
Cate: You tell me.
Hannah: ::pauses, quiet for a moment:: Think... maybe lower.
Cate: It's your sketch, Hannah.
Hannah: ::nods, sliding her hand lower, gasps:: Much better.
Cate: ::watches her, sliding a bit closer::
Hannah: Any suggestions on what might make this even more... comfortable, Cate?
Cate: I'm sure you've a few.
Hannah: ::takes Cate's hand, guiding it between her legs:: Maybe.
Cate: ::strokes the skin of her thighs, looking at her:: You don't sound very sure about that.
Hannah: ::quietly:: I'm very sure, Cate. ::arches toward her slightly::
Cate: What would your brother say if he knew you were seducing one of your professors? ::nudges her legs further apart::
Hannah: Don't imagine he'd really care... ::spreads her legs, reaching to cup Cate's cheek, brushing her thumb across her lips::
Cate: ::bites gently at her thumb:: No, I don't think he would.
Hannah: You don't even know my brother.
Cate: No, but you do. Quite well, I'm sure. ::bends her head to kiss Hannah's thigh::
Hannah: What's that supposed to mean? ::gasps, running her fingers through Cate's hair and spreading her legs further::
Cate: ::looks up at her, smiles, nipping gently at her skin::
Hannah: ::moans softly:: Mmm...
Cate: ::pulls away, taking her hand, tugging her to her feet::
Hannah: ::blinks, surprised, but lets her::
Cate: I'd like to see you a bit more comfortable if that's alright. ::leads her to the bedroom::
Hannah: ::grins, following her:: You're the artist. You know best...
Cate: I like to think so.
Hannah: ::goes into the bedroom and sits down on the edge of the bed, watching her:: You still seem overdressed.
Cate: Why don't you lie down and I'll see what I can do about that?
Hannah: ::settles back against the pillows, watching her::
Cate: Lovely. ::smiles, pulling her shirt off:: Now - where was your hand?
Hannah: ::stretches, sliding her hand down her chest and between her legs again, gasps as she circles her thumb around her clit:: There?
Cate: I think so, yes. ::takes off her trousers, moving closer to the bed::
Hannah: ::grins, rubbing herself slowly:: You are beautiful, Cate.
Cate: ::sits on the bed next to her, kisses her::
Hannah: ::kisses her back, closing her eyes::
Cate: ::cups one of Hannah's breasts in her hand, squeezing::
Hannah: ::moans and arches up, still rubbing herself - rests one hand on Cate's thigh::
Cate: ::stills her hand, bringing it to her mouth, sucking on her finger::
Hannah: Jesus... ::reaches to cup Cate's breasts, rubbing her thumb over the nipples::
Cate: ::teases Hannah's finger with her tongue, watching her::
Hannah: ::pulls her hand back and leans up to kiss her again::
Cate: ::kisses her back, sucking on her lower lip:: Tell me what you want, Hannah.
Hannah: ::slides a hand down Cate's chest and across her stomach, teasing:: Imagine a woman like you has a strap on around here somewhere. ::grins:: Am I right?
Cate: Is that what you want? ::moves a hand between Hannah's legs, sliding her thumb over her clit:: Do you want me to fuck you?
Hannah: ::moans, arching up, grinding herself against her hand:: Please...
Cate: Alright. ::kisses her again::
Hannah: ::kisses her back, harder::
Cate: ::pulls away from her, opening a drawer next to the bed, smiles:: You have your choice, then.
Hannah: Mmm. Knew you wouldn't disappoint... ::kisses her again before turning to look in the drawer and pulling one out::
Cate: ::raises an eyebrow:: Have you been planning this?
Hannah: ::laughs:: Been hoping... ::reaches to cup her breasts, rubbing them slowly:: Love being in your class while you lecture, and watching you...
Cate: ::smiles:: You've been watching me, have you?
Hannah: And then I go home... ::runs her hand down Cate's chest slowly, across her stomach:: And touch myself while thinking about you. Like this.
Cate: Is that why you've been avoiding talking to me? ::kisses her neck::
Hannah: I haven't been avoiding talking to you. ::leans her head back, smiling:: Asked you to draw me. Though you're not doing that right now...
Cate: Would you prefer we went back to that? ::nips gently at her neck, sliding her thumb over her clit again::
Hannah: ::moans, arching up toward her:: No...
Cate: I didn't think so. You don't strike me as a tease.
Hannah: ::smiles and presses her hand between Cate's legs, rubbing her clit lightly:: Not today.
Cate: Mmmm... But sometimes you are, is that it?
Hannah: Can be. Can be anything you want.
Cate: ::laughs quietly:: I bet you can. And I rather think you'd enjoy it.
Hannah: ::grins, rubbing her clit a bit harder - murmurs:: Don't want to be tonight, though.
Cate: Then I think you'd better tell me what you want. ::kisses her:: Exactly what you want.
Hannah: Thought I already did? ::kisses her back, tugging at her lower lip between her teeth:: Asked you to fuck me with the strap on, didn't I? And then I want to taste you. ::arches up toward her:: Please.
Cate: ::presses her against the mattress, getting to her knees between her legs:: A little help for the professor, then? ::smiles::
Hannah: ::gasps, watching her:: What do you want me to do?
Cate: ::glances at the strap on, then back to Hannah::
Hannah: ::smiles and reaches to put it on Cate, brushing her fingers against her clit again::
Cate: ::watches her, quiet, stroking her thighs::
Hannah: ::reaches to cup the back of Cate's neck when she's done, pulling her down for another kiss::
Cate: ::kisses her back, biting her lip:: So.
Hannah: ::grins and arches up toward her:: What's the matter? Don't know what to do from here?
Cate: I've done this many times. Have you?
Hannah: Once.
Cate: Mmmm. That's a bit disappointing. ::presses against her, teasing her::
Hannah: ::gasps, grasping her hips, trying to pull her closer:: Please...
Cate: ::bends to kiss her breasts, sucking on her nipples, murmurs:: Lovely when you beg.
Hannah: ::moans, leaning her head back against the pillows, running a hand through Cate's hair:: Mmm... 'S good.
Cate: ::nips sharply, looking up at her:: Do you beg like this for your brother?
Hannah: I don't... He's my brother. ::watches her, narrowing her eyes::
Cate: And I'm your professor. That didn't stop you either.
Hannah: It's a bit different. ::arches up toward her again, trying to get her to move::
Cate: ::presses into her slightly:: Like this? Do you want me to watch you when you come?
Hannah: Fuck, yes... ::whimpers, kissing her again, quietly:: Please. Fuck me, and then... then I'll do anything you want.
Cate: ::thrusts into her, hard:: I'll remember that.
Hannah: ::cries out, reaching to grasp the bed sheets::
Cate: ::kisses her neck, moving slowly in her:: Alright?
Hannah: Better than that...
Cate: ::smiles, nipping at her shoulder::
Hannah: ::closes her eyes, rising to meet her thrusts - reaches to rub her clit:: 'S good, Cate...
Cate: ::starts moving faster, kissing her breasts again::
Hannah: ::grasps her shoulders, biting her lip::
Cate: ::slows again, kissing her::
Hannah: ::whimpers, kissing her back:: Cate...
Cate: ::smiles, thrusting into her:: Hannah.
Hannah: ::presses her face in her neck, rubbing herself harder, gasps::
Cate: ::grasps her hips, changing her angle a bit, pushing deeper into her::
Hannah: Mmm... ::kisses Cate's neck, moaning softly:: That's good.... ::keeps moving against her hand and arching into Cate's thrusts::
Cate: ::teasing:: As good as you thought?
Hannah: ::smiles:: Not through yet...
Cate: No, you're not...
Hannah: ::kisses her again, harder::
Cate: ::kisses her back, humming quietly, slams into her::
Hannah: ::moans as she comes, still moving her hand slowly over her clit::
Cate: ::keeps moving in her slowly, kissing her::
Hannah: ::breaks the kiss, trying to catch her breath and drops her hand::
Cate: ::pushes the hair back from Hannah's forehead, watching her::
Hannah: ::closes her eyes, smiles:: Mmm. Was as good as I thought.
Cate: And how long have you been thinking about this?
Hannah: Awhile. ::laughs quietly:: Since the first time I came to class. ::kisses Cate's neck again::
Cate: How did you know I'd be willing to do this?
Hannah: I didn't, but I had to try.
Cate: You didn't really want a drawing, did you? For your brother or anyone else.
Hannah: ::grins:: No, not really. ::reaches to take off the strap on, watching her::
Cate: ::smiles:: I didn't think so.
Hannah: ::turns them over, kissing down her chest::
Cate: ::stretches, looking at her::
Hannah: ::glances up at her, kissing her breasts, lightly scraping her teeth over her nipples::
Cate: ::licks her lips, still watching her::
Hannah: ::smiles and kisses lower::
Cate: Hannah, do you know what you're doing?
Hannah: I... Not really. ::laughs, looking up at her:: But a first time for everything?
Cate: You said you'd done this before - once.
Hannah: Mmm... ::kisses her stomach:: I'd done the other stuff once.
Cate: Really? With who? ::smiles, running a hand through her hair::
Hannah: My roommate at the school. ::smiles, sliding further down the bed:: Thought about you.
Cate: ::laughs:: Did you? I don't suppose you ought to tell your roommate that.
Hannah: Don't think so either. ::pauses before pressing her tongue against her clit, stroking her thigh::
Cate: ::arches up, smiling::
Hannah: ::circles her tongue it, sucking lightly::
Cate: ::moans softly, stroking a hand over her stomach lazily:: Hannah...
Hannah: ::smiles and moves lower, pressing the tip of her tongue against her entrance::
Cate: ::inhales sharply, biting her lip::
Hannah: ::presses her tongue in further, circling her thumb around her clit::
Cate: God... Hannah...
Hannah: ::keeps moving her hand slowly over her clit and presses her tongue further inside her, thrusting it::
Cate: ::curls her hands into Hannah's hair, arching against her::
Hannah: ::rubs her, harder, glancing up at her::
Cate: ::covers Hannah's hand with one of her own, guiding it, rubbing against it::
Hannah: ::keeps thrusting her tongue, letting Cate guide her hand::
Cate: ::moans, breathing hard:: Hannah... oh... yes, that's good...
Hannah: ::presses harder against her clit, reaching up to cup her breasts with her other hand::
Cate: ::nudges her hand away gently, moving it to her thigh::
Hannah: ::strokes her thigh lightly, glancing up at her again::
Cate: Mmm... there... ::strokes her hair::
Hannah: ::smiles, pressing her tongue further into her::
Cate: ::rubs her clit, moaning, lifting her hips off the mattress:: Close, Hannah... god...
Hannah: ::closes her eyes, joining her hand with Cate's again and rubbing harder::
Cate: ::tenses as she comes, crying out, hand tightening in Hannah's hair::
Hannah: ::pulls back slowly, licking her lips and lightly kisses her stomach::
Cate: ::watches her, smiling, pulling her close, kisses her::
Hannah: ::kisses her back, closing her eyes::
Cate: ::deepens the kiss, stroking her back::
Hannah: ::leans against her::
Cate: Clever girl, aren't you?
Hannah: ::smiles, feigning innocence:: Am I?
Cate: You've a clever mouth anyway. ::sucks on her lower lip::
Hannah: Do I need more than that?
Cate: Well, that's not all there is to it. ::grins::
Hannah: ::laughs, laying beside her::
Cate: ::moves a hand over her side, looking at her::
Hannah: ::arches a brow:: What?
Cate: No, nothing. I'm just looking at you. I'm an artist. It's what I do. And you're very nice to look at.
Hannah: ::grins:: Good. ::kisses her again, relaxing against the pillows::
Cate: You look quite comfortable.
Hannah: I told you I was comfortable with my body. I'm comfortable... with a lot of things.
Cate: I can see that. ::moves a hand over her breasts to her stomach and down to her thighs:: You seem comfortable with my body as well.
Hannah: ::arches up slightly:: You're a very beautiful woman.
Cate: ::smiles:: I know. ::spreads her legs a bit, leaning down and kissing the insides of her thighs, nipping lightly:: And you're quite a lovely girl.
Hannah: Mmm... ::runs her fingers through her hair, grins::
Cate: A good student outside the classroom. ::laughs::
Hannah: Maybe. But I'm not a good girl anywhere, Cate.
Cate: Well that's obvious.
Hannah: ::laughs quietly::
Cate: May I ask you why you decided to come here? To do this?
Hannah: Got tired of just thinking about you. ::strokes her cheek:: This is much better.
Cate: Curiosity satisfied, then?
Hannah: Something like that, I think.
Cate: So I shouldn't expect to see you back here again.
Hannah: ::pauses for a moment:: Still didn't finish that drawing.
Cate: You didn't come here for that.
Hannah: Still wouldn't mind having one. Or an excuse to come back.
Cate: If you want a drawing, you'll get nothing more than that. Don't come back under the guise of a drawing when it's not what you want.
Hannah: ::arches a brow, but nods:: And am I welcome back? For either?
Cate: If you want me to finish the drawing I will, and you can be on your way. If you want to come back after today... we'll have to sort something out.
Hannah: ::nods, leaning down to kiss her::
Cate: ::kisses her back::

Please remember that this AU bit never happened in the main painted_whiskey thread. This is the last AU in the PW-verse.
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