William liked the bit in
my last post where I said that most believers are carrying a map of the real world somewhere, because they know in advance what excuses to make for the apparent absence of gods and dragons. Of course, I stole it from
Overcoming Bias (mentioned previously
here). Carl Sagan's point in the
original invisible dragon story is about
falsifiability. The crew over at Overcoming Bias
use it another way, to think about what's going on in dragon-believer's head when they know enough anticipate the results of testing for the dragon, but not enough to say "there's no dragon".
It's that sort of keen observation that keeps me going back to Overcoming Bias despite all the stuff about
freezing your head when you die. The aim of the game for Biasers is to have a map which matches the territory, and to be able to read it aloud. They've started
Less Wrong, a new site where anyone can contribute something they think will help achieve this aim. It's based on the code for
Reddit, where users can vote stories up or down, though at Less Wrong, the editors manually promote stories to the front page, and there's a separate page where you can view stuff that's merely popular. You can follow Less Wrong on LiveJournal by adding
less_wrong to your friends list.
The community is working pretty well so far. Watching the decline of
Kuro5hin makes me worry that community moderated sites will turn to crap (although there's still some good stuff over at k5, such as an article about the
tendency of community moderated sites to turn to crap), but having real humans in charge of promoting articles might mitigate that. The system has given some new voices a chance, notably
Yvain. Here are some of my favourite articles so far:
made a few comments over there, although nothing earth-shattering: sympathising with someone whose girlfriend
left him for Jesus, or talking about
Bernard Woolley and irregular verbs.
I've been thinking about posting some more about what I've got out of Overcoming Bias and Less Wrong here on LJ. It's all very well ranting about religion, but rationality isn't graded on a curve. Don't worry, religion-rant fans: I've got a few more of those lined up too.