Jun 06, 2004 00:22
Ok, today was teh first day of shooting. That is about it. Friday was my birthday. I got a lot of things on my birthday, like phone calls. I got a letter from grandma. Looks like i am going to be flying tinto nashville after all. I am going drive back with the goris's. I talked to Jas Souders, but haven't had time to write him back yet about my schedule avaliblity. I might have to send someon in my plcea, it is going to be super hard gugling the wrap up for your film shoot with vacation and DAV right after we get done shooting. I don't know how that is going to work out. Ooh.
I have balanced the budget, i think that i have done alright, all i need to do now is figure out how to pass around the money's so that it turns out all right. I have to hit the bank. Tomorrow is sunday. Tomorrow is almost today.
Now, about that shoot. . .
Today started off well enough and it just go better. My job was so boring I left the set and worked up stairs for an hour. I laughed really hard when the actors were acting. I will elaborate if i feel like it. The dialogue just plain kills me!
One snaffoo, which was alright: We finished 3 hours ahead of schedule and got off an extra 4 shots. We then had time to work on preparing for tomorrows location shoot. We loaded the truck up, swept the floors, cleaned, played spoons, had a really good time, just waiting for 700pm to roll around so we could finish up. The last shots of the day were done with Shantel Simpson. She was all bloodied up and put into a body bag (ooh i should mention something about that) and made these crazy moaning sounds, and thenm dies.
Todays shoot was so much fun, the crew worked hard, played hard and just had a grand time (or so it seemed to me).
We didn't have the body bag that we were supposed to have this morining either. It's like, this sucks. . . just plain sucks. We are doing the APEX a favor by paying for the equipment for 3 weeks so that they can have it on thier set. They didn't have the thoughtfullness to deliver the body bags. We ended up using a Garment Bag instead. That sucked (but it still work out).
The blood gag I wasn't around to witness, but i had told them how to do it and it sounds Ryan did it that way. Gross! The other blood gag had to be re-prepped for the location shoot since it never was really finished. I expected that Ryan would have done everything (since that is what he wanted to do) but some people just need more. . . more direction to complete a task.
The gag is still a bit up in the air but thankfully we only have eight shots tomorrow on location, this will hopefully give us enough time to work out the details. We are going to be using Cranberry Juice left over from Evan. :)
Um, I can't really think of much else, except maybe tomorrow I will bring some kind of clipboard. I am game. Today I took pictures, 35mm pictures. Black and White to be exact.