[Closed/Ongoing] Two best friends who need to talk.

Apr 24, 2009 23:53

Who: Ueda Tatsuya (xsensitivity) and Kamenashi Kazuya (sixteenxseconds)
Where: Their apartment.
When: 12:30PM.
Why: Because Ueda wants to talk to Kame.
Rating: PG?

It was a few days ago when Kame had another one-night stand which he actually couldn't remember because he drank too much that night. Since then, he had been avoiding his best friend and apartment-mate, Tatsuya because he knew that the other would give him a lecture and he didn't need one. Even though his friend only meant well.

After texting Akanishi, he took a long shower and dressed himself, looking at the alarm clock on the night stand before sighing. Tatsuya was probably still at home, and he was pretty sure the other would stop him from going out this time, the previous days he had succeeded to avoid him (even though he felt guilty about it) but today he had a feeling the other would make him talk.

Making sure he appeared to look good (as in, so no one would notice his tiredness and how he really felt), he stepped out of his room and looked around the hall, wondering whether his friend was there. Not seeing any sign of him, he walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a glass out of the cupboard, filling it with water before drinking it.

Maybe Tatsuya had gone to the store or something. He wasn't sure whether to be relieved about that because he missed talking to him.

status: closed, character: ueda tatsuya, status: ongoing, rating: pg, character: kamenashi kazuya

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