Cleachdadh air a' Mhodh Àithneach

Nov 06, 2014 18:26

Bidh an ath leasan anns an leabhar le MacLaren ath-sgrùdaidh fìor. Chan eil mi ag iarraidh a chur an leasan sin suas fhathast airson cha do chùm mi am modh àithneach air mheomhair agus 's miann leam tuilleadh cleachdadh. Seo an cleachdadh agamsa chun a seo.

1. Be he late or be he not, let us be ready.
2. Don't let him be there this evening.
3. Let's not be with him.
4. Be in town tomorrow. (thu)
5. Be in town tomorrow. (sibh)
6. Let that man be in town tonight and I will be going home.
7. Let me be with him.
8. Let's not be there tomorrow.
9. Let the lad not be with him.
10. Don't be late. (thu)
11. Don't be late. (sibh)
12. Let's not be late.
13. Whether the lad is fast or slow, he will be there.
14. Be ready. (thu)
15. Let's be ready.
16. Don't be lazy.
17. Don't let the man be lazy.
18. Whether I be in the park or in the woods, I will be in town.
19. Let's be lazy.
20. Let me be lazy.

grammar, cleachdadh, gramar

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