Naidheachdan aig na h-amannan seo - 20110701

Jul 01, 2011 07:24

Chan fhàg Àrd Eaglais Steòrnabhaigh Eaglais na h-Alba
Chan eil an Àrd Eaglais ann an Steòrnabhagh a' dol a dh'fhàgail Eaglais na h-Alba.

Bhòt coinneamh coithionail air a' cheist Oidhche Mhàirt.

Bhòt 74% (seachdad 's a ceithir às a' cheud) airson Eaglais na h-Alba fhàgail, air sgàth seasamh na h-Eaglaise air ministearan gèidh.

Ach, bha an Seisean air cuir romhpa gum feumadh iad ùrlar de 80% (ochdad às a' cheud) mus deigheadh iad air adhairt le sgaradh, a dh' aindeoin 's gun robh an Seisean fhèin airson an Eaglais fhàgail.

Thuirt modaireatair an t-Seisein, an t-Urramach Anndra Coghill, as dèidh na coinneimh nach eil planaichean aig an t-Seisean airson coimhead ris a' chuspair a-rithist.

Tha ceist nam ministearan gèidh air connspaid adhbharrachadh ann an Eaglais na h-Alba bho chaidh ministear gèidh a phòsadh ri coithional ann an Obar Dheathain ann an 2009.

Cho-dhùn Àrd Sheanadh na h-Eaglaise anns a' Chèitean gu faodadh cuid a tha gèidh fuireach nam ministearan agus gheall iad coimhead ris a' chùis a-rithist ann an 2013.

High Church of Stornoway not left the Church of Scotland
The High Church of Stornoway is not going to leave the Church of Scotland.

The congregation voted on the question Tuesday night.

74% voted to leave the Church of Scotland, on account of the Church's stand on gay ministers.

But the Session resolved that they would need a floor (threshold) of 80% before they could go forward with the separation, despite that the Session was for leaving the Church.

The Session moderator, the Rev. Anndrew Coghill, said after the meeting that the Session doesn't have a plan to look to the matter again.

The question about gay ministers has been a matter of controversy in the Church of Scotland since a gay minister married before the congregation in Aberdeen in 2009.

The High Elders of the Church concluded in May that the part that are gay may stay of the ministers and they promised to look at the matter again in 2013.
Cuileagan a' gànrachadh tèatair-lannsa
B'fheudar tèatar-lannsa a dhùnadh ann an Ospadal a' Bhelford sa Ghearasdan, 's e air a ghànrachadh le cuileagan.

Thugadh eòlaichean a-steach airson an t-àite a ghlanadh.

Ach thuirt NHS na Gàidhealtachd gum biodh e na bu shàbhailte an tèatar a dhùnadh gus am bi an glanadh deiseil.

Thèid duine sam bith a dhìth obair-lannsa a chur dhan ospadal ann an Inbhir Nis, no dhan Òban.

Flies infest surgical theatre
A surgical theatre had to close in the Belford Hospital at Fort William, it was infested with flies.

Experts were brought in to clean the place.

But the Highland NHS said that it would be safer to close the theatre until the cleaning is completed.

Anyone requiring surgery will go to the hospital in Inverness or to Oban.

Croitearachd ga "marbhadh"
Sheall aithisg bho Dhualchas Nàdar na h-Alba gu bheil poileasaidhean an riaghaltais a' marbhadh chroitearachd, a rèir Chaidreachas Croitearachd na h-Alba.

Bha aithisg SNH a' coimhead ri mar a tha obair àiteachais air monaidhean air crìonadh ann an trì sgìrean - ceann a deas an Eilein Sgitheanaich, iar-thuath na Gàidhealtachd agus taobh siar nan Crìochan.

Thuirt SNH gun thuit àireamh nan caorach ann an aon phàirt de cheann a deas an Eilein Sgitheanaich an dàrna cuid eadar 1997 agus 2000 agus gun robh àireamh a chruidh sìos trian air feadh na sgìre.

Bha e ag ràdh gun thuit àireamh nan caorach air feadh Chataibh.

Cho-dhùn iad gu dòcha gur e an crìonadh ann an obair àiteachais air na monaidhean thairis air an 10 bliadhna mu dheireadh an crìonadh bu mhiosa a chaidh fhaicinn ann an 150 bliadhna.

Thuirt an aithisg nach tig piseach air cùisean as aonais taic-airgid a bharrachd agus atharrachadh ann am poileasaidhean.

Tha Caidreachas Croitearachd na h-Alba ag aontachadh, is iad ag ràdh gu bheil an riaghaltas a' marbhadh chroitearachd.

Thuirt iad gu bheil an riaghaltas ann an Alba air a bhith nas taiceile do thuathanaich mhòra agus gu bheil e glè thric duilich do chroitearan subsadaidhean fhaighinn.

Croftering "dying"
A report from the Scottish Natural Heritage showed that the government policies are killing crofting, according to the Scottish Crofters' Commission.

A SNH report looking into how the work of agriculture on the moors is withering in three areas - the south of the Isle of Skye, northeastern Highlands and eastern Borders.

The SNH said that numbers of sheep fell in one part of the the south of the Isle of Skye in the second part between 1997 and 2000 and that numbers are hard down a third throughout the area.

It was saying that numbers of sheep fell through the Sutherland.

They concluded perhapsthat the withering in agriculture work on the moors over the pas ten years are the worse withering that have been seen in 150 years.

The report said that improvement will not come for matters without increased support money and changes in the policies.

The Scottish Crofter's Commission agrees, and they say that the government is killing croftering.

They said that the Scottish government has been more supportive to large farmers and that it is very frequently hard for crofters to get subsidies.

bbc, naidheachdan

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