Aesop - The Boys and the Frogs

Mar 23, 2011 15:39

Na Gillean 's na Losgannan

Chunnaic gillean, a bha cleasachd faisg air loch, àireamh losgannan anns an uisge, agus thòisich iad ri tilgeadh chlach orra. Bha iad air roinn dhiubh a mharbhadh nuair a thog aon losgann a cheann os cionn an uisge, 's a thuirt e riutha : "Deanaibh stad, 'illean; ma tha 'chluich so na spòrs dhuibhse, tha e na bhàs dhuinne." -- Aesop

Some boys who were playing near the lake saw a number of frogs in the water and they started throwing stones at them. They were all taking part in the killing when one of the frogs stuck his head out of the water and he said to them, "Stop, boys, if this game is great fun for you, it is death to us." ---Aesop

vol. 11, #4
August 22, 1902

bun-chiallach, aesop, comhairle, fables

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