Sep 16, 2007 10:30
Today is 4th day of fasting day. Last night I was sahur alone. Well, since I was sick few days ago before fasting day, I used to accompanied by my frens. But tonight I was alone. First day' of sahur I was with Iin (my childhood fren from Baturaja) and her sisters. Also we break fast together after we cooked for eat. But then Iin back to dormitory. So we didn't sahur together in 2nd day of fasting. Before Iin left my house, I sms-ed Rezka. He was with Pati. So I invited Pati 'n Rezka (my MKn's frens) come to my house so I didn't sahur alone when Iin back to her dormitory. So, my 2nd day I wasn't alone. Pati 'n Rezka stayed over at my house. Long time they didn't spend night at my house. Rezka didn't sleep and waited for sahur time. So, Rezka was my live alarm that night hehehehehehe~~~~~
Woke up late after subuh. Well, it's kinda habbit. Bad habbit actually. Coz it's make our body feel more tired. Pati 'n Rezka didn't stay long coz Rezka should go to Pasar Baru that day. Left me alone again at home. Well, it was still holiday 'n I didn't have any plan to go out. Besides, walked out on fasting day ? It's not good option. So, I just prepared for fasting break. I asked some recipe to my mom. She explained by phone 'n well it was easy to cook it. I luv cooking. I better choose cooking than making cake. Then I realized that I was cooked too much just for myself. Yeah I prepared for Pati 'n Rezka also coz they said they'll break their fasting at my house again. But, I dunno, they were still unsure. So, I invited Ian. I know for some guys who living at boarding house it's kinda hard to find good food when it comes fasting day. Yokatta~~~ Ian take my invitation. And I'm glad Ian came with Rezka 'n Pati too. So, my house wasn't empty and I got company. Yaayy~~~ they also decided to sahur at my house. Oh, Gamer also came to my house but he didn't stay over. Before Gamer came, Ian 'n Pati asked me to facial / clean their face. Oh gosh~~~ here they come again. Ian always like to take care of his face if he has time to do that. Well, since there was me 'n I got all that cosmetic stuffs, so Ian asked me to facial his face. Even Rezka asked me to do the same thing to his face. *Shakinghead* you guys are sooooooo~~~ unbelievable.
We chit-chat 'til almost late. But then Ian used my bed in my bedroom to sleep while Rezka took bed out from my guest room to living room 'n Pati took another room. Rezka planned not to sleep again waited for sahur. I was planned not to sleep to. So I continued my reading. I was after nidnite when Ian woke up. Then he joined Rezka at the living room 'n I can claimed my bed alone again. I was trying to sleep then I couldn't. So I joined with Ian 'n Rezka in the living room. We watched TV together. Chit-chat 'n laughed for some stupid stuffs. We were like crazy. Sahur time, we ate together. After sahur I fell asleep on the couch. Rezka woke me up when it comes subuh time. After subuh I moved to my bed room while Ian 'n Rezka slept in the living room 'n Pati still used another room.
Again. I woke up 'lil late. I can't sleep too long after subuh coz it can make me feel dizzy. Pati woke up after me. We spent morning by watching TV in my room. Ian woke up few minutes before dzuhur then joined Pati watching TV in my room while I was busy with cleaned dishes. No longer Rezka woke up 'n they prepared to go home. Before they back home, I asked Ian to drive me to ATM first. I ran out of gas so I need money to refill my gas or I can't cook for fasting break.
About 2 P.M. they left my house. For the first time after few days I was accompanied by my frens then I felt alone again. My house is empty again. Just me left alone. Really, yesterday after Ian, Rezka 'n Pati left my house, I was felt sad. I was felt so lonely. I dunno why. Maybe it was b'coz all the things that happened at night when they stayed over at my house. But I really felt that way yesterday. If I wasn't fasting, I might be cried yesterday. Then I called Wiwid (my fren in Baturaja). It was long distance call, I don't care. Coz I was felt alone 'n I need fren to talk. Thank's to Wiwid she help me forget my loneliness. Wid... I owe you much. Thanks for listening my stories. For all you know, I'm still can't get over it. I really need to talk with you again later after I get back home to Baturaja.
And yesterday, I was break fasting alone. and last night I sahur alone. But today, maybe I'll spend fasting break with my MKn's frens again. Cici come to Bandung from Padang today. Bian invited us to come opver to Cici's boarding house this afternoon. So, I'm not alone on break fasting today.
Another story 'bout my days will be posted again later anytime soon. See ya......
Happy fasting day.....
mkn frens,