Apr 16, 2014 04:07

Today, on 04.15.2014, the newly founded Donetsk People's Republic became the target of military aggression on part of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian authority that came to power as a result of an armed anti-constitutional coup, initiated military actions in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic, using the soldiers of Ukrainian armed forces, ( Read more... )

резистанс, руина

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Я бы немного поправил... yserge66 April 16 2014, 03:30:17 UTC
Just a few minor corrections...

Today, on 04.15.2014, the newly founded Donetsk People's Republic became the target of Ukraine military aggression.

The Ukrainian authorities that came to power as a result of an armed anti-constitutional coup, initiated military actions in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic, using the soldiers of Ukrainian armed forces, gunmen from illegal armed bands and servicemen from foreign private military companies financed by the USA.

Under the guise of false statements about an alleged anti-terrorist operation, they actually declared war on people, using heavy weapons and aircraft. The lives of civilians are in danger. As Kiev has warned, the possibility of large-scale missile and bombing raids against cities is not out of the question.

Thus, the fascist regime of Ukraine, supported and financed by the USA and the Western European countries has actually started genocide of the Russian-speaking population in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The creation of the Donetsk People's Republic was a step that became necessary due to complete collapse of the Ukrainian government institutions after the anti-constitutional coup.
It was founded in order to defend constitutional rights and liberties of the people residing in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Being aware that they are the last frontier to defend on the aggressor's way to Russia, the people and the government of the Donetsk People's Republic, the command and personnel of the South Eastern Army hereby declare that the aggressor will be immediately rebuffed as it deserves.

We demand that the reactionary circles of the USA and the Western European countries, who gave the Kiev regime their blessing to carry out a military operation, should stop aggression and should stop supporting and financing the illegitimate Ukrainian "authorities".

We ask the the people of the Russian Federation, our Russian brothers, the authorities of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in person for diplomatic, humanitarian and, if possible, military aid to the Donetsk People's Republic, to act as a guarantor of its security, to curb the brutal death squads, to establish peace and to ensure the holding of peaceful nationwide referendum.

We ask the people of the Russian Federation, our Russian brothers, the authorities of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in person to consider extending recognition to the Donetsk People's Republic as an international entity and concluding a treaty of political, economical and military cooperation with it.

We, the people of all the 180 ethnic groups living in Donbass, are Russians.
We were born as Russians, we live as Russians and we shall die as Russians if need be.
God and Russia are with us.

The enemy will be crushed.
The victory will be ours!


anikonov April 16 2014, 04:20:36 UTC
да, это много лучше.


Re: Я бы немного поправил... l8sae_rexhn1 April 16 2014, 06:25:44 UTC
Чуть еще подправил.

Today, 04.15.2014, the newly founded Donetsk People's Republic became the target of Ukrainian military aggression.

As a result of an armed anti-constitutional coup Ukrainian authorities came to power and initiated military actions in Donetsk People's Republic, using soldiers of Ukrainian army, gunmen from illegal armed bands and servicemen from foreign private military companies financed by the USA.

Under the mask of false statements about an alleged anti-terrorist operation, they actually declared war to civilian people, using heavy weapons and aircraft. The lives of civilians are in danger. As Kiev has warned, the possibility of large-scale missile and bombing raids against cities are possible.

Thus, the fascist regime of Ukraine, supported and financed by USA and Western European countries has actually started genocide of Russian-speaking people in Donetsk People's Republic.

The creation of Donetsk People's Republic became a necessary step due to complete collapse of the Ukrainian government institutions after the anti-constitutional coup. It was founded to defend people's constitutional rights and liberties in Donetsk People's Republic.

Being aware that they are the last frontier to defend on the aggressor's way to Russia, people and government of Donetsk People's Republic, command and personnel of South Eastern Army hereby declare that the aggressor will be immediately rebuffed as it deserves.

We demand that the reactionary circles of the USA and the Western European countries, who gave to Kiev regime their blessing to start a military operation, should stop aggression and should stop supporting and financing illegitimate Ukrainian "authorities".

We're asking people of Russian Federation, our Russian brothers, the authorities of Russian Federation and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin personally for diplomatic, humanitarian and, if possible, military aid to Donetsk People's Republic, to act as a guarantor of its security, to curb the brutal death squads, to establish peace and to ensure the holding of peaceful nationwide referendum.

We're asking people of Russian Federation, our Russian brothers, the authorities of Russian Federation and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin personally to consider extending recognition to Donetsk People's Republic as an international entity and concluding a treaty of political, economical and military cooperation with it.

We, people of all the 180 ethnic groups, which lives in Donbass, are Russians.
We were born as Russians, we live as Russians and we'll die as Russians if it will be needed.
God and Russia are with us.

The enemy will be crushed.
The victory will be our!


попробую сравнить со своим вчерашним полуфабрикатом the_arioch April 16 2014, 10:08:25 UTC
The Ukrainian authorities that came to power as a result of an armed anti-constitutional coup, initiated military actions in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic, using the soldiers of Ukrainian armed forces, gunmen from illegal armed bands and servicemen from foreign private military companies financed by the USA.

Ukrainian leadership , which came to power by armed anti-constitutional coup, unleashed military operations on the territory of the People's Republic of Donetsk, invading us with Ukrainian gunmen from the armed forces and illegal military groups and employees of foreign private military campaigns funded by the United States.

"The... authorities" безусловно лучше.

"As a result" - это весьма шершавая калькая, неестественный оборот для английскиого.
Лучше сказать "came to power BY MEANS of a .. coup" или "came to power THROUGH a coup".

Кроме того, мне кажется, что правильнее сказать THE coup, но не буду настаивать.

"armed bands" мне не нравится тут. Band - Это пластырь музыкальный ансамбль...

Google считает, что "незаконное вооружённое формирование - illegal armed formation", мне ближе "group"

"Using" так как-то тоже странно звучит. Нужно искать человека с родным английским, может быть того же Тима Кёрби. Employing, by means, тут должно быть что-то специфическое про людей. Скорее надо искать перевод "задействовав", а не "используя"

И ещё - традиционноа "people's republic OF CHINA", а не "Chinese people republic", агалогично должно быть "People's Republic of Donetsk"

Under the guise of false statements about an alleged anti-terrorist operation, they actually declared war on people, using heavy weapons and aircraft. The lives of civilians are in danger. As Kiev has warned, the possibility of large-scale missile and bombing raids against cities is not out of the question.

Under the guise of false statements about the alleged conduct of anti-terrorist operation , in fact , they declared war against the public with the use of heavy military equipment and aircrafts. Endangered are the lives of innocent people. As Kiev openly claims, there is a possibility of large-scale bombing raids over our cities.

Под прикрытием лживых заявлений о якобы проведении антитеррористической операции, на самом деле, объявлена война против народа с привлечением тяжелой боевой техники и авиации. Опасности подвергнута жизнь мирных жителей. По предупреждению Киева, не исключена возможность нанесения масштабных ракетно-бомбовых ударов по городам.

declared A war ? и мне не нравится "people" своей размытостью: это не "народ", а какие-то неопределенные "люди" где-то. Конечно, "We the people", но как-то кажется "public" или "citizens" конкретнее.

Нельзя "объявить войну посредством танков", и "военная техника" более общее понятие, чем "оружие". В общеМ, мне кажется, лучше передаёт смысл всё ж "with the use of heavy military equipment and aircrafts. Endangered are the lives of innocent people."


Re: Я бы немного поправил... the_arioch April 16 2014, 10:49:45 UTC
Thus, the fascist regime of Ukraine, supported and financed by the USA and the Western European countries has actually started genocide of the Russian-speaking population in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Thus, the fascist regime in Ukraine , supported and funded by governments in United States and Western Europe, essentially started the genocide of Russian-speaking population in the territory of the People's Republic of Donetsk .

Таким образом, фашистский режим Украины, поддерживаемый и финансируемый США и странами Западной Европы, фактически начал геноцид русскоязычного населения на территории Донецкой Народной Республики.

Мне кажется, "essentially" (по своей сути, то что внутри, а не для виду) здесь точнее, чем "actually".

Мне кажется, что вместо counries надо использовать states или даже governments. Враг - не сами европейцы, а их правительства.

A genocide или THE genocide. Наверное, все же A.

"in the territory" звучит неправильно и в неправильном месте ,но как лучше я не знаю, нужны сочувствующие с native English

Образование Донецкой Народной Республики - это объективная реальность, необходимость в которой возникла вследствие полной потери государственности Украины после антиконституционного переворота, и с целью защиты конституционных прав и свобод граждан, проживающих на ее территории.

The creation of the Donetsk People's Republic was a step that became necessary due to complete collapse of the Ukrainian government institutions after the anti-constitutional coup.
It was founded in order to defend constitutional rights and liberties of the people residing in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The foundation of Donetsk People's Republic - is an objective reality, the need for which arose due to the complete loss of Ukrainian statehood after anti-constitutional coup , and to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens living on its territory.

Нафиг creation! это Хунту породили америкосы! а ДНР никто не конструировал, она сама себя основала - founded!

Если мы убираем "объективную реальность", то и step не нужен. The foundation ... became necessary due.... или даже The foundation ... was the only way to protect .... rights and freedoms, after the collapse....

И да, коллапсировало не правительство, а государственность - statehood!!! Правительство чё - одно ушло, другое пришло, они все время меняются. Именно государственность была потеряна, а не кучка-у-кормушки.

Разбиение абзаца на две раздельные фразы тут излишне (тяжеловесно) и просто неправильно. Получилось, что "антиконституционный пререворот был основан ради защиты конституционных прав...".

Residing - это "временно проживающих", туристов. Сравните со словом residual. Это не то.

Being aware that they are the last frontier to defend on the aggressor's way to Russia, the people and the government of the Donetsk People's Republic, the command and personnel of the South Eastern Army hereby declare that the aggressor will be immediately rebuffed as it deserves.

Understanding themselves as the last obstacle in the aggressor 's way towards the destruction of Russia, people and government of the People's Republic of Donetsk , command and staff of the South-Eastern Army have to state that the aggressor will receive decent and immediate rebuff.

Про начало я уже сказал. "The last frontier to defend" звучит странно. Мы - фронтир, который кто-то должен защищать. Obstacle правильно было переведено.

IN the way, не ON. И путь агрессора - не в Россию (на отдых), а к уничтожению России.

Personell - это скорее про корпорации, все же staff. Сравните General Staff или в википедии "Staff (military)"

"hereby declare" - "мы, нижеподписавшиеся". так заключают договора, но не обещают переломить ход событий и подавить волю врага. В вовпросе "кто кого пристрелит" легалез не нужен, стрелять будут из автоматов, а не кодексов. Для hereby declare будет время - на параде победы. Вот тогда будет торжествующее "declare".

"as it deserves" - отсебятина, и я не вижу, чтобы она что-то проясняла или улучшала.


Re: Я бы немного поправил... the_arioch April 16 2014, 10:51:03 UTC
Мы требуем от реакционных кругов США и стран Западной Европы, благословившие киевских режим на силовую операцию, остановить агрессию и прекратить поддержку и финансирование незаконных "властей" Украины.

We demand that the reactionary circles of the USA and the Western European countries, who gave the Kiev regime their blessing to carry out a military operation, should stop aggression and should stop supporting and financing the illegitimate Ukrainian "authorities".

We demand that the reactionary circles the U.S. and Western Europe, who blessed the Kiev military operation, to stop the aggression and to stop supporting and financing illegal "authorities" of Ukraine.

Приблизительно равнозначно. Мой текст мне кажется сжатым и энергичным, а ваш подробнее и точнее (академичне). Но - THE aggression. SHOULD stop гораздо лучше, особенно рядом с demand. но возможно слишком нагло. Лучше наверно WOULD stop. Как я слышал пример, лонджонские полицеские, арестовывая человека, говорят Would, потому что should - это приказ подчинённому, причём выраженный в хамском тоне. Should можно говорить только про себя.

Мы обращаемся к многонациональному народу РФ, к нашим русским братьям, к властям Российской Федерации и лично к Владимиру Владимировичу Путину с просьбой оказать дипломатическую, гуманитарную и, если возможно, военную помощь Донецкой Народной Республике, выступить гарантом ее безопасности, обуздать зарвавшихся карателей, установить мир и обеспечить проведение мирного народного референдума.

We ask the the people of the Russian Federation, our Russian brothers, the authorities of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in person for diplomatic, humanitarian and, if possible, military aid to the Donetsk People's Republic, to act as a guarantor of its security, to curb the brutal death squads, to establish peace and to ensure the holding of peaceful nationwide referendum.

We appeal to the multinational people of the Russian Federation, to our Russian brothers , to the authorities of the Russian Federation and personally Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to give diplomatic , humanitarian and, if possible , military assistance to the People's Republic of Donetsk , to act as a guarantor of its security , to set limits to these Sonderkommandos unleashed by Kiev, to secure the peace and to provide a peaceful public referendum.

Appeal тут правильнее. Многонациональный не надо забывать, хотя я хз как его лучше перевести.

...TO the authorities of the Russian Federation and personally TO Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin...

В контексте помощи FOR гораздо лучще, чем мое TO. Но assistance лучше, чем aid.

"to curb the brutal death squads" такой перевод мне кажется замыленным до непонятности и неестественным. Хорошо перевести не могу, нужно искать носителя языка.

Ensure -> secure. Тут контекст защиты, а не проверки фактов. После "to provide" нужно FOR.

Holding... мне не нравится это слово. Но не знаю, чем заменить.

Nationwide не надо! нам не нужен обще-украинский референдум и не нужно к этому подталкивать даже косвенно.

Просим многонациональный народ РФ, наших русских братьев, власти Российской Федерации и лично Владимира Владимировича Путина рассмотреть вопрос о признании Донецкой Народной Республики, как субъекта международного права, и заключении договор о политическом, экономической и военном сотрудничестве.

We ask the people of the Russian Federation, our Russian brothers, the authorities of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in person to consider extending recognition to the Donetsk People's Republic as an international entity and concluding a treaty of political, economical and military cooperation with it.

We ask the multinational people of the Russian Federation, our Russian brothers , the Government and Vladimir Putin personally to consider recognizing the People's Republic of Donetsk , as a subject of international law , including an agreement on political , economic and military cooperation.

"authorities" - лучше. Extend - тут нечего расширять, тут новое признание "с иголочки"


Re: Я бы немного поправил... the_arioch April 16 2014, 10:51:25 UTC
Мы, люди всех 180 национальностей Донбасса, - русские.
Русскими родились, русскими живем и, если нужно, погибнем.
С нами Бог и Россия.

Враг будет разбит.
Победа будет за нами!

We, the people of all the 180 ethnic groups living in Donbass, are Russians.
We were born as Russians, we live as Russians and we shall die as Russians if need be.
God and Russia are with us.

The enemy will be crushed.
The victory will be ours!

We, the people of all 180 nationalities living in Donbass geographic region, are Russians today. We were born Russian, we do live Russian and if necessary Russian wi would die.

Russia and God are our help.
Enemy is doomed to defeat.
Victory will be ours !

SHALL die - Это обещание. Не дождутся. Только WOULD или CAN
"as Russians" - "как сделали бы русские". Никаких "as", просто прилагательное "russian"

Мне очень ненравится аллюзия на "gott mit uns". "Russia and God are on our side." наверное компромисс между точностью перевода и ловушками.


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